EU referendum to be held in October 2016, sources say

UK - Officials in Downing Street and the Foreign Office are understood to be exploring the possibility of holding the vote in the Autumn of 2016 following David Cameron’s renegotiation with Brussels. The in-out referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union will take place in October next year, sources have claimed.

Britain accused of 'hatred and lies' by European Parliament president over stance on EU

EUROPE - Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament, accuses Britain of 'creating barriers' and 'hatred' in furious attack on David Cameron's renegotiation. David Cameron’s drive to reform the EU is driven by “hatred”, “lies” and “national resentment,” the president of the European Parliament suggested tonight in a strongly-worded attack.

Britain staying in Europe looks more and more absurd

UK - One of the ironies lacing our politics is that just as we witness one of the great inevitable catastrophes of the Soviet-style push to a European superstate – the implosion of Greece – so various foreigners beg and bully Britain not to leave the European Union. Have they, I am driven to ask, not eyes to see and ears to hear? It little matters, at the latest emergency summit tomorrow, whether Greece is booted out of the euro, or whether an entirely bogus arrangement is reached to “save” the country for the Great European Project.

The euro was doomed from the start

EUROPE - The Greek crisis epitomises the complete mess that Europe has made of the single currency. Next week will be a momentous one for Europe, with a string of crucial meetings including the summit at which the PM will table his renegotiation demands. We may be focused on our renegotiation but it is Greece which will dominate.

Why the state of Greek hospitals tell us the drachma could be coming

GREECE - The brunt of the austerity has been borne by the provision of medical services and supplies. Greece’s 140 state hospitals saw a 94 percent fall in their budget in the first four months of the year. It’s a cash crisis which could have cataclysmic implications for the country’s fate outside of the euro.

Cold War Resurgent: US Nukes Could Soon Return to Europe

EUROPE - Washington is once again talking about stationing nuclear warheads in Europe. Russia, too, is turning up the rhetoric. Europeans are concerned about becoming caught in the middle of a new Cold War. It's been more than three decades since the vast peace protests took over Bonn's Hofgarten meadow in the early 1980s. Back then, about half a million protesters pushed their way into the city center, a kilometer-long mass of people moving through the streets. It was the biggest rally in the history of the German Federal Republic.

There’s a Pile of Gold in Manhattan. Texas Wants It Back

USA - Texas wants its gold back from the Yankees, wherever they’re keeping it. Governor Greg Abbott signed a law last week to build a depository for its 5,600 bars of the precious metal and, as he said in a statement, “repatriate $1 billion of gold bullion from the Federal Reserve in New York.” The gold, it turns out, isn’t at the New York Fed - it’s in a rented vault in midtown Manhattan - and is worth about $650 million.

One-Third Of All Americans Are On The Edge Of Financial Ruin

USA - Contrary to all of the misleading propaganda spewing from the media, Wall Street and DC about a robust job market and an improving economy, the average American is living hand to mouth. Of course, if they can’t find one of those make-believe jobs created by the Government statisticians, the taxpayer helps the average American live hand to mouth.

Pope says family separation can be 'morally necessary'

VATICAN - Pope Francis said Wednesday that it may be "morally necessary" for some families to split up, marking a change of tone in the Catholic Church's attitude to troubled marriages. "There are cases in which separation is inevitable," he said during his weekly general audience, with a message hoping to encourage greater compassion in the Church ahead of a highly anticipated global meeting on family life in October.

Water level in reservoir formed by Hoover Dam dips to record low

USA - The largest capacity reservoir in the United States has hit its lowest water level in history following years of severe drought that have dramatically reduced flows from the Colorado River, water managers said on Wednesday.

When Shemitah, Blood Moons and the Messiah MeetComment

ISRAEL - Jewish, Christian and secular writers are all focusing their attention on this coming September. Those whose eyes and ears are open understand that the time is pregnant with possibilities for a dramatic End of Days scenario. The end of the current Shemitah cycle, the final blood moon of the current series and worldwide economic instability are all set to converge in the coming months.

Embattled Alexis Tsipras faces domestic revolt

GREECE - Leftist party is forced to defend its plans from extreme left and right-wing critics amid prospect of a government collapse over concessions to creditors. Embattled Greek Prime Minister Alexi Tsipras is facing a revolt within his radical Left party over austerity measures the country must approve to secure its future in the euro.

Greek debt crisis: Tsipras turns on creditors

GREECE - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has criticised Greece's international creditors for failing to accept his government's latest reform proposals. He said that this never occurred with equivalent measures put forward by Ireland and Portugal when they were negotiating bailouts. Either the creditors did not want a deal or were serving "special interests", he added.

Another bout of hyperinflation may be what's needed

GREECE - Greece should leave the euro and then establish a currency board. But Syriza seems to prefer welfare dependency to harsh reality. In looking for areas of common ground between Germany and Greece - quite a search, I can tell you - I eventually stumbled across the following, shared experience; that of hyperinflation. Both of them have relatively recent experience of this economically and socially crippling phenomenon.

Greeks turn to cash as bank crisis looms

GREECE - The atmosphere in the branch of Alpha Bank in central Athens is calm and businesslike. Below the quiet murmur of the tellers, there is little to suggest that Greece is facing a banking disaster that could force it out of the euro. But teller Costas Alafouzos says a steady stream of customers have been taking out their money as expectations have grown that Greece could be facing a decisive turning point after a crisis that has lasted more than five years. "You don't see it, there are no lines but its happening. There has been a rise in withdrawals, mostly in cash this last week," he said.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)