A giant reservoir of magma beneath the Yellowstone Supervolcano

USA - The newly found reservoir lies 12-28 miles below the surface, and is four-and-a-half times larger than the shallower, hot melted rock zone that powers current Yellowstone geysers and caused the caldera's last eruption some 70,000 years ago. The volume of the newly imaged, deeper reservoir is a whopping 11,000 cubic-miles (46,000 cubic kilometers), which is about the volume of Long Island with 9 miles of hot rock piled on it, or 300 Lake Tahoes. The discovery begins to fill in a gray area about how Yellowstone connects to a far deeper plume of heat rising up from the Earth's mantle.

US shale fights OPEC to a standstill

USA - Continental's Harold Hamm says US shale industry has 'only begun to scratch the surface' of vast and cheap reserves, driving growth for years to come. The US shale industry has failed to crack as expected. North Sea oil drillers and high-cost producers off the coast of Africa are in dire straits, but America's "flexi-frackers" remain largely unruffled.

Grexit: Remaining In The Eurozone Is No Longer ‘The Base Case’ For Greece

EUROPE - According to the Wall Street Journal, Greece staying in the eurozone is no longer “the base case” for European officials, and one even told the Journal that “literally nothing has been achieved” in negotiations with the new Greek government since the Greek election almost three months ago. In other words, you can take all of that stuff you heard about how the Greek crisis was fixed and throw it out the window.

Chilean volcano erupts for first time in 40 years

CHILE - A volcano in Chile that has lain dormant for more than 40 years has suddenly erupted, causing a thick plume of ash to cloud the sky while thousands of people living in its shadow were forced to flee. Volcano Calbuco, in the country's south, is believed to be among the three most dangerous of Chile's 90 active volcanoes, but was not under any special observation before it suddenly sprung into life at around 6pm local time.

Bastrop County, Texas Residents Oppose Jade Helm

USA - Officials with JADE HELM 15, as the training is called, will lay out details of their months-long training to commissioners at their Monday, April 27 Commissioner Court meeting. Officials say the training, which will be held in Bastrop County from July 15 to September 15, will develop techniques and tactics needed by the military to defend US interests around the globe.

Chinese Scientists Tweaking Genes of Human Embryos

CHINA - The genome-editing enzyme known as CAS9 at work on a strand of DNA.A group of Chinese scientists just reported that they modified the genome of human embryos, something that has never been done in the history of the world, according to a report in Nature News.

It Just Cost Deutsche Bank $25,000 Per Employee

GERMANY - It Just Cost Deutsche Bank $25,000 Per Employee To Keep Its Libor Manipulating Bankers Out Of Jail. And so another historic scandal involving the manipulation and rigging of one of the most important global markets, that of Libor which is the reference security for several hundred trillion in derivatives, goes in the history books.

It’s Now Illegal to Use Cash to Buy Used Goods in this State

USA - Holding a garage sale? Well, that’s a problem if you live in this 1 state. Because they just passed a bill BANNING the use of cash in 2nd-hand sales. If you’re scratching your head like we are, then you’re a normal person. How in the world does a state ban cash? But forget common sense… we’re talking about politicians here! Specifically, politicians in the state of Louisiana.

‘Killing Jews is Worship’ posters will soon appear on NYC

USA - New Yorkers are used to aggressive advertising. Banners for breast implants. Billboards for condoms. But a federal judge’s ruling has opened the door for far more controversial posters on buses and subways across the city. “Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah,” reads one such ad next to the image of a young man in a checkered headscarf. “That’s His Jihad. What’s yours?”

Greek markets hit by jitters as Athens fights emergency cash raid

GREECE - Stocks fall to their lowest level in three years on fears Greece's plans to raid local coffers will be blocked by municipalities. The government plans to generate up to €2 billion by seizing reserves in commercial banks. Greek markets have tanked to their lowest level since the country underwent a private sector debt restructuring in 2012, on fears the government will run out of cash to pay its public sector wage bill and service international debts.

Stunned Greeks React To Initial Capital Controls

GREECE - Earlier today, following weeks of speculation, Greece finally launched the first shot across the bow of capital controls, when it decreed that due to an “extremely urgent and unforeseen need” (ironically the need was quite foreseen since about 2010, but that is a different story), it would be “obliged” to transfer – as in confiscate - “idle cash reserves” located across the country’s local governments (ie various cities and municipalities) to the Greek central bank.

New carpets at Dome of Rock spark religious row, rekindle Holy Ark mystery

TEMPLE MOUNT, ISRAEL - Archaeologists fume as new rugs laid at Jerusalem shrine, covering geometric patterns that some claim point to sacred Temple artifact hidden beneath. It began as a routine remodelling project: Muslim authorities replacing an old carpet worn thin by masses of worshipers at the Dome of the Rock, the iconic, gold-topped shrine that overlooks the Old City of Jerusalem.

Police Flout Court Ruling on Jewish Temple Mount Prayer

TEMPLE MOUNT, ISRAEL - 'The court can say whatever it wants - the police have a policy here,' officer tells group who tried to say prayer for fallen soldiers. Activists have posted online the first recorded evidence of police openly flouting a recent court ruling which demanded Jews be allowed to pray on Jerusalem's Temple Mount.

Judge gives chimpanzees human rights for the first time

USA - For the first time in US history, a judge has decreed that a pair of chimpanzees held at a university research facility are covered by the same laws that govern the detention of humans, effectively rendering the animals as legal "people" in the eyes of the law.

Are the Germans going to crash the world economy?

GREECE - As Greece squeezes by without a “Grexit” — earlier this week eurozone ministers approved a four-month bailout extension — markets, politicians, pundits are far calmer today than they were a few years ago. Back then, in the fall of 2011, the prospect of a eurozone without Greece sent global markets into turmoil. Granted, it was bad year, what with a near-US debt default and pervasive fears of a European Monetary Union undone by mountains of bad bank debt.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)