The world’s largest free trade zone is coming – what will it mean?

USA/EU - The EU and US are in talks to create the world’s biggest free trade zone, claiming it will make both regions richer than ever. But critics question the alleged economic benefits of the deal – called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – and say the inclusion of investor-state settlement dispute clauses will undermine democracy.

Thousands in Germany protest against Europe-US trade deal

GERMANY - Thousands of people marched in Berlin, Munich and other German cities on Saturday in protest against a planned free trade deal between Europe and the United States that they fear will erode food, labor and environmental standards.

Greek banks ‘close to collapse’ as debt soars

GREECE - Greek debt costs leapt yesterday as the French central bank warned that the banking sector in Athens is on the verge of collapse. The euro fell 0.6 per cent to $1.074 after International Monetary Fund and G20 meetings in Washington held out little progress on the prospect of Greece satisfying creditors to unlock €7.2 billion in financial aid by the end of the month.

FBI admits it fudged forensic results for decades

USA - Of 28 examiners with the FBI Laboratory’s microscopic hair comparison unit, 26 overstated forensic matches in ways that favoured prosecutors in more than 95 per cent of the 268 trials reviewed so far, according to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) and the Innocence Project, which are assisting the government with the country’s largest post-conviction review of questioned forensic evidence.

JADE HELM 15: Alarmist Claims About Upcoming Exercise

USA - US Army Special Operations Command is pushing back against alarmist claims that an upcoming US military exercise is a preparation for imposing martial law or subduing right-leaning groups and individuals. Conspiracy theories about the exercise, known as JADE HELM 15, appeared online this week.

US Removing 24 Apaches from Europe

GERMANY - The US Army plans to transfer 24 attack helicopters from Germany to Alaska over the next two years as part of a larger cost-saving aviation plan, according to a senior Army official, but the move could send mixed signals as Washington tries to reassure European allies amid Russian aggression.

Saudi Arabia signals a more muscular foreign policy less reliant on US

SAUDI ARABIA - Just weeks into the reign of Saudi Arabia's new ruler, King Salman, wars were raging across two of the kingdom's borders. To the north, Sunni Muslim extremists were threatening the stability of Iraq, which sought help from another of its neighbors, Saudi nemesis Iran.

Caveat creditor as IMF chiefs mull unpayable debts

USA - The International Monetary Fund has sounded the alarm on the exorbitant levels of debt across the world, this time literally. The theme trailer to its fiscal forum on the 'political economy of high debt' plays on our fears with the haunting tension of a Hitchcock thriller.

Swarm of killer hornets make a beeline for Britain

UK - Millions of huge killer hornets which eat bees and have caused the deaths of six people in France, could be heading to Britain because of the warm Spring, experts have warned. Asian hornets, which are nearly three inches long, are far more vicious than smaller varieties and carry a much more powerful sting.

Why Putin's money won't be enough to save Greece

GREECE - Greece's overtures towards Moscow seemed to have reaped some dividend. According to reports at the weekend, the Kremlin is willing to offer cash-strapped Athens a sweetener of up to €5.4 billion as advance payment for a planned natural gas pipeline running through the country.

Pope in Historic Meeting with Rabbis

VATICAN - Current “anti-Semitic trends in Europe” are a cause for worry, said Pope Francis Monday morning, as are accompanying “acts of hatred and violence.” In a historic encounter, Francis met in the Vatican with a delegation from the Conference of European Rabbis, the first time a pope has ever met with the Conference.

Women defy Western Wall ban and read from full-size Torah

ISRAEL - Women of the Wall fulfils 25-year-old goal, in violation of Kotel regulations; police question man for handing Torah scroll to feminist group. Women of the Wall, a group of women fighting for freedom of worship at the Western Wall, fulfilled a longstanding goal of reading from a full-size Torah scroll at the Western Wall on Monday morning, in violation of regulations at the holy site.

Mystery of the dust storms sweeping the world

UK - This year has seen a rash of massive dust storms around the world that have led to travel chaos and blocked out sunlight - but experts cannot pinpoint the reason behind the spate. This week incredible footage showed the moment an unusual 'apocalyptic' dust storm, known in Arabic as a haboob, struck Belarus, turning day to night, and China has suffered four massive sandstorms since the start of the year.

‘Worst in decade’ storm rages in Australia

AUSTRALIA - A powerful storm hitting Australia’s New South Wales (NSW) coast has killed at least three people so far and left thousands without power. The gusts of wind averaged 100km/h and some 30cm of rain fell in some areas, many times more than usual. The average yearly amount of precipitation in the region is 5.5cm.

The Global Liquidity Squeeze Has BegunComment

USA - Get ready for another major worldwide credit crunch. Today, the entire global financial system resembles a colossal spiral of debt. Just about all economic activity involves the flow of credit in some way, and so the only way to have “economic growth” is to introduce even more debt into the system.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)