Dangerous Propaganda

GERMANY - The German news magazine "Der Spiegel" reported in its latest edition that the German chancellery is accusing NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Philip Breedlove, of making "dangerous propaganda." According to the German government, Breedlove is completely exaggerating Russia's military activities in Eastern Ukraine. He claims having detected Russian military equipment, including tanks and air defense systems in Ukraine.

Germany’s arms exports to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE raise harrowing questions

GERMANY - In a surprise move of transparency the German government has disclosed a list of all the arms exports from Germany since 2002. The socialist left party Die Linke had demanded to know which arms sales had received clearance by the governments of both the social democrat Gerhard Schröder and his successor Angela Merkel from the Christian Union (CDU).

Britain Rejects EU Army Proposal

UK - The UK has strongly rejected any possibility of a European army being created following a proposal along those lines made by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. "Our position is crystal clear that defence is a national, not an EU, responsibility and that there is no prospect of that position changing and no prospect of a European army," said a UK government spokesperson.

Greece threatens to seize German property

GREECE - With Germany refusing to budge from its position concerning the payment of war reparations, Greece’s Justice Minister said Wednesday that Athens could start seizing German assets. Nikos Paraskevopoulos said he was “ready to approve” a Greek Supreme Court ruling in 2000 that would allow the appropriation of assets belonging to Germany’s archaeological school and the Goethe Institute. Proceeds from the property would be used to compensate the relatives of 218 civilians who were massacred by Nazi troops in a village in central Greece in June 1944. "The law states that the minister must give the order for the Supreme Court ruling to be carried out… I am ready to give that order," Paraskevopoulos told Antenna TV, AFP reported.

Who wants what in Libya?

LIBYA - Islamic State (IS) militants are said to have kidnapped nine foreign oil workers in a raid in Libya. It follows the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in February. The internationally-recognised government is trying to run the country from the east, with its parliament based in the city of Tobruk. In Tripoli, another body claims to be the legitimate government. But is the real power struggle between the militias associated with each group?

Google Ventures and the Search for Immortality

USA - “If you ask me today, is it possible to live to be 500? The answer is yes,” Bill Maris says one January afternoon in Mountain View, California. The president and managing partner of Google Ventures just turned 40, but he looks more like a 19-year-old college kid at midterm.

Veterinary Visits Declining as Pet Health Tanks

USA - When people think about getting a pet, they usually focus on the cuddle factor, the idea that they'll have a companion or protector, a fuzzy friend. Of course, most also recognize that pets require care and money, but it seems that a whole lot of us underestimate just how much care and expense pets actually require.

Islamic Movement Head 'Not Scared' of Jail

ISRAEL - Court to sentence Sheikh Salah for incitement to violence and racism against Jews, to which he says his arrest won't stop the fall of 'occupation.' In response to the court announcement that his sentencing will take place March 26, Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, said that the arrest of Palestinian Arabs would not stop the disappearance of the "occupation."

SIRI is recording everything you say

USA - Several stories and accusations have been going around about Apple’s SIRI and other voice-to-text services, asserting that they are recording what you say and that people actually listen. Now I say “accusations” because many people are questioning the veracity of some of these claims, mainly those from Reddit user FallenMyst.

Jane Goodall and Steven Druker Expose US Government Fraud over GMOs

UK - In an acclaimed new book launched last week in London, American public interest attorney Steven Druker reveals how the US government and leading scientific institutions have systematically misrepresented the facts about GMOs and the scientific research that casts doubt on their safety. The book, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth, features a foreword by the renowned primatologist Dame Jane Goodall, hailing it as “without doubt one of the most important books of the last 50 years.”

Global markets sell-off as the world drowns in oil

USA - An upgrade to US oil production and OPEC holding firm on output sends the oil price and global markets tumbling. Global financial markets have taken fright at yet more signs that the hammered oil price will not make a swift recovery.

EU army a 'wonderful idea' but a long-term project

GERMANY - The EU has revived the old idea of a European army. A great idea, says German security expert Claudia Major, but one that could take a very long time to realize: as always, the devil lurks in the detail. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker says the European Union should have its own army to "help shape a common foreign and security policy and to seize together Europe's responsibility in the world."

Germany used legal tricks to avoid WW2 reparations: Greece

GREECE - Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras accused Germany on Tuesday of using legal tricks to avoid paying reparations for the Nazi occupation of Greece and said he would support parliamentary efforts to review the matter. His comments are likely to heighten tensions between Athens and Berlin as Greece's new, leftist government struggles to persuade its euro zone partners to renegotiate the terms of a 240 billion euro ($260 billion) bailout.

Will we ever eat genetically modified meat?

PANAMA - Tweaking the DNA of fish, pigs, and cows promises to breed healthier, happier animals and boost food production. But will people eat the results? Daniel Cossins investigates.

Poll: 71 Percent of Americans Think Iran Talks Won’t Prevent Nuclear Weapons

USA - A new poll reveals that the vast majority of Americans doubt that President Obama’s negotiations will thwart Iran’s nuclear program. According to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll, 71 percent think that negotiations with Tehran will not prevent the Islamic Republic from developing nuclear weapons. A small minority (24 percent) think that White House diplomacy will prevent Iran from developing such weapons, while 5 percent were not sure. WSJ/NBC conducted the poll in the days leading up to, and after Benjamin Netanyahu’s congressional speech last week, in which the Israeli Prime Minister warned US lawmakers about the folly of negotiating a bad deal with Iran. The WSJ/NBC poll did not reveal whether this speech moved the opinions of those polled.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)