Billions of Dollars of Gold Discovered Under Eilat Mountains

ISRAEL - A treasure-trove of raw gold worth billions of dollars is believed to be sitting under Mount Eilat in southern Israel, Breaking Israel News has learned. In an exclusive interview, Rabbi Yehuda Glick, the Executive Director of The Temple Mount Heritage Foundation in Jerusalem, revealed the news, which had been kept under wraps for the last several years.

Transgendered? Transracial? Now It’s the ‘Transabled'

USA - This is what our politically correct society has wrought. Now we don’t just have men or women who want to be respected as the opposite sex, or white girls who want to be thought of as black girls because they feel they were born the wrong race, but we now have otherwise completely healthy people who feel inside as if they are really disabled people. Some have gone as far as to cut off their own limbs to really be the disabled person they feel they are inside (and get that handicapped parking tag).

US 'to help Nigeria search for stolen money'

NIGERIA - The US and other countries have agreed to help Nigeria recover money stolen from the government, President Muhammadu Buhari has said. The new president said on Tuesday that the country's treasury was "virtually empty". He vowed to recover billions of dollars "stolen" under previous administrations.

Greek debt crisis: Eurozone leaders hopeful of dealComment

EUROPE - Eurozone leaders have broadly welcomed new proposals for Greek reforms amid hopes a deal can be struck within days to stop Greece defaulting on its debt. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Greece's latest offer constituted "some progress". But she said more work was needed and "time is short". Greece must repay a €1.6 billion (£1.1 billion) International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan by the end of the month.

Greek debt crisis: How did Greece get in this mess?

GREECE - Five years into its austerity regime, the Greek government has once again had to go cap in hand to its creditors and ask for more money. But the country's complex tax system seems to be one of its biggest hindrances. The former head of Greece's tax collection agency, raising taxes in the midst of the financial crisis, told the BBC "it was not an easy job to do".

For everybody’s sake, it is time for the EU to set Greece’s economy free

EUROPE - Allowing Greece to thumb its nose at those who try to live within their means would be far more risky than letting it leave the euro. In practice, this makes it very difficult for the European establishment to accept that Greece could ever possibly leave the euro. This will almost certainly turn out to be the EU’s downfall.

France must provoke 'diplomatic incident' with UK over migrants, says Calais mayor

FRANCE - Calais mayor Natacha Bouchart calls on French government to spark "diplomatic incident" with UK over migrant crisis, saying Britain must either adopt Schengen border rules or "leave" the EU.

US-EU free trade deal threatens European sovereignty and security – German MP

RUSSIA - The political standoff between the West and Russia has put many through difficult times. Russia is living through a severe crisis, exacerbated by EU sanctions – but that’s as business in Europe also is in trouble, as the loss of a major partner has dealt a blow to prosperity. Can the European Union afford the confrontation, given the state some of its economies are in, and the dissent that is growing within some member states? Does the EU even need this confrontation – or is it simply following some larger agenda?

How ISIS’s ‘Attack America’ Plan Is Working

USA - Fear and concern over ISIS-inspired terrorist attacks on US soil have been turned up a notch in the last couple months, thanks to ISIS’ thriving social media campaign. A State Department report released Friday, officially lists ISIS as the world’s leading terror organization, citing not only the rapid advance and particular brutality of the group, but also their “adroit” use of social media and ability to inspire lone wolf attacks.

US Is At ‘The Highest Threat Level’

USA - The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee warns that America is dealing with “the highest threat level we have ever faced in this country.” Representative Devin Nunes, Republican for California, told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday that the threat is coming from the radicalization of young people and foreign fighters heading to Iraq and Syria to join terror groups.

Iranian Parliament Chants “Death to America” – Votes to Ban Nuclear Inspections

IRAN - The Iranian parliament voted overwhelmingly to ban nuclear inspections as part of a future deal with world powers. It doesn’t seem to matter what they do. Obama’s going to go ahead with a meaningless treaty, regardless. With some lawmakers chanting “Death to the America,” Iran’s parliament voted Sunday to ban access to military sites, documents and scientists as part of a future deal with world powers over its contested nuclear program.

The simple scam which cost innocent people £23 million last year

UK - Fraudsters created the illusion they were calling from banks and other genuine organisations to persuade victims to simply transfer their money straight into thieves' accounts. Fraudsters stole more than £23 million from members of the public last year using a bizarrely simple scam over the telephone.

More than two thirds of all Americans now obese or overweight

USA - A majority of Americans are either obese or overweight, a major new study has found, showing an increase of more than 10 per cent since the 1990s. The new figures also show that the number of obese people outweighs those who are merely overweight for the first time. The survey, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, showed that 75 per cent of men and 67 per cent of women ages 25 and older are now overweight or obese. This compares with 20 years ago when 63 per cent of men and 55 per cent of women were overweight or obese. There have been several high profile attempts to tackle the problem of obesity, such as Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign. However, the new figures show that the issue of obese and overweight Americans is a growing problem.

No Rolling Mainstream Media Coverage of Two Other Mass Shootings

USA - While the nation’s mainstream media continues to obsess over the heinous Charleston shooting, two other mass shootings occurred this past weekend in Detroit and Philadelphia, but were barely covered at all, despite the fact that 19 people were shot and 1 person killed. In Detroit Saturday night, one person was killed and 9 were wounded after a block party turned into a mass shooting. A similar situation unfolded in Philadelphia… Baby is among 10 shot at Philadelphia cookout and block party.

The euro does not have a problem... IT IS THE PROBLEM

EUROPE - Europe’s leaders must face the truth that the single currency now poses fundamental threat to global financial stability. There will be a temptation to gloat over the Greek crisis over the next week and a queue of people waiting to say “I told you so”. Both would be unwise.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)