Russian Analyst Calls for Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone National Park

RUSSIA - Russian geopolitical analyst Konstantin Sivkov has called for Moscow to launch a nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and the San Andreas fault line, noting that the devastating consequences would ‘disappear’ the United States as a country. Sivkov made the comments in a piece for Russian trade newspaper VPK News, which were translated by the Sydney Morning Herald.

Why Does the State Department Defend UNRWA's Artificial

USA - Here is a paradox: UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East], the United Nations agency that manages the Palestinian [sic] refugee issue, follows rules that contradict United States law and policy, and its practices result in perpetuating and multiplying the refugee problem rather than resolving it. Yet the US Department of State gives unquestioning support to UNRWA's refugee designation rules, even on occasion defending them in detail. How can this be?

An Arab military force could compound the region’s problems

MIDDLE EAST - The Saudi-led intervention in Yemen and the announcement of a new transnational Arab military force may mark a historic turning point in the Middle East. Traditional US allies such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, fed up with US passivity in the face of mounting turmoil and alarmed by President Obama’s push for a nuclear deal with Iran, are moving aggressively to defend their interests without relying on Washington.

Greece and Germany in Open Hostility Over Bailout Program

EUROPE - Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has admitted his country’s relations with Germany over its latest bailout have declined into a state of “open hostility.” Writing in the business newspaper Handelsblatt, Varoufakis said: “This toxic game of Schwarzer Peter [a card game] only benefits Europe’s enemies. It has to stop.”

Stock market rigging is no longer a ‘conspiracy theory’

USA - The stock market is rigged. When I started making that claim years ago — and provided solid evidence — people scoffed. Some called it a conspiracy theory, tinfoil hats and that sort of stuff. Most people just ignored me. But that’s not happening anymore. The dirty secret is out.

Bank of England's new stress test

UK - The Bank of England’s latest stress tests of the country’s biggest lenders will consider how the banks would cope under a global downturn centred on Asia that led to a fresh eurozone crisis, the worst spell of deflation since the 1930s and nearly two years of recession.

Rogue Catholic bishops plan to grow schismatic challenge to Rome

BRAZIL - Two renegade Catholic bishops plan to consecrate a new generation of bishops to spread their ultra-traditionalist movement called "The Resistance" in defiance of the Vatican, one of them said at a remote monastery in Brazil.

Israel, Arab world find common ground over Iran

MIDDLE EAST - While talks between Iran and six world powers head into their final lap, an Arab “defensive shield” is being built in the face of the expected implications of a nuclear agreement reached in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

New spa-like abortion clinic to ‘destigmatize’ the procedure

USA - With its natural wood floors and plush upholstery, Carafem aims to feel more like a spa than a medical clinic. But the slick ads set to go up in Metro stations across the Washington region leave nothing to doubt: “Abortion. Yeah, we do that.”

Indiana religious freedom legislation sparks firestorm

USA - Someone ask the flamethrowers if they’ve read the law. It’s nothing new. So much has erupted in big media and social media since Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law the other day, sanity is another thing we need to restore.

Washington gov, Seattle mayor ban official travel to Indiana

USA - The backlash to Indiana's new religious freedom law grew Monday, even as state lawmakers move to clarify the legislation, with Washington Governor Jay Inslee and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray banning government-funded travel to Indiana. The statements are the latest boycott threats to emerge over claims that the law has the potential to discriminate against gays and others.

Who will apologise to the ‘Motherless Generation’?

AUSTRALIA - Last week the anniversary of an old injustice and the prospect of a new injustice came together and challenged us. March 21 was the second anniversary of the National Apology for Forced Adoption. In 2013 our then Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, spoke movingly to the nation about "the most primal and sacred bond there is: the bond between a mother and her baby".

UN says Israel worst violator of human rightsComment

UNITED NATIONS - What country deserves more condemnation for violating human rights than any other nation on earth? According to the UN’s top human rights body, that would be Israel. Last week, Israel was the UN’s number one women’s rights violator. This week it is the UN’s all-round human rights villain. The UN Human Rights Council wrapped up its latest session in Geneva on Friday, March 27 by adopting four resolutions condemning Israel. That’s four times more than any of the other 192 UN member states.

Vladimir Putin says Russia will fight for the rights of Palestinians

RUSSIA - Vladimir Putin has said Russia will fight for an independent Palestinian state, and called for the issues of the Middle East to be resolved through peaceful means. Despite international criticism over Russia’s own role in the Ukrainian crisis, Mr Putin was hailed last week by a St Petersburg Cossack group for his ability to “bring order and stop wars”.

Saudi battle for Yemen exposes fragility of global oil supply

MIDDLE EAST - OPEC's oil giant has daggers drawn with Iran, is encircled by enemies, and now faces a failed state on its southern border. The long-simmering struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran for Mid-East supremacy has escalated to a dangerous new level as the two sides fight for control of Yemen, reminding markets that the epicentre of global oil supply remains a powder keg.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)