Looming Greek 'crunch' threatens fresh global crisis, warns Osborne

UK - Chancellor says a miscalculation from either side could plunge Europe back into full-blown turmoil. George Osborne has warned that Greece's battle with Europe's creditor powers is nearing a "crunch" point and threatens to detonate a fresh global crisis if mishandled over the next days and weeks.

Europe ready for Grexit contagion as Athens gets closer to Russian cash

EUROPE - Mario Draghi sends warning shot that Greek threats to unleash mayhem will not give way to leniency. The European Central Bank has warned that a rupture of monetary union and Greek exit from the euro could have dramatic consequences, but insisted that it has enough powerful weapons to avert contagion.

Bloody battle for Iraq develops into a war on two fronts

IRAQ - A struggle for control of Iraq is taking place on two fronts, each with a starkly different balance of power. The one skill that almost every Iraqi civilian learns is how to flee quickly. This week, it was the turn of the people of Ramadi to escape in their thousands as gunmen from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) advanced into their city.

Arab world: Egypt’s dangerous stalemate

EGYPT - Despite his all-out effort to defeat Islamic terrorism and insurgency, President Sisi has yet to achieve the results needed to prevent the country slipping back into anarchy and chaos. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is fighting for his country’s survival – and his own.

Merkel Says Free Trade Zone Between Germany, Russia Possible

GERMANY - The German chancellor said Germany is interested in economic cooperation with Russia, despite the current political differences between the two countries. The creation of a free trade zone between Germany and Russia is possible in the future, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said during an economic forum in Stralsund. "In the long view it is possible to create a large free trade zone, including with Russia," Merkel said.

How sleepy Finland could tear apart the euro project

FINLAND - Europe's biggest cheerleader for austerity is heading to the polls, and its stance on Greece threatens to catalyse a break-up of the union. Finland is the unlikely stage for the latest turn in Greece’s interminable debt drama this weekend. With events having decamped temporarily to Washington DC, Athens will be keeping half an eye on developments in Helsinki, where the Nordic state of just 5.4 million people heads for the polls on Sunday.

Horror of trapped migrants' final moments

EUROPE - Hundreds of terrified migrants drowned on board a smuggler boat because they were locked in the ship's hold when it capsized, a survivor revealed today. More than 900 people – including 200 women and up to 50 children – are feared dead after the boat overturned in the one of the worst maritime disasters since the end of World War Two.

Pope urges world action to stop more migrant disasters

VATICAN - Pope Francis, speaking after some 700 migrants were feared dead in the Mediterranean, on Sunday appealed to the international community to take swift and decisive action to avoid more tragedies. Pope Francis made his strongest appeal yet on Sunday for international intervention to end the migrant crisis, saying the latest people to die "are men and women like us, our brothers seeking a better life".

‘Free range’ parents’ rights slam up against child abandonment laws

USA - Maryland parents who left their two children unsupervised in park have pushed the issue of parental rights into the national spotlight and sparked a firestorm of a debate over the degree to which the government should intervene in child-rearing practices.

Xenophobic attacks on the rise in South Africa

SOUTH AFRICA - President Jacob Zuma has cancelled a planned trip to Indonesia to deal with a wave of xenophobic attacks, which saw 30 people arrested in Johannesburg in the early hours of Saturday. When a mob hammered on the door of Nkululeko Dlomo's township home in Durban, South Africa, ordering him to leave his possessions and go, his first instinct was to fight for the life he had built.

Mysterious disease kills patients within 24 hours

NIGERIA - A mysterious disease that kills patients within 24 hours has claimed at least 18 lives in a south-eastern Nigerian town, the government says. "Seventeen people have died of the mysterious disease since it broke out early this week in Ode-Irele town," said Ondo state government spokesman Kayode Akinmade.

GSK Vaccine Recall

USA – GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) have ordered a recall of their 4 in 1 vaccine called Flulaval Quadrivalent Thimerosal “due to effectiveness issues”. GSK said “the vaccine might cause more harm than good because it is not good enough to protect someone from the current flu strains present in the US.”

Juncker drops EU renegotiation bombshell on Cameron

EUROPE - It shouldn't really surprise anyone, but it's a bombshell for David Cameron in the middle of the election campaign. Unelected EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker makes clear no treaty changes are even possible until 2019 - two years after the planned referendum. Serious EU renegotiation has now been flatly ruled out.

The relentless march to a more united Europe

EUROPE - This week President Francois Hollande assured Germany's Mrs Merkel that the French local election results would make no difference to France’s economic policy despite the poor showing for his party. He confirmed that France would try to stick to the Euro disciplines. In practice France is finding it too difficult to hit the deficit target, but apparently wants to. Meanwhile France and Germany signed up to further joint projects to reinforce the merging of their two economies within the Eurozone and its common framework.

Vatican aligns with UN on 'world governance'

VATICAN - The UN general secretary’s appearance at an upcoming Vatican event promoting a worldwide movement to combat climate change coupled with a pontifical paper calling for the establishment of a global political, economic and financial authority cultivated by the UN has caught the attention of an author who believes the developments support predictions in his 2012 book.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)