American scientists are trying to genetically modify human eggs

USA - American scientists have attempted to modify the DNA of human egg cells using a new gene-editing technique that could eliminate inherited diseases from subsequent generations of affected families, The Independent can reveal. The research was carried out on ovary cells taken from a woman with inherited ovarian cancer to investigate the possibility of eventually using gene-editing to produce IVF embryos free of the familial disease. The results are yet to be published.

Theresa May: Sex abuse runs through every level of society

UK- A major inquiry into child abuse will reveal that sexual exploitation runs through every level of British society like a “stick of Blackpool rock”, Theresa May warns today. Writing in The Daily Telegraph, the Home Secretary says that people across Britain do not yet “appreciate the true scale” of the abuse and that once the inquiry is done, “we will never look at society in the same way again”.

Jewish hate preacher issues ruling for prayers inside Al-AqsaComment

ISRAEL - An extreme right-wing Jewish hate preacher has issued a ruling which urges Jews to hold their prayers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque. Rabbi Dov Lior is one of the most influential of the hard-line national-religious rabbis. He served as chief rabbi of the Kiryat Arba settlement near Hebron, home to mass-murderer Baruch Golstein, who massacred 29 Muslims while they were praying in Hebron's Ibrahimi Mosque in 1994.

A 'fifth column' of some Muslims 'hate us and want to kill us'

UK - Nigel Farage was today condemned as an attention seeker for calling for race discrimination laws to be scrapped and claiming some Muslims in Britain 'hate us and want to kill us'. The Ukip leader claimed he wanted UK firms to be able to favour British-born job applicants, and it was not a 'white v black thing'. He claimed public concern was fuelled by migrant groups who want to 'change who we are and what we are'.

Greco-German relations reach breaking point

EUROPE - Both sides trade insults as Yanis Varoufakis chastises ECB and Germany accuses Leftist government of "squandering trust". Relations between Greece and its creditors reached breaking point on Thursday as the country's finance minister accused the European Central Bank of "asphyxiating" the cash-strapped economy.

Europe's Vision

EUROPE - European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker, taking up an old German demand, calls for the creation of an EU Army. Having its own armed forces would give the EU greater influence in global politics, according to Juncker, and it would particularly help the EU demonstrate more determination in its relationship to Moscow. The German chancellor had called for an EU Army already years ago.

Major Survey Finds Record Low Confidence in Government

USA - Americans' confidence in all three branches of government is at or near record lows, according to a major survey that has measured attitudes on the subject for 40 years. The 2014 General Social Survey finds only 23 percent of Americans have a great deal of confidence in the Supreme Court, 11 percent in the executive branch and 5 percent in Congress. By contrast, half have a great deal of confidence in the military.

‘We poked Russian bear with a stick, unsurprisingly Putin reacted’ – Farage

UK - Britain's Nigel Farage launched a stinging attack on the idea of an EU army to counter Russia. The UKIP leader also placed some of the blame for the Ukraine crisis on EU expansion. The notion of building up an EU army to counter Russia was the brainchild of European Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker. Farage quickly noted that the idea is already happening, despite many European leaders being against it.

China's factories are building a robot nation

CHINA - Every day, two quality-control supervisors monitor four robots tirelessly assembling remote-control devices for home appliances at a Midea Group factory in Foshan, in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s home-air-conditioner division deputy general manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

Introduction to the First ECT Statement

USA - In 1534, Abbot Paul Bachmann published a virulent anti-Protestant booklet entitled “A Punch in the Mouth for the Lutheran Lying Wide-Gaping Throats.” Not to be outdone, the Protestant court chaplain, Jerome Rauscher, responded with a treatise of his own, titled “One Hundred Select, Great, Shameless, Fat, Well-Swilled, Stinking, Papistical Lies.” Such was the tenor of theological discourse among many of the formative shapers of classical Protestantism and resurgent Roman Catholicism in the sixteenth century.

How Europe plans to survive a Grexit

EUROPE - The threat of Greek exit from the euro still looms over the continent. But what's the true cost of a breakup of the union? A failure to renew Greece's bail-out in June would "shatter the illusion that membership of the euro was irrevocable" forcing markets to charge a corresponding risk premium on assets denominated in the single currency, warn James Nixon and Ben May at Oxford Economics.

The whole world is trying to 'topple' me, says Netanyahu

ISRAEL - Benjamin Netanyahu claimed to detect a “worldwide effort” to remove him from power on Tuesday as polls suggested that he faces defeat in Israel’s election. After three terms totalling nine years in office, Mr Netanyahu has become the longest-serving Israeli prime minister since David Ben Gurion. But a poll for Channel 2 News suggested that his Likud party would win 21 seats in the Knesset, or parliament, in next Tuesday's election, compared with 25 for the Zionist Union, an opposition alliance.

Too white. Too male. And too d*****d British.

UK - Has Desperate Dan finally got his man? BBC television chief Danny Cohen appears determined to go down in history as The Man Who Sacked Jeremy Clarkson. If he succeeds he’ll be the toast of fashionable Shoreditch salons, a folk hero to the Guardianistas and all those who despise Top Gear for being too white, too male and, frankly, too d****d British.

Analysis: Is the time right for a European Air Force?Comment

EUROPE - The European President recently called for the formation of a 'European Army' in order for the continent to better face the growing threats on its doorstep from Moscow and others. While Jean-Claude Juncker's proposal was dismissed by key member states almost as soon as it was announced, might not the formation of a European Air Force gain more traction at a time of heightened security concerns and squeezed defence budgets?

Merkel supports new push for European army

GERMANY - German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave her support yesterday to a new push to forge a European army in the wake of the outbreak of tensions with Russia. The chancellor is in favour of a "deeper military co-operation in Europe", government spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz said. But Wirtz insisted that Berlin saw the proposal, which was revived at the weekend by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, as a "future project" without any concrete plans for its launch.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)