German general becomes 1st non-US chief of staff of America's Army in Europe

GERMANY - US Army Europe formally welcomed German Brigadier General Markus Laubenthal as its new chief of staff Thursday, beginning what one German official said would likely be the first of many such exchanges between the US and German armies. Since USAREUR was established after World War II, a foreign officer has never served as chief of staff of the three-star command, headed since late 2012 by US Lieutenant General Donald M Campbell Jr.

Germany says new security strategy will respond to Russia

GERMANY - Germany will overhaul its security strategy in coming years in response to Russian attempts to use "power politics and military force" to assert its interests, Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said on Tuesday. Germany, which 70 years after World War Two is seeking to assume a more assertive global role, has been at the center of efforts to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis in Ukraine and led a push within Europe to impose sanctions against Moscow. "Russia's actions in Ukraine fundamentally change the security architecture in Europe," said von der Leyen as she opened a debate on a new security strategy to be outlined in a "white book" to be published next year. It will detail the main principles underlying German policy for the years ahead.

‘Victory’ and ‘defeat’ things of past, says top UK general

UK - Sir Nicholas Carter, chief of the general staff and formerly Britain’s most senior officer in Afghanistan, said in a speech on Tuesday that “the character of conflict has changed in this information age in which we find ourselves”. His remarks come just three months after the last British soldier was withdrawn from Helmand, marking a close to the country’s longest conflict of the modern era. A generation of officers and soldiers from Afghanistan instinctively understood the nature of conflict was fundamentally shifting, Sir Nicholas said in an outline of a sweeping new doctrinal approach for the UK’s land forces. Sir Nicholas added. “It is a truism that war is about minds, not stuff. It is much harder now to distinguish between defeat and victory. It is much more about the perception of those who are involved.”

Think Tank: Wake Up Europe ISIS is Closing In

TORRINO, ITALY – An Independent think tank from Italy is advising full deployment of military forces to counteract the rise of the Islamic State which is now in the process of uniting Libya and threatening Europe: “Libya is only a short sea ride from Southern Italy. As for Morocco, that is an even shorter distance to Gibraltar, and then onto Spain.”

Greece rejects eurozone's 'absurd' bailout offer as time runs out on talks

GREECE - The latest meeting between Greece and its international lenders over the debt-stricken country's €172 billion bailout ended in disarray on Monday, as the eurozone's offer was rejected as "absurd" and "unacceptable". Greece has demanded an end to the EU and International Monetary Fund's “adjustment” programme of economic reforms and austerity agreed three years ago in return for a bailout.

Netanyahu tells incoming IDF chief: Next four years will be worse

ISRAEL - Israel's army on Monday got a new top commander, as Lieutenant General Gadi Eisenkot assumed the position of the 21st chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces. Eisenkot was promoted from major-general to lieutenant-general in a ceremony at the Prime Minister's Office. Speaking at the ceremony, Netanyahu warned Eisenkot that his term will be tougher than that of his predecessor. "I promise you Gadi … you will not have a single day of grace. The Middle East is disintegrating. States are collapsing. An empire is charging into this vacuum – Iran."

Angela Merkel's conservatives suffer worst election result since WWII

GERMANY - Anti-euro Alternative for Germany (AfD) party looked set to win its first seats in a regional assembly in west of the country. Germany’s rapidly rising Eurosceptics have dealt a fresh embarrassing blow to Angela Merkel’s ruling Christian Democrats party in state elections in Hamburg. Alternative for Germany (AfD), which wants to force crisis-hit countries such as Greece out of the single currency, looked likely to win its first seats in a west German parliament.

Islamic State Sprouting Limbs Beyond Its Base

MIDDLE EAST - The Islamic State is expanding beyond its base in Syria and Iraq to establish militant affiliates in Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt and Libya, American intelligence officials assert, raising the prospect of a new global war on terror.

Holocaust Survivor Wiesel Urges Obama to Hear Netanyahu

USA - Elie Wiesel, an American Nobel Peace Prize winner and survivor of the Holocaust, is featured in a new full-page ad in The New York Times and the Washington Post, supporting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech on Iran to Congress scheduled for March 3. The ad describes the 86-year-old Wiesel's intention to attend the speech "on the catastrophic danger of a nuclear Iran." He decries the decision of at least 22 US lawmakers to boycott the speech.

ISIS Releases Video Featuring Beheading Of 21 Coptic Christians

LIBYA - The Islamic State’s al-Hayat media center has released a five-minute propaganda video showing the mass beheading of 21 Coptic Christians from Libya, a video which follows reports from earlier this week suggesting the atrocity had been carried out. A spokesman in the video indicates that the terror group is now turning its gaze towards Italy.

Islamists on ‘the doorstep of Europe’

LIBYA - The beheading of 21 Coptic Christians on a beach in Libya has brought Isis to the doorstep of Europe. The mass murder, which provoked a volley of Egyptian air strikes on the group’s Libyan stronghold of Derna, realised long-held fears of militants reaching the Mediterranean coast.

Ukraine crisis: Army and rebels stall heavy arms pullout

UKRAINE - Ukraine's government and separatist rebels have failed to begin withdrawing heavy weapons from the front line, despite a Monday deadline. The two sides were given until two days after the latest truce came into effect to start the pullout. The government said it would not pull back until fighting ended in the beleaguered town of Debaltseve. The leaders of Germany, Ukraine and Russia discussed the crisis in an overnight phone call. Germany said on Tuesday they had agreed "concrete steps" for observers to have greater access, but gave no details. Observers from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), who are charged with monitoring the ceasefire, have been trying to reach Debaltseve after being denied access by the rebels on Sunday.

Kaspersky Lab details $1 billion online bank heist

RUSSIA - Internet security company Kaspersky Lab says the banking industry could be experiencing “a new era in cybercrime.” The company has been investigating a $1 billion attack on financial institutions by a sophisticated hacking group. The IT security firm says the hackers from the Carabanak group used a complex virus system which was later named after them.

China sells fighter jets to Argentina

ARGENTINA - Argentina is to purchase sophisticated Chinese fighter jets able to attack the Falkland Islands as part of a “strategic partnership” with Beijing. The move, which further raised tensions in the South Atlantic last night, follows a three-day visit by President Kristina de Kirchner to Beijing last week, in which Argentina secured 15 economic agreements and significant financial investment to bolster its failing economy.

Markets hold breath before crucial Greek debt talks

EUROPE - Global shares hit their highest level since September on Monday and the euro firmed, with investors cautiously optimistic euro zone finance ministers would reach a deal to shore up Greece's dwindling finances. The prospect that Greece and its partners will find common ground in the talks and reach an agreement that would prevent Greece having to leave the euro zone, helped push low-risk government yields higher. However, a rise in the price of safe-haven gold testified to the uncertain outcome.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)