Australia storms: Cyclones hit Queensland and Northern Territory

AUSTRALIA - Two major storms have slammed into Australia, bringing winds that have knocked out power to homes and forced evacuations in coastal areas. Tropical Cyclone Marcia hit the Queensland coast between St Lawrence and Yeppoon. Separately, Tropical Cyclone Lam hit the Northern Territory.

Israel Wakes Up to White

ISRAEL - Roads and schools close as Israel blanketed with snow nationwide - from the Golan to the Negev. Israelis from the north to the Negev woke up to a blanket of white Friday morning, after snow fell in every place more than 300 meters above sea level.

Neutral and Non-Partisan

GERMANY - The German Red Cross (DRK) and the German Bundeswehr have entered an unprecedented cooperation agreement. The so-called Future Pact foresees the direct integration of the DRK into the "Civil-Military Cooperation Center" of the German military located in Nienburg in Lower Saxony. The relief organization will also maintain a "permanent liaison office" and participate both in the planning and execution of combat operations. Back in 2003, the DRK explicitly committed itself to "cooperate" in military missions.

Study: Junk Food More Deadly Than War, Famine, Genocide

AUSTRALIA - You may already know that junk food is bad for your health, but you may not realize how bad it can be. A new study from the School of Medical Sciences at Australia’s University of New South Wales points to profound brain changes that junk food causes, making a junk food habit “more deadly than war, famine, and genocide”. The food war is real, and though the UNSW study was conducted on rats, the brain changes observed matter to us humans. As mammals we share similar brain functioning in the orbitofrontal cortex, the part of our gray matter responsible for sensing and evaluating the pleasurable aspects of food.

ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to EuropeComment

EUROPE - ISIS has threatened to flood Europe with half a million migrants from Libya in a 'psychological' attack against the West, it was claimed today. Transcripts of telephone intercepts published in Italy claim to provide evidence that ISIS is threatening to send 500,000 migrants simultaneously out to sea in hundreds of boats in a 'psychological weapon' against Europe if there is military intervention against them in Libya.

Analysis: Egypt embarks on ambitious anti-terror campaign

EGYPT - Egypt is making an ambitious bid to place itself at the center of the fight against extremism across the Middle East. Beyond fighting militants in its own Sinai Peninsula, it is trying to organize an international coalition against the Islamic State in Libya and helping Saudi Arabia defend its borders.

Obama ignoring these are Islamic extremists

USA - President Barack Obama will not acknowledge the truth of Islamic terrorism, its religious grounding in the Quran, and that it is bent on “destroying the West,” but instead Obama, whose “entire life” was shaped by Islam, cannot accept the evil in front of him and apparently is trying to “protect Islam,” said reverend Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Germany rejects Greek loan request

EUROPE - Germany has rejected a Greek request for a six-month extension to its eurozone loan programme. The rejection came despite the European Commission calling the Greek request "positive" only minutes earlier. Greece had sought a new six-month assistance package, rather than a renewal of the existing deal that comes with tough austerity conditions. However, a German finance ministry spokesman said it was "not a substantial proposal for a solution".

ECB risks crippling political damage if Greece forced to default

EUROPE - If Greece defaulted, the German people would discover instantly that a large sum of money committed without their knowledge and without a vote in the Bundestag had vanished. The political detonating pin for Greek contagion in Europe is an obscure mechanism used by the eurozone's nexus of central banks to settle accounts.

The "Catastrophic Shutdown Of America's Supply Chain" Begins

USA - One week ago, when previewing what may be the first lockout of the West Coast Ports since 2002, we cited the Retail Industry Leaders Association who, realizing that failure to reach an agreement between the dockworker union and their bosses, the Pacific Maritime Association representing port management would lead to devastating consequences for the US retail industry, had several very damning soundbites:

Temple Mount Bathrooms Spark Feud With Muslims

ISRAEL - The rabbi of the Western Wall, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, condemned as “incitement” attempts by the Muslim Wakf to politicize the expansion of restrooms at the site. Muslim leaders at the Al-Aksa Mosque located on the Temple Mount say the expansion of the restrooms, located 55 yards from the Mughrabi Gate, is designed to desecrate Muslim holy sites.

Greek crisis talks collapse in acrimony as Syriza defies EMU

EUROPE - 'The only way to solve Greece is to treat us like equals; not a debt colony,' says Greek finance minister. Greece is on a collision course with the eurozone’s creditor powers after emergency talks ended in acrimony on Monday night, triggering the most serious political crisis since the launch of the euro. The Leftist Syriza government reacted with fury to eurozone demands that it must stick to the country’s discredited austerity plan, describing the draft text as “absurd and unacceptable”.

How the European Central Bank could finally pull the trigger on a Grexit

GREECE - The 'sword of Damocles' is hanging over Greece's banks and the impasse with its creditors could now bring it down for good. Greece's stand-off with its creditors shows little signs of abating. After the latest, unpromising round of talks between the new Greek government and the euro's finance ministers, both parties have hardened their negotiating positions in anticipation of yet another showdown, which is now temporarily pencilled in for Friday.

Pope Francis Calls For Unity After Coptic Christians Beheaded By ISIS

VATICAN - Pope Francis urged Christians to find strength through unity, calling the 21 Coptic Christians beheaded by ISIS “martyrs” who belong to the entire Christian world. The appeal echoes the outrage that has galvanized Egyptian air forces. Threats to “sack Rome” are also causing Italian forces to consider action.

Is the PA Trying to Renew Temple Mount Terror?

ISRAEL - Top PA religious leaders claim Al-Aqsa Mosque 'threatened' by Israel, renewing calls that led to terror wave in October and November. The Palestinian Authority (PA) led by Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah party incited a wave of terrorist attacks late last year by falsely claiming that Israel was trying to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)