Head of Vatican security on alert for an ISIS attack on the Pope

VATICAN - The Vatican is on alert in case of an attack by Islamist militants against the city-state or Pope Francis, but officials are not aware of any specific plot, the head of Vatican security said in a rare interview. 'The threat exists. This is what has emerged from conversations with Italian and foreign colleagues,' Domenico Giani told an Italian police magazine when asked if threats from Islamic State militants were credible.

China military budget 'to rise 10%'

CHINA - China's military budget will rise by about 10% in 2015, an official says. Fu Ying, spokeswoman for China's annual parliament session the National People's Congress (NPC), gave the "rough" figure and said it was in line with overall spending growth.

Read this and you'll never eat a ready meal again

UK - Read this and you'll never eat a ready meal again: Joanna Blythman spent months probing Britain's convenience food industry. Her findings will turn your stomach.

• More than three billion ready meals were eaten in Britain in 2012

• They make up the biggest sector of the UK's £70 billion a year food budget

• Food manufacturers carry out little or no preparation of raw ingredients

• They buy treated ingredients, mainly frozen or dried, from other companies

• Meat, fish and vegetables are kept at sub-zero temperatures for months

• But when the food is thawed and cooked it can be marketed as 'fresh'

• A ready-meal factory can churn out 250,000 portions a day using 70 different ingredients

US general: Britain is becoming a friend who can't be trustedComment

UK - Ever since the Cold War ended more than two decades ago, America has never entertained any serious doubts about Britain’s ability to fulfil its commitment as a vital military ally when tackling threats to the Western alliance. Until now. For the dramatic cuts to Britain’s defence budget implemented since the Coalition took power in 2010 have led to a number of senior US military officers and politicians openly questioning whether, when it comes to fighting the wars of the future, Britain has the capability to be an effective ally on the battlefield.

Germany pledges to raise defence spending

GERMANY - Germany has pledged to raise military spending in coming years, as Berlin seeks to reconcile a commitment to play a more assertive role in global security with a military that is in dire need of overhaul. The spending commitment made by Wolfgang Schäuble, finance minister, in an interview on Sunday follows a decline in German defence expenditure from 1.3 per cent of gross domestic product in 2013 to 1.1 per cent of economic output this year.

German finance chief Wolfgang Schaeuble softens tough tone against Greece

GERMANY - German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has softened his hard-line attitude towards Greece, saying its new Left-wing Syriza government needs “a bit of time” but appears to be able to work towards resolving its debt crisis. "The new Greek government has strong public support," Mr Schaeuble told German newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

Lord Flight: Smug Germany

UK - By design or accident, Germany is the biggest cause of the economic misery and growing political instability which the Euro is causing in the Eurozone. Whereas other countries, particularly in Southern Europe, are culturally less competitive than Germany, sharing a currency has inevitably meant that Germany has the export advantage of a cheap currency where Southern Europe has the disadvantages of too strong a currency. Hence no growth in Italy, pain in Spain and Portugal and disaster in Greece. [Written by Lord Flight. He was Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 2001-2004.]

Court Rules: Police Must Allow Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

ISRAEL - The police “must ensure that Jews can pray on the Temple Mount” - that was the ruling of Judge Malka Aviv in the case of Yehuda Glick vs the Israeli Police. On a number of occasions the police have banned Rabbi Yehuda Glick from ascending up to the Temple Mount.

Meta-Study On GM Food: Virtually All Independent Scientists Are Concerned

USA - Tufts University’s Director of the Research and Policy Program at the Global Development and Environment Institute (Timothy Wise) points out:

“There is no … consensus on the safety of GM food. A peer-reviewed study of the research, from peer-reviewed journals, found that about half of the animal-feeding studies conducted in recent years found cause for concern. The other half didn’t, and as the researchers noted, ‘most of these studies have been conducted by biotechnology companies responsible for commercializing these GM plants’.”

Our Middle Eastern “Allies” Fund Terrorists Abroad

MIDDLE EAST - The Independent reported last week: Dr Mahmoud Othman, a veteran member of the Iraqi Kurdish leadership who recently retired from the Iraqi parliament, said there was a misunderstanding as to why Gulf countries paid off IS [the Islamic State]. It is not only that donors are supporters of IS, but that the movement “gets money from the Arab countries because they are afraid of it”, he says. “Gulf countries give money to Da’esh so that it promises not to carry out operations on their territory.” It’s well-known by counter-terrorism experts that Saudi Arabia has long funded Al Qaeda, ISIS and other terrorists outside the country in order to dissuade them from attacking the Saudi monarchy itself. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

61% Drop in Crime After Firing Their Police Department

USA - Sharpstown is a Texas community, located just southwest of Houston, and the way they maintain security in this community has gotten our attention. In 2012, they fired their cops. The Sharpstown Civic Association then hired SEAL Security Solutions, a private firm, to patrol their streets.

Civil Forfeiture: Police Steal Over $2.5 Billion from Citizens

USA - Since 9/11, the government has been encouraging law enforcement agencies to act more aggressively in searching for drugs, contraband, or suspicious people. This aggressive brand of policing has resulted in the seizure of hundreds of millions of dollars from citizens not charged with a crime. Civil forfeiture is basically the process of charging your property, not you, with a crime. If your property is seized and charged, it is up to you to prove your property’s innocence.

The End of American Money As We Know it

USA - A major – and long overdue – upgrade is coming to the US dollar. In short, a completely new form of digital currency is in the works… And although you probably haven’t heard much about this upgrade, at least not yet, anyway (most Americans haven’t)… rest assured, it IS coming. And very soon. A new digital currency “is coming to town,” says Fortune journalist Philip Elmer-DeWitt, “and I can’t wait to try it.”

Severe drought may have contributed to the war in Syria

SYRIA - Drought caused by climate change may have pushed Syria towards the devastating civil war currently ripping the country apart, according to researchers. A new study has found that many parts of the country were hit by a record dry period between 2006 and 2010 which may have propelled the uprising against the Syrian regime in 2011.

Opinion: Europe Under Merkel’s (Informal) Leadership

ITALY - In this column, Emma Bonino, a former Italian foreign minister and former European Commissioner, argues that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is the de facto representative of Europe in the world today, putting other European heads of states and institutions in the shade. Moreover, the economic and political measures taken by EU member countries since 2008 have aimed at “renationalising” their interests, and the author fears that a definitive crisis of the European federalist project is on the horizon.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)