Schools teaching 'pro-Palestinian extremist agenda’

UK - An “extremist agenda” is being taught to children as young as three, it has been claimed, with the National Union of Teachers accused of “spreading political propaganda” in classrooms by promoting Palestinian “resistance”. The NUT has designed and promoted a teaching resources pack, under a partnership with Edukid, a children’s education charity, which asks teachers to explore themes of Palestinian “occupation, freedom and resistance”.

Puerto Rico triggers historic default as austerity spiral deepens

PUERTO RICO - America's home-grown "Greece" is trapped in a vicious circle as a shrinking economy and an exodus of workers pushes the debt ratio through the roof. Puerto Rico has triggered the biggest municipal default in US history, risking years of bitter legal warfare with creditors and an austerity "death spiral" with echoes of Greece. The island Commonwealth finally ran out of money on Monday after a desperate effort to stay afloat, and missed a final deadline for a $58 million payment - handing over just $628,000. It implies a sweeping default on much of its $72 billion debt burden, equal to 100 percent of Puerto Rico’s gross national product (GNP) and more than five times the debt ratio of California or Texas.

Cost of a third Greek bail-out is likely to be too high for Europe

EUROPE - It is not out of the question now that the final figure for a third Greek bail-out might exceed €100 billion. In mid-July, following marathon negotiations which included serious discussion of whether Greece should now leave the eurozone, it was agreed that negotiations should be opened about giving Greece a third bail-out. That bail-out was expected to be about €85 billion (£59.6 billion). That figure was based upon two important assumptions that have since been, rather dramatically, overturned.

Netanyahu: Iran building ICBMs 'to hit US'

USA - Iran intends to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles to ultimately strike the United States and not Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned during a live webcast addressing the US Jewish community Tuesday. “Iran’s terrorist regime continues to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles,” Netanyahu told Jewish supporters opposed to the Iranian nuclear deal. That agreement, intended by Western powers to rein in Iran’s nuclear weapons development program, will give Iran open access to world markets, billions of dollars in funds and more. Meanwhile, Iranian leaders have claimed it does not even require them to dismantle their facilities. “I want to make it clear to you,” Netanyahu continued. “Iran is not building these ICBMs to hit Israel. They already have missiles that can hit Israel everywhere. They are building these ICBMs to hit you. To hit the United States.”

Corruption in Greece

GERMANY - The Greek government does not exclude the eventuality of indictments of German companies on charges of corruption, according to recent reports, on a contingency plan Athens has prepared for the event that Berlin forces it into state bankruptcy ("Grexit").

Forgotten flaw in Iran nuclear deal

USA - President Barack Obama has in good faith negotiated an agreement with Iran that would end a broad range of economic sanctions on Iran, in return for Iran’s promise to scale back its efforts to build a nuclear bomb. I believe that Congress’s support of the agreement would be a very serious mistake.

Ben Stein: Iran Deal So Bad, It Can't Be an Accident

ISRAEL - Writer, lawyer, actor, comedian and commentator Ben Stein wrote Monday that the deal the Obama administration has reached with Iran is “so bad that it could not be an accident, even for a President as inexperienced and foolish as Mr Obama or a Secretary of State so filled with anger as Mr Kerry.”

Iran: US Banned from Knowing Details of Iran Nuclear Inspection Agreement

IRAN - Iran’s ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said the nuclear inspection organization is barred from revealing to the United States any details of deals it has inked with Tehran to inspect its contested nuclear program going forward, according to regional reports.

Breaking a Taboo: Plans for Euro-Zone Tax Take Shape

EUROPE - After the Greek bailout disaster, Paris, Berlin and Brussels want to reform the euro zone by creating an economic government and a special tax for the currency area. German Finance Minister Schäuble is in favor, but Chancellor Merkel is skeptical.

Pope Francis To Followers: “Koran And Holy Bible Are The Same”

VATICAN - On Monday the Bishop Of Rome addressed Catholic followers regarding the dire importance of exhibiting religious tolerance. During his hour-long speech, a smiling Pope Francis was quoted telling the Vatican’s guests that the Koran, and the spiritual teachings contained therein, are just as valid as the Holy Bible.

Zimbabwe Reveals Shocking Truth About “Cecil The Lion” Animal Rights Groups Are Desperate To Cover Up

ZIMBABWE - Both social media and the progressive mainstream media have been in an uproar over the past few days about the death of “Cecil,” a 13-year-old lion in Zimbabwe. However, it would appear that the outrage surrounding the death of Cecil is what is commonly known as a “First World Problem,” as residents of Zimbabwe were mostly unaware of, and really don’t care about, the death of just another lion. “What lion?” was the response of acting Information Minister Prisca Mupfumira, after being asked about the death of Cecil.

Scientists sound alarm over supercharged GM organisms

UK - A powerful new technique for generating “supercharged” genetically modified organisms that can spread rapidly in the wild has caused alarm among scientists who fear that it may be misused, accidentally or deliberately, and cause a health emergency or environmental disaster.

Former Abortion Clinic Owner: We Pushed Sex Ed on Kids to Create a Market for Abortion

USA - As reported by The Catholic Register, Everett earned a commission for every abortion in addition to a share of the fees charged by each clinic. She says she sold abortion and made big bucks off of the “cash cow” of abortion. A new abortion clinic, she said at the annual Rose Dinner for the National March for Life in Ottawa, would make enough money to pay for itself in a single month.

'Gay marriage' all about attacking Christianity, says author

USA - Aaron and Melissa Klein of Gresham, Oregon, have learned how dangerous it can be to fail to support “gay marriage” in this day and age. The now-infamous bakers refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple and were subsequently slapped with a $135,000 fine from the state of Oregon. Negative national publicity forced them to shut down their bakery, Sweet Cakes by Melissa.

121 Dead: July Was the Deadliest Month in Recent History for Police Killings

USA - Over the years, it has been difficult to tell exactly how many people have been killed by police. So many cases are swept under the rug and totally ignored because the suspect was “guilty” of some small nonviolent offense, or because they ran from the police. Now that people are actually counting, the numbers continue to climb, and it is a very real possibility that these numbers are also climbing because the police are becoming more violent. Either way, we have a very serious problem on our hands that must be understood and addressed by the general population. In a report by Business Insider this week, Chris Weller pointed out that American Cops kill more people in a single day than some countries have in a decade.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)