‘No Comment': NBC Covers Up Evidence of Immigration Crime Wave

USA - Tomorrow, the Judiciary Committee will hear testimony from Americans who lost loved ones to criminal alien violence. On Sunday’s ‘Meet The Press’, Chuck Todd made a declaration that would surprise these devastated families: “We couldn’t find a single study that links violent crime and immigration.”

Capital exodus from China reaches $800 billion as crisis deepens

CHINA - China is reverting to credit stimulus after attempts to engineer a stock market boom failed horribly. The day of reckoning is delayed again. China is engineering yet another mini-boom. Credit is picking up again. The Communist Party has helpfully outlawed falling equity prices. Economic growth will almost certainly accelerate over the next few months, giving global commodity markets a brief reprieve.

China Dumps Half a Trillion Dollars: “Something Is Very, Very Wrong”

USA - We’ve recently reported that China is preparing for something very big in currency markets this October. We then learned that economic models from two very well known financial forecasters are predicting that governments around the world will run into serious problems starting around October 2nd of this year.

Kenyan Pastors to Obama: Don't Bring 'The Gay Talk' Here

KENYA - President Barack Obama heads to Kenya this week for a global economic summit. It will be Obama's first visit as president to his father's homeland. While some hope the trip will bring closer ties between our two countries, there's one subject many Kenyans don't want the president to talk about: gay rights and same-sex marriage.

Media comment: The media’s Temple Mount complex

ISRAEL - Media coverage of the Temple Mount has increased dramatically over the past three years. In the more distant past, only if something extraordinary occurred would there be a media report. For example, if someone in power wished to divert attention from a problem and leaked a hint about an attempt to blow up the Dome of the Rock, the media would splash it across front pages or at the top of the evening news.

Iran nuclear deal: Kerry 'disturbed' by Ayatollah's vow to defy US in Middle East

IRAN - Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader, says "policy towards the arrogant US will not change" despite the nuclear agreement reached in Vienna. The US said on Tuesday it was disturbed by an outburst of anti-American rhetoric from Iran's supreme leader in the wake of the nuclear deal, as fierce debates over the agreement began in both the Iranian parliament and US Congress.

Kerry Says ‘Nobody Has Ever Talked About Dismantling’ Iran’s Nuclear Program, But…

USA - During Thursday’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the Iran nuclear agreement, Secretary of State John Kerry said the goal of the negotiations was never to dismantle Iran’s entire nuclear program but rather to prevent them from obtaining nuclear weapons, despite saying in 2013 the “whole point” of sanctions was to get Iran to “dismantle its nuclear program.”

The Counterfeit Euro is a Democracy-Destroyer

EUROPE - The euro is pulverising European democracy. It is destroying democracy not only in Greece but in all other members of the euro zone. It is also destroying people’s hopes for a real democracy at the European level. It has caused a huge rift from north to south and between the crisis-ridden Euro Zone and EU Member States outside the system. It has replaced trust with hyprocrisy.

History's Lesson: The EU Is a Survivor

EUROPE - Let us also remember the crisis conditions under which Maastricht was negotiated - that is, the unexpected collapse of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe, and then of the Soviet Union itself. The Maastricht achievement was the work of two outstanding leaders of the Franco-German entente: German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and French president Francois Mitterrand. The fundamental deal was French support for German unification in exchange for Kohl's acceptance of monetary union.

Florida Is Facing a Leprosy Outbreak

USA - Diseases you probably thought were obliterated have been making headlines lately. First, there was the measles outbreak at Disneyland this past winter. Then, cases of the plague appeared in Colorado. And now, Florida is seeing a spike in leprosy cases. Yes, leprosy is still around.

Saudi Arabia as Skeptical as Israel over Iran Deal

SAUDI ARABIA - King Salman expresses many of the same concerns Israel has had over Iran deal in meeting with US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter. Saudi Arabia is just as wary of the deal between Iran and the West as Israel is, Saudi state media indicated Wednesday, after King Salman bin Abdulaziz expressed concerns over the Islamic Republic's terror regime and accountability in a meeting with US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter.

Regulators could be responsible for next financial crash

UK - LSE (London School of Economics) report warns that forcing financial institutions to forecast risk in the same way could mean they will all end up being caught unawares. Tighter bank regulation may end up destabilising financial markets and trigger a larger crisis than the 2008 crash, a report has warned.

Commodities crash could turn Australia into a new Greece

AUSTRALIA - The commodities boom made Australia the lucky country but rising debt and a slump in Chinese demand for resources signal tough times ahead Down Under. Last month Gina Rinehart, Australia’s richest woman and matriarch of Perth’s Hancock mining dynasty delivered an unwelcome shock to her workers in Western Australia: accept a possible 10 percent pay cut or face the risk of future redundancies.

USGS Scientist: Major Quake On Hayward Fault Expected ‘Any Day Now’

USA - The fault that produced a 4.0-magnitude earthquake in Fremont early Tuesday morning is expected to produce a major earthquake “any day now” and Bay Area residents should be prepared, a US Geological Survey scientist said. The 2:41 am earthquake on the border of Fremont and Union City occurred on the Hayward Fault at a depth of 5 miles. The epicenter was at a spot just north of the intersection of Niles Canyon Road and Mission Boulevard.

Intel officer warns US of 'digital Pearl Harbor'

USA - A former US intelligence officer who was involved in efforts to identify terrorists prior to the September 11, 2001, attack on the United States is warning China already could have what amounts to Trojan horses embedded inside the software running the nation’s critical infrastructures, according to report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)