Coca-Cola Funds Scientists Who Shift Blame for Obesity Away From Bad Diets

USA - Coca-Cola, the world’s largest producer of sugary beverages, is backing a new “science-based” solution to the obesity crisis: To maintain a healthy weight, get more exercise and worry less about cutting calories. The beverage giant has teamed up with influential scientists who are advancing this message in medical journals, at conferences and through social media.

The Assault on Donald Trump

USA - Were you sickened by the Republican debate the other night? It turned out to be the most watched program on Fox News ever. A record-shattering 24 million Americans tuned in, and what they witnessed was an expertly orchestrated assault on Donald Trump. We have a system that is deeply, deeply broken and that does not reflect the will of the people. This was illustrated by one of the questions that Trump was asked during the debate…

Report: Bill Clinton Reassured Jeb Bush: “This Trump Thing Will Be Taken Care of”

USA - The call for help has even been issued to Jeb Bush’s seeming Democratic rival – Team Clinton. Apparently Bush operatives believe that between the two political dynasties and their many supporters among the Mainstream Media and corporate business world, the Trump threat can be quickly terminated before it grows into a legitimate challenge to the seemingly pre-determined Bush vs Clinton 2016 showdown.

An ‘unarmed’ white teen was shot dead by police. His family asks: Where is the outrage?

USA - Zachary Hammond was on a first date when he was fatally shot by a police officer in his car during a drug bust in South Carolina, his family says. More than a week after Hammond’s death, his family’s attorney says race is almost certainly playing a role in the disconcerting silence. Unlike the victims in the highest-profile police shootings over the past year — in cities from Ferguson and Cleveland to North Charleston and Cincinnati — Hammond was white.

iPhones 'are killing children's ability to communicate', Tristram Hunt says

UK - iPhones are killing children's ability to communicate, the shadow education secretary has said as he blamed parents for not talking to their children. Tristram Hunt has also said he is concerned poor parenting is “at fault” when it comes to nurturing the “emotional development” of their children instead of letting them scroll down their smartphone.

Cash Will Be Abolished. Here’s Why …Comment

USA - Governments have largely always despised cash. It’s almost impossible to trace, and therefore, tax. And it sustains an underground economy for drug dealers and terrorists. Never mind that there are plenty of good people in the underground economy. The government doesn’t care. They see a rat in the barn, and governments, as they are, are all too ready to burn down the barn to catch the few rats.

Stocks are a 'disaster waiting to happen': Stockman

USA - David Stockman has long warned that the stock market is on the verge of a massive collapse, and the recent price action has him even more convinced than ever that the bottom is about to fall out. "I think it's pretty obvious that the top is in," the Reagan administration's OMB director said Thursday on CNBC's "Futures Now."

Is America headed for an economic collapse?

USA - If so, presidential candidates are remaining eerily quiet about what’s being described as “a huge disaster waiting to happen.” The US stock market is on the verge of a massive collapse, warned David Stockman, OMB director during the Reagan administration, on CNBC’s “Futures Now” program. He said the recent price action has him even more convinced than ever that the bottom is about to fall out.

Germany protests against 'half-finished' Greek bail-out deal

GERMANY - Berlin's finance ministry pushes for more time as Athens says it is "nearly ready" and could vote on a deal within two weeks. Germany will not rush talks over an €86 billion rescue package for Greece as it seeks further guarantees before providing its taxpayer money to keep the cash-strapped country in the eurozone.

Ya’alon: Israel ‘not responsible’ for Iran nuke scientists’ lives

ISRAEL - Israel is not responsible for the lives of Iranian nuclear scientists, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said in an interview published Friday, making a less-than-veiled threat that covert assassination missions blamed on Israel could resume.

Burning of Christian churches in Israel justified, far-Right Jewish leader says

ISRAEL - Head of Lehava, known for violent campaign against Jew-Arab assimilation, risks arrest with public defence of setting fire to Holy Land churches. The leader of a far-Right Israeli group has risked arrest by apparently voicing support for arson attacks on Christian churches amid an official crackdown on Jewish extremism.

Planned Parenthood backlash opens Pandora's Box in Hill budget debate

USA - "Let me say it again," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Republican for Kentucky, warned Tuesday. "No more government shutdowns." Government money expires October 1, the start of the federal fiscal year. The House and Senate haven't sent any annual spending bills to the White House for President Obama to sign. That means lawmakers must prep an interim spending bill (known as a "Continuing Resolution" or "CR") to keep the lights on.

EVEREST WARNING: Unzipped fault line threatens HUGE earthquake

NEPAL - Experts have warned the earthquake that hit Nepal in April released only a small portion of the stress built up along the fault line and that another eruption, even bigger than the first, is set to occur.

Pope to use Lincoln's Gettysburg lectern in Philadelphia

USA - When Pope Francis speaks outside Independence Hall in September, he will stand at the same lectern that President Abraham Lincoln used to deliver the Gettysburg Address. The Union League of Philadelphia said Friday it would offer the simple wooden stand for the pontiff to use during his planned speech on immigration and religious liberty. "Its simple beauty and humble role in one of American history's most important moments reflects, in many ways, Pope Francis' own world view," said Robert Ciaruffoli, president of the World Meeting of Families.

Panama Canal to limit ship draft due to drought

PANAMA - The Panama Canal Authority says it will temporarily cut the draft of ships allowed through because of drought caused by El Nino. From 8 September, the maximum draft - or depth in the water - will be cut to 39ft (11.89m), which may affect up to 20% of traffic. The authorities say a further cut could be imposed on 16 September if the situation does not improve. The authority has taken the action because water levels in the Gatun and Alhajuela lakes have reduced as a result of the El Nino weather phenomenon. Shipping companies had been warned the cuts could be coming. The Panama Canal celebrated its 100th anniversary last year, having seen more than a million ships pass through.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)