California fires: Evacuation orders given to 13,000

USA - Evacuation orders have been given to 13,000 people in California as firefighters struggle to contain some 20 wildfires. Some 9,000 firefighters worked throughout Monday in steep terrain and rugged conditions, officials said. The biggest blaze - the so-called Rocky fire north of San Francisco - has already consumed more than 90 square miles (145sq km) of land. On Monday afternoon the fire jumped a highway that been containing it. The BBC's David Willis reports from Los Angeles that the Rocky fire tripled in size over the weekend, with officials describing its rate of growth as unprecedented. At least 24 homes were destroyed as the blaze was whipped up by winds that fuelled the flames, our correspondent says. "I've never seen a fire act like this one," evacuee Vicki Estrella said. More than 6,000 properties currently lie in the path of the flames.

Super Typhoon Soudelor strongest storm on Earth this year

JAPAN - Storm roaring across the western Pacific Ocean packing wind gusts up to 220 miles per hour as it heads for Japan, Taiwan and China. Super Typhoon Soudelor developed into the world's most powerful storm of the year on Tuesday as it took aim at Japan, Taiwan and China after trashing the Northern Marianas. "I've seen multiple primary power poles down; I've seen cars flipped over the road; I've seen lots of torn roofs," John Hirsh, executive director of the American Red Cross in Saipan, told Pacific Daily News. Damage was "extensive" across the island and there had been significant damage to public infrastructure, he said.

Selfridges opens Christmas shop 143 days before the big day

UK - Christmas has arrived earlier than ever, heralded by the opening of Yuletide concession at Selfridges a full 143 shopping days ahead of the 25th December. Christmas has came early to the central London department store which has transformed 3,000 square feet of its fourth floor into a winter wonderland filled with festive treasures and decorations. Even Father Christmas was present, having taken a day's break from his North Pole workshop to welcome shoppers. "We have so many customers visiting from all over the world and eager to snap up festive souvenirs on their summer holidays, which they can't buy at home. So, we have to make sure we're ready to showcase Christmas decorations they will truly treasure."

Greek banking stocks plunge again as debt crisis dominates

GREECE - Greece's banking stocks plunged for the second day in a row on Tuesday, dragging the main Athens index down and reflecting the country's continuing financial and economic woes. The banking index .FTATBNK, comprising the four major lenders, was down 29.2 percent, virtually at its 30 percent daily limit for losses. It hit the limit on Monday.

Tibi to ‘Post’: There is great anger and rage, could be right before an explosion

ISRAEL - Palestinians feel their lives are worthless and that tensions may be on the verge of exploding, Ta’al chairman Ahmad Tibi told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday. Tibi, who was at the Aksa mosque on the Temple Mount on Sunday morning, said all of the gates were closed, but that some Jewish groups were allowed to enter, which served as an “unnecessary provocation.” “This is adding fuel to the fire,” he said, saying al-Aksa is “a most sensitive place.” “There is great anger and rage,” he said. “This could be the moment right before an explosion.”

Something Catastrophic Is ComingComment

USA - Suppose you were born in the late 1930s. Reports are drifting your way about rumblings concerning Japan and its saber-rattling toward America. In Germany there is a firebrand on the horizon stirring the people to reclaim Germany's glory. Rumors are circulating about a possible invasion of Poland. Winston Churchill is upbraiding his Prime Minister for declaring "peace in our time" after an ill-advised "deal" with Adolf Hitler. Economic storm warnings are increasing and rumors persist about possible rationing if war was to break out. A fascist dictator is coming to prominence in Italy named Benito Mussolini. Catch the drift of where I'm headed?

What Is Going To Happen In September 2015?

USA - Have you noticed that there is a tremendous amount of Internet buzz about the month of September 2015? Never before have I seen so much speculation about what would happen in one particular month. Some people believe that we will see an economic collapse next month, others believe that there will be some sort of historic natural disaster, and others are convinced that the judgment of God is coming.

Congress Motion to Kill Iran Deal Almost Veto-Proof

USA - A new Congressional resolution calling to end the Iran nuclear deal has already received the support of at least 213 Republican lawmakers within just two weeks, and is well on its way to obtaining a two-thirds majority that US President Barack Obama will be unable to veto, according to senior officials. The majority support in the House for the resolution drafted by Representative Peter Roskam (Republican for Illinois) comes during the 60-day Congressional review period of the deal. Having rallied impressive Republican support, Roskam now intends to convince Democrats to support the measure during the August recess so as to ensure Obama's desperate efforts to veto will fail.

Deputy PM: West Doesn't Realize Iran is a Threat to Them As Well

ISRAEL - Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom has warned world powers are eager to appease Iran because they don't understand that Tehran's aggression poses a direct threat not only to its immediate neighbors, but to the West as well.

'I fear that politicians may never regain the trust of the public', says Lord Bew

UK - Chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, Lord Bew, fears the public may never trust politicians again after the Lord Sewel scandal. Lord Bew’s week has not gone as planned. The Chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life had hoped to spend parliamentary recess going over proofs for his new book of Winston Churchill’s legacy in Ireland. But any hopes of pushing ahead with his academic work were shot after spotting the front pages last Sunday having popped to the newsagents from his house in a leafy North Belfast suburb.

“Lord Coke”, read the Sun on Sunday’s splash alongside a photo allegedly showing Lord Sewel snorting cocaine with a £5 note. Within 48 hours, the peer had resigned amid claims he had cavorted with prostitutes.

After five-week shut down, Greek stocks plummet

GREECE - Greece's stock market suffered heavy losses on Monday, plunging nearly 23 percent at the open before recovering slightly, after a five-week shutdown brought on by fears the country was about to be dumped from the euro zone. One fund manager described it as "herd behavior" and said few people were buying. The main Athens stock index was down more than 18 percent in midday trading after an initial plunge that was larger than any one-day loss experienced on the bourse. By contrast, the broad European FTSEurofirst 300 index gained slightly.

Scorching 'heat dome' over Middle East sees temperatures soar to 165F in Iran

IRAN - Iran is buckling under the pressure of a massive heatwave passing across the Middle East, with temperatures soaring to nearly 70C. Scorching heat levels of 50C have already paralysed nearby Iraq, where officials were forced to call a four day public holiday because it was too hot to work. 'That was one of the most incredible temperature observations I have ever seen and it is one of the most extreme readings ever in the world,' said AccuWeather meteorologist Anthony Saglia. It is just a few degrees lower than the highest ever recorded heat index, which was 178F (81C) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on July 8, 2003.

Homosexuals 'Trample Whoever Stands in their Way'

ISRAEL - Jewish Home MK Bezalel Smotrich has been coming under heavy Facebook fire in recent days, from gay rights activists who see him as bearing some responsibility for the murder of Shira Banki, 16, at the gay rights parade in Jerusalem last week. Banki was stabbed by a crazed zealot, along with five other participants in the parade.

Obama Steps Up US Training of Communist Chinese Military

USA - Even as the Communist Chinese dictatorship ruthlessly oppresses the people of China while stepping up its aggressive rhetoric, espionage, and military activities aimed beyond its borders, the Obama administration has been training Beijing’s troops in US military tactics, techniques, and procedures. Critics have long opposed the high-level “mil-mil cooperation” between the US Armed Forces and one of the most brutal autocracies on the planet. At least one US lawmaker has been expressing concerns.

The failure – and future – of democracy in Europe

EUROPE - There’s at least one reason we should be grateful to the Greek people for exposing the European Union’s democratic dysfunction this summer: their recent referendum showed that majority rule is impossible in a multinational union.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)