The De-Dollarization Axis

RUSSIA/CHINA - One of the recurring threats used by the western nations in their cold (and increasingly more hot) war with Russia, is that Putin's regime may be locked out of all international monetary transactions when Moscow is disconnected from the EU-based global currency messaging and interchange service known as SWIFT.

How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring

UK - A newspaper editor was handed startling evidence that Britain’s top law enforcement official knew there was a VIP pedophile network in Westminster, at the heart of the British government. What happened next in the summer of 1984 helps to explain how shocking allegations of rape and murder against some of the country’s most powerful men went unchecked for decades.

How DNA Is Turning Us Into a Nation of Suspects

USA - Every dystopian sci-fi film we’ve ever seen is suddenly converging into this present moment in a dangerous trifecta between science, technology and a government that wants to be all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful. By tapping into your phone lines and cell phone communications, the government knows what you say. By uploading all of your emails, opening your mail, and reading your Facebook posts and text messages, the government knows what you write. By monitoring your movements with the use of license plate readers, surveillance cameras and other tracking devices, the government knows where you go.

Creepy, Calculating and Controlling: All the Ways Big Brother Is Watching You

USA - “You had to live — did live, from habit that became instinct — in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized” — George Orwell, 1984.

None of us are perfect. All of us bend the rules occasionally. Even before the age of overcriminalization, when the most upstanding citizen could be counted on to break at least three laws a day without knowing it, most of us have knowingly flouted the law from time to time.

Put CCTV In All Homes, Britain's Top Cop Tells LBC

UK - Homeowners should install their own CCTV cameras to help detectives solve crimes, Britain's top police officer told LBC. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe told Beverley Turner that eye-level cameras will help catch burglary suspects.

Jewish Temple Altar Rebuilt, Ready for Use

ISRAEL - The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has announced that it has finished building an altar suitable for the Temple service. The altar, which took several years to build, can be operational at little more than a moment’s notice, reported Matzav Haruach magazine. The Temple Institute is committed to preparing all the necessary clothing and tools for the rebuilt Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Europe tightens noose as Syriza told to face the 'naked truth' over bail-out

EUROPE - Creditors tell Greece to stop wasting time over enacting reforms as the country scrambles to meet €350 million in IMF loan repayments by the end of the week. The gulf between the Greek government and its international creditors widened on Monday as the country was warned to speed up the pace of its reforms in order to unlock the vital funds it needs to remain solvent.

Defiant Greece at daggers drawn with EU creditors

GREECE - If Greeks are forced to choose between a restoration of their dignity or continued Troika humiliation, they will choose dignity, says the Greek prime minister. Relations between Greece and Europe's creditor powers are dangerously close to breaking point. Both sides have issued ultimatums, each insisting angrily on fixed positions and lashing out at each other with barely concealed animosity.

Nato, Ukraine and the EU army plan

EUROPE - The EU was founded to bring peace and prosperity to the peoples of Western Europe after a century of catastrophic wars, by co-operation, pooling of sovereignty and free trade. Its first objective, as stated in the Lisbon treaty, is “to promote peace, its values and the well-being of its peoples”.

New memories implanted in mice while they sleep

UK - Sleeping minds: prepare to be hacked. For the first time, conscious memories have been implanted into the minds of mice while they sleep. The same technique could one day be used to alter memories in people who have undergone traumatic events.

The new nuclear age

UK - After the end of the cold war the world clutched at the idea that nuclear annihilation was off the table. When Barack Obama, speaking in Prague in 2009, backed the aim to rid the world of nuclear weapons, he was treated not as a peacenik but as a statesman. Today his ambition seems a fantasy. Although the world continues to comfort itself with the thought that mutually assured destruction is unlikely, the risk that somebody somewhere will use a nuclear weapon is growing apace.

How a US-Iran nuclear deal might transform the balance of power in the Middle East

MIDDLE EAST - Israel and the Arab powers could respond by escalating their proxy wars against Iran, writes David Blair. In brief, Mr Netanyahu fears that an impending nuclear deal will unleash Iran’s ambitions to subvert, influence and undermine a raft of countries across the Middle East - ambitions that are symbolised by General Suleimani, who serves as their human spear-point.

The “Cataclysmic Conflict” Yet to Come

USA - Corporate-financier interests driving US foreign policy have long ago conspired to use Al Qaeda and other sectarian extremist forces to create a Pan-Arabian mercenary force with which to fight their enemies. Warned about in 2007 in a prophetic 9-page report by veteran journalist, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh, then exposed through documented evidence over the course of the past four years, and now incontrovertibly unfolding before the world’s eyes, this criminal conspiracy against world peace and all of humanity can be seen in its full, horrific form.

Fear as Pakistan builds new nuclear reactors in dangerous Karachi

PAKISTAN - World leaders have fretted for years that terrorists may try to steal one of Pakistan’s nuclear bombs and detonate it in a foreign country. But some Karachi residents say the real nuclear nightmare is unfolding here in Pakistan’s largest and most volatile city.

Austria is fast becoming Europe's latest debt nightmare

AUSTRIA - Austria, land of schnitzel, lederhosen, Mozart, alpine meadows and beer drinking. Less widely appreciated is its special place in the history of catastrophic banking crises. It was the failure of Creditanstalt, a Viennese bank founded in 1855 by Anselm von Rothschild, that arguably sparked the Great Depression, setting off an unstoppable chain reaction of bankruptcies throughout Europe and America.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)