Swiss account secret of HSBC chief Stuart Gulliver

UK - Stuart Gulliver, the HSBC chief executive who has vowed to reform the crisis-hit bank, sheltered millions of pounds in a Swiss account through a Panamanian company and remains tax domiciled in Hong Kong. Leaked files show that the Derby-born Gulliver, who is due to present HSBC’s annual report on Monday in the wake of the international controversy over its Geneva-based private bank, was also one of its clients, holding about £5 million in a Swiss account.

Greek finance minister: 'we're beginning to be co-authors of our destiny'

GREECE - Greece and its creditors in the 19-nation eurozone reached an agreement on Friday on extending the country's rescue loans, a move that should ease concerns it was heading for the euro exit as soon as next month. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said in Brussels that the agreement was "an important step forward".

Greek debt deal: PM Alexis Tsipras warns of 'difficulties'

GREECE - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has warned of "real difficulties" ahead, as his government faces a Monday deadline to submit a list of reforms to lenders. Under a deal agreed on Friday, the list must be approved by the international creditors in order for Greece to secure a four-month extension of its bailout. "We won a battle, not the war," Mr Tspiras said on Saturday.

Libya in the balance

LIBYA - The governor of Libya’s Misrata District last week published a document calling on the district’s civilians and its military forces “to be on the highest alert alertness and readiness from now until further notice.” The country’s third-largest city, Misrata, was until recently considered Libya’s safest. Now it fears an invasion from the forces of ISIS (also known as the Islamic State or ISIL) in Libya.

How the internet is destroying us

UK - The internet, its many evangelists tell us, is the answer to all our problems. It gives power to the people. It’s a platform for equality that allows everyone an equal share in life’s riches. For the first time in history, anyone can produce, say or buy anything. But today, as the internet heads towards putting more than half the world’s population online, all this promise has evaporated. The dream has become a nightmare, in which I fear we billions of network users are victims, not beneficiaries.

Russian threat and an indefensible aid policy

UK - While Putin has increased his country's military spending by 33 per cent this year alone, Mr Cameron has cut the defence budget by almost £5 billion since 2010. The Army has the lowest number of troops since the Napoleonic wars began. Entire RAF squadrons have been axed. We have an aircraft carrier without any planes. There is insufficient staff to monitor radar stations. A third of our 125 Typhoon fighters were recently grounded because of a lack of spare parts.

World's oldest leader

ZIMBABWE - The world's oldest leader, Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe, turns 91 on Saturday with much to celebrate - even as critics condemn as "obscene" his lavish birthday party plans in a country he is accused of plunging into poverty. After years of international criticism, the European Union is resuming aid to the country and has already lifted sanctions on some senior government figures, while Mugabe has taken up the rotating chair of the African Union.

USA: Record cold continues

USA - Cold weather records continue to fall across West Michigan and more brutal cold is on the way. Friday morning’s low of -13 degrees in Grand Rapids tied the existing record low set in 1966. Hundreds of schools closed due to the extremely cold temperatures with wind chills colder than -20 degrees. Thursday’s high of 7 degrees in Grand Rapids was a new record for the coldest high temperature for the date, and we’re already on pace for this to be one of the coldest February months ever. We’ll briefly warm to the upper 20s on Saturday before plunging back into the deep freeze with more Arctic air next week. Lake Michigan is lagging behind the other four Great Lakes’ ice cover with 54% coverage. The Great Lakes’ total ice cover is 85% right now and expected to grow. Another Arctic air mass is headed to West Michigan that could be just as cold or colder for the Great Lakes region this week.

Why you should never swear at strangers on the train

UK - A commuter who launched a foul-mouthed tirade at a fellow passenger he bumped into on a crowded train faced him again just hours later – at a job interview. Later that day, they were reunited but in a much more formal setting, with HR executive Matt Buckland interviewing the angry commuter he had met on the District line that morning. Mr Buckland explained that the man, who had applied for a web development role at his company, was not offered the job, adding that this was nothing to do with the incident that morning. “It would be easy to hold something like this over someone in an interview, but for me interviews aren’t about that," he said. "When you interview you are looking for a read of skills but also to know if that person is a real human being, it’s about that connection. By the end of the interview we laughed it off and were both happy.”

Greece defiant as Germany tears up last-ditch EMU compromise on austerityComment

EUROPE - 'There is no macro-economic argument for further fiscal tightening. The only reason for doing so is on punitive grounds,' says Greece's Yanis Varoufakis. Greece has vowed to reject any demands for further austerity at a last-ditch meeting with eurozone creditors on Friday, even though the country risks running out of money by next week without a deal.

The global financial system stands on the brink of second credit crisis

UK - The world financial system stands on the brink of a second credit crisis as interbank lending shows increasing risk. The world economy stands on the brink of a second credit crisis as the vital transmission systems for lending between banks begin to seize up and the debt markets fall over. The latest round of quantitative easing from the European Central Bank will buy some time but it looks like too little too late.

Is Jordan next?

JORDAN - ISIS jihadists in Syria and Iraq have publicly threatened to invade Jordan and slaughter Abdullah, whom they denounce as a tyrant. Extremists inside Jordan took to the streets last summer shouting, Down, down with Abdullah! The latest ISIS propaganda video attacks the king as an ally of the crusaders. One figure in the video proclaims, all Arab tyrants should be burned.

How central banks have lost control of the world

UK - From engaging in 'competitive easing' to provoking international currency wars, have we finally reached the limit of what monetary policy can achieve? Competitive "easing" among central banks has stoked fears of a return of international currency wars. The announcement of unprecedented monetary stimulus from the ECB and the Bank of Japan has led to the respective weakening of their exchange rates and prompted dramatic responses from the smaller central bank players.

Operation Choke-Point Is Worse Than We Thought

USA - Operation Choke Point is an initiative of the DoJ (US department of Justice) that was announced in 2013, which is investigating banks in the United States and the business they do with payment processors, payday lenders, and other companies believed to be at higher risk for fraud and money laundering.

After bloody 2014, US issues travel warning for Jerusalem

USA - Violence in the Jerusalem area has reached levels “not seen in those areas in a decade,” the US State Department said Wednesday, warning citizens about the dangers of travel to the capital and other areas in the region. In the newest reissue of a standing travel warning regarding Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, the State Department admonished citizens to “be aware of the continuing risks of travel to these areas.”

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)