Mark Carney: next interest rate move will be up, not down

UK - Bank of England Governor makes interest rate remarks during conference in Frankfurt. Britain's record low inflation is unlikely to force the Bank of England to cut rates below their already rock-bottom levels, its governor has said, underscoring a fracturing of views between the top policymakers at Threadneedle Street. Mark Carney said the Bank's next move in interest rates would be an increase rather than a cut, putting him at loggerheads with his chief economist, Andrew Haldane.

Jade Helm 15: Military Drill Identifying “Hostile” US States Sparks Alarm

USA - A massive US military drill dubbed “Jade Helm 15” lists Texas, Utah, and part of California as “hostile” or “insurgent pocket” territory. The unclassified information about this drill is causing widespread alarm nationwide, with more than a few analysts suggesting it may be some sort of exercise practicing to impose martial law on Americans fed up with an out-of-control federal government.

How Greece pushed Europe's creditors to the edge

GERMANY - After weeks of ugly threats and stalling tactics from both sides, Athens is approaching crunch time in deciding its economic fate. Arriving for his first official visit to Berlin last week, Greece's Prime Minister would have been forgiven for thinking his maiden trip had not come at a better point in the eurozone's debt drama.

Pope Francis to visit President Obama Comment

VATICAN - Pope Francis will visit the Obamas this fall, the White House announced today in a statement. Pope Francis first met with President Obama in March of last year when he visited the Vatican. The leader of the Free World and the leader of the Church will get together on Wednesday, September 23rd, according to the statement. They will discuss “shared commitments on a wide range of issues.”

Pope pays tribute to today's martyrs

VATICAN - Pope Francis led the world's Roman Catholics in Palm Sunday celebrations by paying tribute to those killed for their faith, a reference to the victims of Islamic State militants. "We think too of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted because they are Christians, the martyrs of our own time.”

European Nationalism Rising

EUROPE - For a nation to survive, its women must produce on average two children. Europe has not seen that high a fertility rate in 40 years. Today it is 1.6 children. Europeans are an aging, shrinking, disappearing, dying race. And the places of Europe’s unborn are being filled by growing “concentrations of unassimilated and disaffected Muslim immigrants, segregated in neighborhoods like the banlieues of Paris or the satellite ‘dish cities’ of Amsterdam.”

Europol chief warns on computer encryption

EUROPE - A European police chief says that sophisticated online communications are the biggest problem for security agencies tackling terrorism. Hidden areas of the internet and encrypted communications make it harder to monitor terror suspects, warns Europol's Rob Wainwright.

Eurozone can't survive in current form, says PIMCO

EUROPE - Single currency area must become a "United States of Europe" in order to secure its future, says manager of world's largest bond fund. The eurozone is "untenable" in its current form and cannot survive unless countries are prepared to cede sovereignty and become a "United States of Europe", the manager of the world's biggest bond fund has warned.

US Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together

SWITZERLAND - The Obama administration is giving in to Iranian demands about the scope of its nuclear program as negotiators work to finalize a framework agreement in the coming days, according to sources familiar with the administration’s position in the negotiations.

Iran, powers struggle to overcome disputes in push for nuclear deal

MIDDLE EAST - The foreign ministers of France and Germany joined the top US and Iranian diplomats on Saturday to help break an impasse in nuclear negotiations as major powers and Iran closed in on a two or three page accord that could form the basis of a long-term deal.

Why it is right to scrutinise Obama's nuclear deal with Iran

SWITZERLAND - It has been 12 long years in the making, but this week in Lausanne, Switzerland – possibly as early as Sunday – the US and five other world powers look likely to announce that they have reached an agreement-in-principle to contain Iran’s nuclear programme. The deal will be presented as the moment that a pariah state ultimately decides – to quote Barack Obama from this month's address to mark the Persian new year festival of Nowruz – to “pursue a different future” with the West

Saudi Arabia says it won't rule out building nuclear weapons

SAUDI ARABIA - Saudi Arabia will not rule out building or acquiring nuclear weapons, the country’s ambassador to the United States has indicated. Asked whether Saudi Arabia would ever build nuclear weapons in an interview with US news channel CNN, Adel Al-Jubeir said the subject was “not something we would discuss publicly”.

Yemen conflict risks new chaos in the Middle East

YEMEN - The meltdown in Yemen is pushing the Middle East dangerously closer to the wider regional conflagration many long have feared would arise from the chaos unleashed by the Arab Spring revolts. What began as a peaceful struggle to unseat a Yemeni strongman four years ago and then mutated into civil strife now risks spiraling into a full-blown war between regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran over a country that lies at the choke point of one of the world’s major oil supply routes.

The battle for the Middle East's future begins

SAUDI ARABIA - Saudi Arabia has jumped into the abyss. Its air attacks on Yemen are a historic and potentially fatal blow to the Kingdom and to the Middle East. Who decided that this extraordinary battle should take shape in the poorest of Arab nations? The Saudis, whose King is widely rumoured in the Arab world to be incapable of taking decisions of state? Or the princes within the Saudi army who fear that their own security forces may not be loyal to the monarchy?

Nigeria's army captures Boko Haram HQ

NIGERIA - Nigeria's army achieved its biggest victory over Boko Haram on Friday, capturing the town serving as the headquarters of the Islamist gunmen. An offensive mounted by the 7th Division has broken the insurgents' grip on a large area of Borno state. The fall of Gwoza amounted to the heaviest blow that Boko Haram has yet suffered.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)