German army to procure more than 100 additional Leopard 2 tanks

GERMANY - Germany plans to procure more than 100 additional Leopard 2 tanks, a government spokesman said on Friday, as it seeks to ensure its troops are ready for action in response to concerns over recent Russian assertiveness. The decision to restock its military comes as NATO tries to hasten the response time of its rapid reaction force following Russia's annexation of Crimea last year and conflict in Ukraine. "The ministry has decided to raise the upper limit for the future to 328," a defense ministry spokesman told a regular government news conference on Friday, confirming a report by German magazine Spiegel.

Ayatollah Khamenei calls nuclear framework agreement non-binding

IRAN - In first official comments on framework agreement, Iran's supreme leader says nothing is finalized, and notes that inspectors will not be allowed into military facilities under the pretext of nuclear supervision. In his first official remarks about the framework agreement between Iran and Western powers, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said on Thursday that nothing is finalized, and therefore the understandings remain non-binding.

Saudi Arabia and Iran Vie for Regional Supremacy

SAUDI ARABIA - A Saudi Arabia-led coalition continues to bombard Yemen in an effort to stop the advance of an Iran-backed Shiite militia there. The conflict is becoming a proxy war for regional supremacy. The risks to the House of Saud are great. There isn't a direct connection between the hostilities and the surprisingly comprehensive deal reached between the West and Iran on the country's nuclear program on Thursday night. But aside from Israel, no country views the pact with as much skepticism as Saudi Arabia.

New Islamic State Video Calls for Attacks on the American Homeland, Promises Another 9/11

USA - The Islamic State has released a new 11-minute video called “We Will Burn America” that calls for supporters to attack the American homeland and promises another 9/11. At this juncture I would note the New York Times’ front page article on December 29 that described how America’s top war fighters, namely Special Operations Command, freely admit that they don’t understand the ideology driving ISIS and other Islamic terror groups: Major General Michael K Nagata, commander of American Special Operations forces in the Middle East, sought help this summer in solving an urgent problem for the American military: What makes the Islamic State so dangerous?

Netanyahu: Iran Cannot Be Trusted

ISRAEL - Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu kept up his assault on the framework nuclear deal between world powers and Iran, warning late Saturday that the Islamic republic could not be trusted. It was the latest attack on the controversial deal under which Iran would allegedly curtail its nuclear activities in exchange for relief from punishing economic sanctions.

Why healthy eating may be the new eating disorder

UK - Orthorexia nervosa, the 'health food eating disorder', gets its name from the Greek word ortho, meaning straight, proper or correct. This exaggerated focus on food can be seen today in some people who follow lifestyle movements such as 'raw', 'clean' and 'paleo'. American doctor Steven Bratman coined the term 'orthorexia nervosa' in 1997 some time after his experience in a commune in upstate New York.

Pope Francis 'refuses' gay French ambassador

VATICAN - Pope Francis' reputation as liberal takes a knock over reports that he rejected the nomination of a new French ambassador to the Vatican on the grounds that he was a homosexual. Pope Francis has reportedly barred the nomination of a close aide of President Francois Hollande as new French ambassador to the Vatican because he is gay. The apparent rejection calls into question the pope's reputation as holding more liberal views on homosexuality.

Pope Francis Urges Quick Action on Climate Change

VATICAN - As the world grapples with combating climate change, one world leader aiming to influence the outcome might come as a surprise. The leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics not only says the world must try to protect against an environmental catastrophe regardless of its cause, but he is preparing the first ever papal letter to the church’s bishops focused on the environment.

100,000 Italians sign petition for eurozone exit referendum

ITALY - Italy’s Five Star Movement (M5S) party has collected more than 100,000 signatures on a petition calling for a law that would allow a referendum on withdrawal from the eurozone. M5S MP Carlo Sibila says he expects a referendum to take place at the start of next year.

Save Our Soil

USA - For the first time in modern history, an entire year has been dedicated to dirt. The 68th United Nations General Assembly has declared 2015 the International Year of the Soils. And not a minute too soon, if you put any stock in Franklin D Roosevelt’s 1937 warning: “The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.”

Milk-free cheese made using human DNA strands

USA - San Francisco-based iGem group said it found a way to make cheese proteins using genetic sequences found in mammals. The DNA blueprints are inserted into the yeast, which creates cheese that is vegan-compatible because of the lack of animal products.

Feds declare drought emergency in 13 Oregon counties

USA - Oregon's worsening drought has triggered a federal disaster loan program in 13 Oregon counties. The US Small Business Administration announced Friday that low-interest loans meant to offset economic losses associated with the drought are now available for small, nonfarm businesses in Grant, Jackson, Baker, Crook, Douglas, Harney, Josephine, Klamath, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union and Wheeler counties, as well as California's Siskiyou County.

The Next Crime Wave in Farm Country: Stealing Water

USA - Madera County sits smack in the middle of the state, and it’s mostly farms. As in many parts of the Valley, wells have gone dry here and water prices have soared. Thieves, who’ve been increasingly targeting rural farms, are starting to understand that anything water-related is a potential bonanza.

Germany snubs Greece's war reparations call as 'dumb'

GERMANY - Germany snubbed Greece's call for more than 278 billion euros ($306 billion) in war payments Tuesday, calling it "dumb" to mix World War II claims with Athens' negotiations for more aid. Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said calls for reparations for the brutal four-year Nazi occupation of Greece only hampered progress on efforts to financially shore up Athens as it battles its massive debt mountain.

Alexis Tsipras risks fresh schism with Europe

GREECE - Leftist leader uses Kremlin visit to assert Greece will forge an independent foreign policy as his near-bankrupt government courts eastern suitors. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras ramped up his defiance towards eurozone creditors on Wednesday, using a visit to the Kremlin to assert that his country’s sovereignty remained undiminished in the wake of its protracted debt crisis.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)