US City Makes Practicing Christianity a Criminal Offense

USA - The third largest city in the state of Idaho recently announced that its marriage equality ordinance would criminalize wedding chapels that only perform marriages between a man and a woman.

China stocks tumble, suffer biggest one-day loss in eight years

CHINA - Chinese shares tumbled more than 8 percent on Monday amid renewed fears about the outlook for the world's Number 2 economy, reviving the specter of a full-blown market crash that prompted unprecedented government intervention earlier this month.

Boy George: ‘This Is the World I Was Fighting for in 1984’Comment

UK - Back in 1972, a young South Londoner named George Alan O'Dowd saw androgynous glamazon David Bowie on Top of the Pops, and it changed his life. Roughly a decade later, when O'Dowd — now cheekily known as Boy George — famously performed on the same BBC program with his band Culture Club, his appearance had a similarly seismic effect on many starry-eyed pop fans. Wearing full-face kabuki makeup, flowing dreadlocks, and a knee-grazing smock dress, this girlish Boy played with concepts of sexuality and “gender-bending” in a way that was possibly even more radical and shocking in the '80s than Bowie had been in the '70s.

JPMorgan Chase Closes at All-Time High – As Financial Crises Sprout Like ‘08

USA - From the looks of JPMorgan’s share price, one would think the financial world is bathing in a sea of tranquility rather than experiencing crashing commodity prices, tremors in the Eurozone, Canada acknowledging two quarters of contraction, ruptures in China’s stock markets, and energy and mining junk bonds losing 20 to 30 percent in a month.

Greek bail-out talks delayed by Troika security fears

GREECE - International monitors are struggling to find a secure location in Athens to begin sensitive negotiations over a €86 billion rescue package. Talks over a third bail-out programme for Greece have been delayed because the country's international creditors have been unable to find secure premises in Athens.

This Medal of Honor Marine Calls for the “Full Institution of the Second Amendment”

USA - Sergeant Meyer, a Medal of Honor award recipient, took to his Facebook page after the Chattanooga Islamic jihad attack. "This incident IS an act of domestic terrorism, regardless of how Washington spins it, regardless of what nationality, color, creed, or otherwise the shooter was," he wrote. "This was a planned attack on the United States Military on United States soil."

Male Feminist: Men Who Enjoy BBQs Are Oppressing Women

USA - BBQs reinforce gender roles and “the stain of unintentional masculine cliché”. Slate writer and male feminist Jacob Brogan thinks that men should feel guilty for enjoying the inherently misogynistic past time of grilling food on a BBQ. Again I have to remind you – this is not an article out of the Onion, this is not a parody. This is yet another illustration of the ‘everything is sexist/racist’ mental illness that has infected public discourse thanks to social justice warriors.

More than 300 different languages spoken in British schools, report says

UK - More than 300 different languages are now spoken in British schools with English-speaking pupils becoming a minority in hundreds of classrooms, a new investigation has revealed. There are 1.1 million children who speak 311 dialects and in some schools English speakers are the minority, the inquiry revealed. In other schools, no pupil has English as a first language, a Daily Express investigation based on Department for Education data showed. The revelations follow reports earlier this week that the overall number of pupils in state-funded schools in England is projected to increase by 13 per cent to roughly 8.2 million as a result of a baby boom and immigration. In one school 342 of the 360 pupils say Punjabi is their first language while just six are recorded as speaking English, the report said.

Isis plotting to use drones to bomb crowds at major British events

UK - Islamic State (Isis) are plotting to use toy drones to bomb major events like football matches and music festivals in Britain, it emerged today. Terrorists want to use the unmanned machines - available for as little as £100 on the high street - to drop explosives on large crowds at popular sporting and cultural gatherings.

Group to Unveil Satan Statue In Detroit

USA - A group is planning to unveil an 8-foot-tall bronze statue featuring a goat-headed Satan in Detroit during a gathering that’s being billed as the “largest public satanic ceremony in history.”

Olive oil prices surge due to drought and disease in Spain and Italy

EUROPE - Salads have rarely been so expensively dressed after a combination of drought and disease pushed the price of olive oil up 10% so far this year, amid warnings from suppliers that harvests are the worst they have seen. The Italian government has declared a “state of calamity” in the provinces of Lecce and Brindisi on the heel of the country, where olive groves are being attacked by a bacterial disease nicknamed “olive ebola” .

Nancy Pelosi: Investigate Pro-Lifers, Not Planned Parenthood

USA - On Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Democrat for California) proposed that Congress stop looking to investigate Planned Parenthood and instead investigate the Center for Medical Progress, the pro-life organization that recently exposed the abortion conglomerate's sale of baby organs for profit in a series of undercover videos. Pelosi claims they created an unnecessary controversy for no reason.

The Eroding Character of The American People

USA - Americans with good character are being maneuvered into a position of helplessness. As John Whitehead makes clear, the American people cannot even prevent “their police,” paid by their tax payments, from murdering three Americans each day, and this is only the officially reported murders. The actual account is likely higher. Americans are in more danger from police than from terrorists. During the Iraqi war, American police murdered more Americans than the number of US troops killed in combat.

Activists Call to Rebuild Third Temple on Tisha B'Av

ISRAEL - Temple Faithful Movement plans march to demand government 'remove enemies from Temple Mount and rebuild third Temple.' On Tisha B'Av this Sunday, a fast day mourning the destruction of the First and Second Temple, Jewish activists plan to protest against the discrimination against Jews on the Temple Mount and the impunity given to Arab terror-supporters on the holy site, in a call to build the Third Temple.

Politicians: ‘Your Silence Speaks Volumes’Comment

USA - At a Tuesday Senate hearing dedicated to the families who lost loved ones thanks to illegal aliens, Laura Wilkerson gave testimony on her youngest son Joshua’s horrific death while some in the silent audience wept. Wilkerson called on Congress to place American lives and interests over foreigners, especially those illegally living in the country.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)