Head of German inquiry into spying claims his own phone may have been hacked

GERMANY - The head of a German parliamentary inquiry into foreign spying fears he may have been spied on himself, it has emerged. The case could have repercussions for relations between the UK and Germany. The government reportedly threatened recently to end intelligence cooperation with Germany over concerns about the inquiry. Patrick Sensburg, the chairman of a Bundestag committee charged with investigating foreign spying on German soil, believes his mobile phone has been hacked, according to a report in Welt newspaper. The inquiry was set up last year after it emerged that the US National Security Agency (NSA) had listened in to Angela Merkel's mobile phone calls. Mr Sensburg and other high-profile political figures were issued with encrypted mobile phones that were supposed to be unhackable.

Is your satnav harming your brain?

UK - Can't recall a friend's phone number? Press the speed dial on your mobile. Don't know the way to their house? Use a satnav. Modern technology has taken the strain off our brains with the answers to so many problems available at the click of a button. But is there a dark side to all this convenience? Growing scientific evidence suggests a future where our brains may prematurely fail in later life through under-use, thanks to Mother Nature's rule that we 'use it or lose it'.

Boko Haram swears allegiance to Isil

NIGERIA - Declaration by deadly militant group means Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's black flag now flies over tens of thousands of square miles in northern Nigeria. The Nigerian militant group Boko Haram on Saturday announced it was joining the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) by apparently releasing an audio statement swearing allegiance to the movement's leader.

Furloughs again loom for some federal employees at IRS and DHS

USA - Work now, get paid later. Federal employees hoped they were through with this kind of madness after the partial government shutdown of 2013. But the nightmare remains for employees at the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Homeland Security. Both agencies continue to face a questionable future because of uncertain funding. If they don’t get the money they need soon, their employees and the public services that the agencies provide will suffer.

ISIS bulldoze Iraq's biblical city of Nimrud

IRAQ - Islamic State fighters have looted and bulldozed the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud, the Iraqi government said, in their latest assault on some of the world's greatest archaeological and cultural treasures. A tribal source from the nearby city of Mosul told Reuters the ultra-radical Sunni Islamists, who dismiss Iraq's pre-Islamic heritage as idolatrous, had pillaged the 3,000-year-old site on the banks of the Tigris river, once capital of the world's most powerful empire.

Students at UC Irvine Vote to Ban the American Flag

USA - Students at the University of California, Irvine have voted to ban the American flag on part of the campus. Under a resolution passed Thursday, the student government council voted to remove all flags from a common area of the student government offices to make it a more "inclusive space."

Israeli Judge Rules Jews Must Be “Allowed to Pray On Temple Mount”Comment

ISRAEL - In a historic ruling, a Jerusalem magistrate court has allowed for the first time ever Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. Until this ruling, police have prevented Jews from praying at the holiest site in the Jewish religion, bowing to the desires of the Islamic Waqf, which controls the Temple Mount complex. Jews, and often Christians, who visited the Temple Mount are forced to endure continual harassment at the hands of Muslims.

Liquidity evaporates in China as 'fiscal cliff' nears

CHINA - Unless China changes course, it is set to tighten fiscal policy by 5.5 percent of GDP this year, five times Britain's austerity dose annually since the Lehman crisis. Nobody can fault China's leaders for lack of bravery. The Politburo has kept its nerve as the world's most giddy experiment in credit-driven growth faces assault on three major fronts at once.

Financial collapse leads to war

RUSSIA - Scanning the headlines in the western mainstream press, and then peering behind the one-way mirror to compare that to the actual goings-on, one can't but get the impression that America's propagandists, and all those who follow in their wake, are struggling with all their might to concoct rationales for military action of one sort or another, be it supplying weapons to the largely defunct Ukrainian military, or staging parades of US military hardware and troops in the almost completely Russian town of Narva, in Estonia, a few hundred meters away from the Russian border, or putting US “advisers” in harm's way in parts of Iraq mostly controlled by Islamic militants.

Lord Rothschild: 'Investors face a geopolitical situation as dangerous as any since WW2'

UK - Jacob Rothschild, the 78 year-old banker and chairman of RIT Capital Partners, has delivered savers in the £2.3 billion trust a stark warning about global instability and the fragility of future returns. He used his chairman's statement in the trust's 2014 annual report to outline his concerns, saying that on top of a "difficult economic background" investors face "a geopolitical situation perhaps as dangerous as any we have faced since World War II".

Senator Rand Paul Introduces Stand with Israel Act of 2015

USA - Senator Rand Paul yesterday reintroduced the Stand with Israel Act of 2015. This legislation would halt all US foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) until the PA renounces violence, purges terrorists from its ranks, and recognizes the nation of Israel. The Stand with Israel Act of 2014 was introduced last Congress in response to the PA's attempts to form a unity government with the terrorists of Hamas - a unity government that still remains.

ECB to launch QE on March 9

EUROPE - The European Central Bank will launch quantitative easing next week, as it increased economic growth forecasts for this year and next. President Mario Draghi said the first bond purchases with new money would take place on March 9. The eurozone's central bank has said it will buy €60 billion (£43.5 billion) a month until September 2016 or until inflation is pushed back towards a target of close to 2 percent.

SFO launches investigation into Bank of England auctions amid rigging fears

UK - The Serious Fraud Office has launched an investigation into the Bank of England's money-market auctions amid fears they may have been hit by the rigging scandal that has engulfed the City. The SFO revealed on Wednesday night that it is “investigating material referred to it by the Bank of England concerning liquidity auctions during the financial crisis in 2007 and 2008”.

Vatican to Build the Third Jewish Temple?

ISRAEL - “For many years, the Vatican has been investing large sums in purchasing assets in Jerusalem, with the purpose of blurring the city’s Jewish character” (Yoni Chetboun of the Jewish Home). If that’s not shocking enough how about this. Back in December 2013, there were negations going on between John Kerry and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about giving Jerusalem Holy Sites to the Vatican.

Germany benefits from weak euro policies it deplores

GERMANY - On the outskirts of Berlin, a small factory cranks out tiny medical probes that delve into the farthest reaches of the human body. At a time when global demand from hospitals is booming, the mood at medical technologies firm Fiagon is buoyant.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)