Yemen conflict: Saudi-led coalition resumes air strikes

YEMEN - Saudi-led coalition jets have bombed Houthi rebels in Yemen's third city of Taiz, hours after announcing the end of a military campaign against them. The strikes followed the fall of the base outside Taiz of an army unit loyal to President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Flash Crash trader Navinder Singh Sarao granted £5.05 million bail

UK - Mr Sarao, 36, the British trader accused of causing the £500 billion Wall St "flash crash", is appearing at Westminster Magistrates' Court where he is fighting an attempt to extradite him to the US. He has been granted bail in the sum of £5.05 million, and is expected to leave court later this afternoon.

Flash crash case suggests small can be systemic

UK - The flash crash of five years ago resurfaced with a bombshell on Tuesday. Prosecutors at the US Department of Justice alongside the Commodity Futures Trading Commission have accused one self-employed UK trader of manipulating futures markets so much that he contributed to the five-minute, 1,000-point plunge in the Dow Jones Industrial Average on May 6, 2010.

How the fall of Qaddafi gave rise to Europe's migrant crisis

LIBYA - Last year, a record 170,000 refugees flooded across the Mediterranean, traveling in large part out of Libya and arriving in Italy. In January, more than 3,500 refugees and migrants reached Italy from Libya, a 60 percent increase from January 2014. They come from all over Africa and the Middle East.

WSJ Editor Tells Israel to Ignore World after Obama Betrayal

ISRAEL - In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist and deputy-editor of the paper Bret Stephens argued on Monday that due to US President Barack Obama's irreversible actions, the US doesn't have Israel's back anymore - and Israel should learn to stand on its own. In the opinion piece entitled "Israel Alone," Stephens reported that in his recent conversations with senior Israeli officials they have shown "a sense of incredulity. They can’t understand what’s become of US foreign policy."

If Greece Collapses, Who Will Follow?

GREECE - Since at least 2011, Greece has been living on borrowed time. One EU/IMF bailout after another has somehow kept the bankrupt nation afloat, but now time is running out and so is their cash. In an unprecedented move, the government commanded all state-owned enterprises to transfer their cash reserves to the central bank (Bank of Greece), ostensibly so the government can pay mundane things like government wages to government workers.

Greece Remains Defiant

GREECE - US President Barack Obama and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi both called on the Greek government to do more to resolve the standoff amid depleting cash reserves. Greek officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Yannis Dragasakis, stood their ground.

“We want a viable solution within the euro,” Dragasakis said in an interview published Sunday in Athens-based To Vima newspaper. Still, “we don’t budge from our red lines.”

ECB to fund Greek banks as long as they stay solvent

EUROPE - The European Central Bank will continue to fund Greek banks as long as they stay solvent and have enough collateral, Executive Board Member Benoit Coeure told a newspaper on Wednesday, dismissing talk that Athens might ditch the euro.

Why Google Is the New Evil Empire

USA - A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there was a Galactic Empire, a beady-eyed Emperor and his heavy-breathing sidekick, Darth Vader. Ever since, we’ve identified the corporate villains we love to hate. We had AT&T in the 70s, IBM in the 80s, and the evil empire of the 90s was of course Microsoft and Bill “The Conqueror” Gates. Today we have Google!

Big Pharma has Captured the Scientific, Regulatory, Law-making Processes

USA - In this address given on the California Capitol steps in Sacramento Robert Kennedy Jr provides an inspired and detailed analysis of the extent to which the powerful pharmaceutical cartel has effectively captured the nation’s scientific, regulatory, and law-making processes.

Precious waste: 300 tons of gold end up in landfills in 2014

UNITED NATONS - A dangerous amount of toxic waste, 1,000 tons of silver and 300 tons of gold were dumped across the world in 2014 due to inadequate recycling - says a recent United Nations University study. Precious metals are used as components for household appliances and electronic gadgets. Almost 42 million tons of such 'e-waste' were simply thrown away in 2014.

Nazi invasion of London EXPOSED

UK - Nazi sympathisers, Holocaust deniers and their supporters from across the world have held a sickening secret rally in Britain at which speakers unleashed anti-Semitic rants, referring to Jews as ‘the enemy’ and ‘children of darkness’.

How the great almond health fad has turned drought-hit California into a dustbowl

USA - Small, brown and infinitely snackable, the almond seems so inoffensive. And yet just as this latest health food is supposed to be transforming our lives, battling high cholesterol and heart attacks, it is having a ruinous effect on the planet. The nut that frequently appears in the Bible as a symbol of fruitfulness and promise has been dubbed ‘the Devil’s nut’, pinpointed as the chief culprit in an eco-disaster that is developing in California.

5.3 million Iowa laying hens to be destroyed in bird flu outbreak

USA - About 5.3 million laying hens in northwest Iowa will be destroyed after tests confirmed a second outbreak of avian influenza in the state, the US Department of Agriculture said Monday. It's the largest operation in the nation to be hit with the virus since December, federal documents show. The commercial egg-laying facility, located in Osceola County, more than doubles the number of birds destroyed so far in the country because of the disease.

Saudi-led coalition ends military operation in Yemen

SAUDI ARABIA - The threat to Saudi Arabia has been removed, but a Saudi spokesman says the country will impose a naval blockade on Yemen and target any movements by the Houthis. A Saudi-led coalition declared an end to its military campaign four weeks after launching air strikes against rebels in Yemen, saying their threat to Saudi Arabia and its neighbours had been removed.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)