Merkel says EU focused on current Greek bailout

GERMANY - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Wednesday that the EU was focused on completing Greece's current bailout, playing down any talk of a third rescue package for debt-hit Athens. Speaking in Brussels after talks with European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, Merkel said work was still under way to implement the terms of last month's deal to extend Greece's current programme until June. "We are currently doing all that we possibly can to ensure that the second programme be successful," Merkel told a press conference when asked about the possibility of a third Greek bailout. "The Bundestag (German parliament) has voted in favour (of an extension) so we now need to implement what was agreed in the Eurogroup" of eurozone finance ministers in February.

The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court made a major ruling this week

ISRAEL - Did a major Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court ruling on Sunday alter the rules preventing Jews from praying on the Temple Mount? The short answer is: no or not yet. What the court was addressing in that ruling was whether the police had been too heavy-handed in banning right-wing activist Yehudah Glick from the Mount for two years, after Channel 10 broadcast a video of him praying on the Temple Mount. The court also had to decide whether that penalty has cost Glick money from canceled tours he would have led of the Mount.

Palestinians Decry Israeli Court’s Ruling to Uphold Jewish Prayer in Al-Aqsa Compound

ISRAEL - Palestinian organizations criticized the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court ruling which ostensibly backs claims that Jews are allowed to pray in al-Aqsa Mosque compound. While Jewish extremists praised the ruling and considered it a “historic victory” as Israeli media sources reported, al-Aqsa Foundation for Islamic Waqf and Heritage published a report claiming that the move aims to legalize Jewish control over the Islamic site. (Palestinian News and Info agency)

'Islamic Movement' Plans Mass Presence at Temple Mount on Passover

ISRAEL - Two senior officials of the Islamic Movement have announced that it is their intention to bring in thousands of Muslims from the north to Jerusalem during the Passover holiday on the pretext of a "shopping holiday", then herding them to the Temple Mount so that they can "protect the site from being taken over by the Jews." Channel 10 reported that the action was intended to take place during the festival, as well as during the week of intermediate festival days (hol hamoe'd).

Netanyahu Is Clear on His Identity, but Who Is Barack Obama?

USA - Now we know who Netanyahu is – if we didn't before. However, after six years of the Obama presidency, many still ask: Who is Barack Obama? Netanyahu, as his March 3 speech before a joint session of Congress showed, understands that he is the protector of his nation's exceptional identity and core values, the defender of his people, and a leader who must make a stand. Like him or loathe him, Netanyahu does not equivocate. He exposes the hard truth voiced by late Harvard sociologist Samuel Huntington that, to paraphrase, a nation that does not know its identity does not know its interests.

Can Greece avoid going bankrupt this month?

GREECE - Cash-strapped Athens may have been granted a temporary reprieve, but the country could join a list of international pariahs and default on its debt at the end of the month. Greece's problems are mounting. Markets have grown more optimistic that the country's immediate future in the eurozone will be secure until the summer, but reality is beginning to bite for Athens' cash-strapped new government.

Only mass default will end the world's addiction to debt

UK - The world is sinking under a sea of debt, private as well as public, and it is increasingly hard to see how this might end, except in some form of mass default. Greece we already know about, but the coming much wider outbreak of debt repudiation will not be confined to sovereign nations. Last week, there was another foretaste of what’s to come in developments at Austria’s failed Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International. Reveals German Roots in President Obama's Family Tree

USA -, the world's largest online resource for family history, has confirmed through historical documents the identities of German ancestors in President Barack Obama's family tree. The discovery was made by an genealogical research team, which determined that President Obama's 6th maternal great-grandfather Johann Conrad Wolfley was born in Besigheim, Wuerttemberg, Germany, in 1729 (present day Baden-Wuerttemberg).

Israel's Netanyahu draws rebuke from Obama

USA - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned the United States on Tuesday that it was negotiating a bad deal with Iran that paved the way to a "nuclear nightmare," drawing a rebuke from President Barack Obama and exposing the depth of a US-Israeli rift. Delivering dueling messages within hours of each other, Netanyahu made his case against Obama's Iran diplomacy in a speech to Congress that aligned himself with the president's Republican foes.

Nuclear Deal ‘Paves Iran’s Path To The Bomb’

USA - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his address to Congress that there would be a nuclear arms race in the Middle East if a deal is signed with Iran. “We must all stand together to stop Iran’s march of conquest, subjugation, and terror,” Netanyahu said to applause. Netanyahu said that Israel is no longer passive in the face of threats to its country and people.

Netanyahu's speech 'win-win' for Iran

USA - Nobody will be observing the media frenzy surrounding the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress on Tuesday with more interest, and with perhaps a certain amount of amusement, than the Iranians.

The Internet Of Things

USA - Can you imagine a world where your home, your vehicles, your appliances and every single electronic device that you own is constantly connected to the Internet? This is not some grand vision that is being planned for some day in the future. This is something that is being systematically implemented right now. In 2015, we already have “smart homes”, vehicles that talk to one another, refrigerators that are connected to the Internet, and televisions that spy on us. Our world is becoming increasingly interconnected, and that opens up some wonderful possibilities.

Global Debt: More Than Twice As Big As Entire World Economy

USA - Global Debt Is Almost 3 Times As Big As the World Economy. The Guardian reports that global debt has grown by $57 trillion dollars – to $199 trillion dollars – since the 2008 financial crisis. How much is that? It’s a big number … but what does it actually mean?

Greek Government Considers "Borrowing" Pensions To Repay IMF

GREECE - Greek short-term default risk jumped over 300bps today putting the odds of a restructuring at 50-50 within the next year as the warnings we issued last week with regard Greece's imminent default on its IMF loan loom. Seeking to reassure its lenders (and avoid yet more capital flight), Reuters reports the Greek government said it was "exploring solutions," including delaying payments to suppliers or try to raise up to 3 billion Euros by borrowing from state entities such as pension funds.

British refusal to cooperate with spy inquiry causes row in Germany

UK - Downing Street and the German chancellery are embroiled in a worsening dispute over intelligence-sharing and the covert counter-terrorism campaign because of conflicts arising from the surveillance scandals surrounding the US National Security Agency and Britain’s GCHQ.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)