Questions Await Germany Over European Army

GERMANY - Europe’s armed forces are undergoing a fundamental transformation. Since the 1990s, European countries have not been able to decide alone about participating in larger military campaigns. Instead, they are dependent on the political approval and military support of their European Union and NATO partners

Renminbi trading in the UK is booming - and the Government loves it

UK - Renminbi trading in London is booming, according to a new report, in a boost to the Government's efforts to forge closer links with China. Forex trading in the Asian currency has grown six-fold in just four years, while total deposits have jumped by more than a third in the past 12 months alone. The report, written by Bourse Consult and published by the City of London Corporation, shows that financial business in China's currency is soaring in the UK capital.

‘Rats leaving a sinking ship’ as China’s equity bubble implodes

CHINA - When does a stock market correction become a crash? Right about now if you’re sat in Shanghai watching the value of your portfolio disappear down the Yangtze River. China’s main stock index is in freefall after enjoying a bull run that saw the Shanghai Composite gain 106 percent in the past year on a wave of exuberance among investors lured by valuations, talk of initial public offerings and the expectation that Beijing will eventually launch a massive fiscal stimulus programme to boost the economy.

Greece talks to go down to the wire amid fears of imminent banking collapse

EUROPE - Deadline pushed to the weekend as Angela Merkel tells Alexis Tsipras to 'shut up' and vows not to submit to Athens' 'blackmail'. Last-ditch debt talks between Greece and its international creditors collapsed for the second time in less than 24 hours raising the prospect of imminent bank closures as the country spirals towards default in five days.

Blame game might be Greece's last best chance of staying in the euro

EUROPE - If his writing career hadn’t panned out, perhaps Douglas Adams could have turned his hand to European politics. “I love deadlines,” the author used to say. “I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by.” There is no doubt that the Greek debt negotiations have reached a fresh pitch of urgency. But is this the eleventh hour, the edge of the precipice or the last-chance saloon? Of course not. There have been dozens of occasions when the various participants could have forced the issue; all of those opportunities have gone whooshing by.

Greek debt crisis: Key dates on the road to a possible Grexit

GREECE - The five-month stand-off between Athens and its bailout lenders has entered its most critical phase. The Greek government on Monday submitted an 11-page economic reform plan that eurozone leaders finally deemed good enough to restart negotiations to release €7.2 billion in rescue funds that Athens desperately needs to meet its debts and keep the government running. But time is running short…

Warren Buffett: Derivatives Are Still Weapons of Mass Destruction

USA - After all these years, the most famous investor in the world still believes that derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction. And you know what? He is exactly right. The next great global financial collapse that so many are warning about is nearly upon us, and when it arrives derivatives are going to play a starring role.

"Ecumenism of suffering" as Christians persecuted

IRELAND - Addressing the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade on May 13 Bishop John McAreavey stated: "The ongoing persecution of Christians is an issue that unites all Christians. Pope Francis has referred to it as ecumenism of suffering." The global persecution of Christians is no secret. Groups such as Isis and Boko Haram use the internet to proudly display their atrocities.

Dartmoor ewe slaughtered in 'Satanic ritual'

UK - Farmer says it the latest in a line of night attacks by devil worshippers across Devon and Cornwall. A rare-breed sheep has been slaughtered on Dartmoor in a Satanic ritual to mark the midsummer solstice. The whiteface Dartmoor ewe was found by a farmer mutilated in a field with one ear and a back leg hacked off and her jugular vein cut. Its lamb was wandering nearby.

EU is stealing Britain's diplomatic influence - we must leave

UK - Since its inception, the European Union has seen a steady increase in its international role and influence, having now gained legal personality, a large diplomatic staff and numerous national offices throughout the world. The ambition of its European External Action Service (EEAS) is likely to continue to grow, and in doing so stifle or contradict British interests.

Temple Mount Turning into “Wild West”

ISRAEL - Temple Mount activists Yehuda Glick and Yehuda Etzion met with Israel’s justice minister on Wednesday to confer over the ongoing tensions and violent acts on the holy site, Arutz Sheva reported. Glick and Etzion called on Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked to ensure that rule of law was applied on the Temple Mount against violent Islamists who attack Jewish visitors as well as allowing Jews, who are routinely banned by the Muslim Waqf, from praying at the holy site.

Things You Didn’t Know About the Civil War

USA - With all of the controversy surrounding the Confederate Flag, and with Apple Inc now removing all civil war related games from their app offerings, we have reached a point where propaganda has begun to outweigh the real truth. The following seven points from Daniel Ameduri of Future Money Trends is an effort to clear up some of the erroneous information being disseminated by agenda-driven politicos and activists:

Economic Slavery for All

USA - While America was distracted by a contrived, pre-planned Confederate flag distraction, the US Congress forfeited the entire economic future of the country by quietly passing so-called “fast-track authority” which will allow President Obama to approve the TPP “free trade” agreement.

‘I’m offended that everyone is offended by something!’

USA - Jordan Thompson is an Infantry Officer in the US Army and a University of Alabama graduate currently attending Samford’s Cumberland School of Law. On Tuesday, Thompson decided he’d had all he could stand of people on his “Facebook newsfeed complaining about every possible thing,” and he decided to unleash an epic post that pretty much sums up the frustrations of living in uber-politically correct America.

EU proposal could mean holiday snaps breach copyrightComment

EUROPE - EU plans to reform copyright law could see Britons facing legal action for publishing photos they have taken of famous landmarks. A new EU proposal could see millions of Britons face legal action for uploading photos of famous UK landmarks onto personal websites or even Facebook pages.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)