Netanyahu Sends Very Blunt Message to Obama Following Announcement of Iran Deal

ISRAEL - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a very blunt message to President Barack Obama Thursday following the announcement of a tentative deal with Iran aimed at curbing the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. Netanyahu told the president that the current framework would threaten the survival of Israel, according to the prime minister’s spokesman Mark Regev.

Iran Deal 'More Generous than Chamberlain's Offer to Hitler'

ISRAEL - Despite fierce criticism, Kirk-Menendez Iran sanctions bill postponed for 3 more months; separate bill mandating Congress input to go ahead. A bill looking to propose additional sanctions against Iran if a nuclear deal is not reached has been postponed, Republican Senator Mark Kirk stated to Bloomberg News Friday - this time, being delayed until the final agreement's own June 30 deadline.

The gray areas in the Iran deal

SWITZERLAND - In the dead of night Wednesday night in Lausanne, Switzerland, Energy Secretary Ernie Moniz and his Iranian counterpart haggled over one of the last issues holding up a nuclear agreement with world powers: Iran’s future research into next-generation new centrifuge designs that can accelerate its path to a nuclear weapon.

Al Shabaab kills at least 147 at Kenyan university

KENYA - Gunmen from the Islamist militant group al Shabaab stormed a university in Kenya and killed at least 147 people on Thursday, in the worst attack on Kenyan soil since the US embassy was bombed in 1998.

Don't take at face value what politicians say on EU

UK - At election time we know that politicians are not on oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They put their cases as favourably as they can, but they are not entitled to misinform. You would expect a lawyer to be aware of this. Dominic Grieve, the former attorney general, appears to be remarkably ignorant of the law, even though he is a practising barrister. The Guardian reports him saying that 2 million UK citizens working in Europe would become illegal immigrants overnight if Britain were to leave the EU. This is not correct.

German leader states need to ‘intensify’ relationships with Egypt

GERMANY - German MP and head of the Christian Union parliamentary bloc, Volker Kauder, met President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi Monday, sparking condemnation from the German opposition. After the meeting, which lasted over two hours, Kauder said Germany “absolutely needs to intensify” its relations with Egypt, calling the country an “anchor of stability”. He also said that his impression is that Egypt is likewise “strongly interested” in intensifying its relations with Germany.

Iran nuclear talks: 'Good chance' of deal as deadline looms

SWITZERLAND - Russia's foreign minister has said prospects of a preliminary agreement on Iran's nuclear programme are "very good" on the final day of negotiations. Sergei Lavrov said he was rejoining the talks in Switzerland on Tuesday, suggesting they were close to a deal.

Kerry extends Iran talks, French foreign minister returns

SWITZERLAND - US Secretary of State John Kerry and his German and French counterparts extended marathon talks in Switzerland on Wednesday for a second day beyond a self-imposed deadline to reach a preliminary agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. A diplomat close to the talks said late on Wednesday that a deal could be announced within hours but had not yet been reached, and the talks could still collapse.

US raises prospect of Israel UN isolation

USA - Is Israel about to lose its American firewall at the United Nations in New York, or will it continue to be so flameproof? A year ago, these questions would have been near unthinkable. Protecting Israel from critical resolutions at the Security Council has long been a central pillar of US Middle East policy.

California's first mandatory water restrictions

USA - Governor Jerry Brown, standing on a patch of brown grass in the Sierra Nevada that is usually covered with several feet of snow at this time of year, on Wednesday announced the first mandatory water restrictions in California history. "It's a different world," he said. "We have to act differently."

California Farmers As Snowpack Hits Record Lows

USA - The water outlook in drought-racked California just got a lot worse: Snowpack levels across the entire Sierra Nevada are now the lowest in recorded history — just 6 percent of the long-term average. That shatters the previous low record on this date of 25 percent, set in 1977 and again last year.

German military no longer standing at ease as security fears grow

GERMANY - German general Lutz Niemann’s world has been transformed by the Ukraine crisis. A year ago, as chief of staff at the NATO outpost in the Polish port of Szczecin, he was serving in a backwater — the only one of nine command centres in NATO’s rapid deployment network without high-readiness status. “It made us a bit of the poor brother,” he says.

Iran nuclear crisis

MIDDLE EAST - Over a decade of negotiations over Iran's nuclear programme come to a head on Tuesday, the deadline for a deal. Here are some of the key points to understanding what the nuclear crisis is all about. We're at a pivotal moment in one of the world's most serious crises. What happens next could have major consequences for the international community and Iran.

Iran militia chief: Destroying Israel is ‘nonnegotiable’

IRAN - The commander of the Basij militia of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said that “erasing Israel off the map” is “nonnegotiable,” according to an Israel Radio report Tuesday. Militia chief Mohammad Reza Naqdi also threatened Saudi Arabia, saying that the offensive it is leading in Yemen “will have a fate like the fate of Saddam Hussein.”

Israel could send Iran ‘back to the stone age’

ISRAEL - Israel could destroy Iran’s electric network with a specially designed electromagnetic bomb in the event of a military conflict between the countries, The Sunday Times reported on Sunday. An electromagnetic bomb of this sort would be detonated above the ground, creating an electromagnetic pulse that would “disrupt all the technological devices working on the ground,” an American expert was quoted as saying to the London paper.

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)