UK & EU boycott of Israel resembles Nazis'

ISRAEL - The Nazis sought to rid Germany of any trace of the Jews. They called it "Judenfrei" or "Jew-free." Some warn this same anti-Semitic spirit has returned today in a new form. It's a drive to erase any sign of Israel. Across Europe, more and more campuses, cities and regions are trying to become "Israel-free zones," free of the taint of what Israel critics would call an "apartheid state."

'Giving geo-engineering to current US govt is like giving a CHILD a LOADED GUN'

USA - An official US government report just has recommended that further research should be carried out into various methods of "geoengineering" the climate so as to combat global warming. However one of its authors disagrees, saying that giving such technology to the current US leadership would be "like giving a loaded gun to a child".

Israeli Municipality Hangs “Temple Mount” Sign near Al-Aqsa

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - The Israeli Municipality of West Jerusalem set up, on Wednesday, a sign reading “Temple Mount”, in reference to the nearby al-Aqsa Mosque compound. The sign, which was placed near Al Nather Gate, was made available in three languages: Hebrew, Arabic and English, according to WAFA Palestinian News & Info Agency. Jews refer to the site as the “Temple Mount,” claiming it as the site of two Jewish temples destroyed in ancient times. The site is home to the third holiest mosque in Islam, and houses the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. The Jordanian-run Islamic Waqf Department, which has administrative jurisdiction over the compound, said the sign is nothing but an attempt to Judaize the holy site and the city of Jerusalem.

Obama: 'We have to twist arms when countries don't do what we need them to'

USA - President Barack Obama has said the reality of “American leadership” at times entails “twisting the arms” of states which “don’t do what we need them to do,” and that the US relied on its military strength and other leverage to achieve its goals. In a broad-ranging interview with Vox, which Obama himself described as a venue "for the brainiac-nerd types," the US president both denied the efficacy of a purely “realist” foreign policy but also argued that at times the US, which has a defense budget that exceeds the next 10 countries combined, needed to rely on its military muscle and other levers of power.

Berlin Faces Austerity Challenge in Brussels

EUROPE - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is challenging Angela Merkel in her de facto role as the most powerful leader in Europe. The election of Greece's Alexis Tsipras may help him in his fight against rigid German austerity policies.

CNN says Obama considers arming pro-US Ukraine

USA - Social media is abuzz after CNN labeled Ukrainian forces involved in Kiev’s deadly military operation in the country's southeast as “pro-US troops.” Online comments are calling it a Freudian slip, claiming it unmasks the true agenda behind the conflict. The headline during CNN’s Monday segment, dedicated to talks between Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the resolution of the Ukraine crisis, read: “Obama considers arming pro-US troops.” It was referring to the US president’s request to his team to consider the possibility of supplying lethal defense weapons to the Ukrainian government.

The Maastricht Treaty

EUROPE - On the 7th February 1992 the Maastricht Treaty of European Union was signed and ratified by ministers from Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Germany, Great Britain, the Irish Republic, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The treaty was designed to create a framework for greater economic integration, shared foreign and security policies and international cooperation between authorities on issues such as crime, immigration and terrorism. The treaty laid the crucial groundwork for the European Union as it exists today.

Angry Greeks Threaten to Halt European Juggernaut

EUROPE - In 2009 the Lisbon Treaty was supposed to create a new Weltmacht, a strong European Union with a president and foreign minister. Finally the Europeans had the answer for Henry Kissinger, who sarcastically asked for Europe's phone number. But it's obvious that whoever answers the phone today doesn't represent Greece.

The Crisis In Ukraine That No One Is Talking About

UKRAINE - As fighting between the army and pro-Russian separatist rebels in Ukraine continues unabated, Ukraine's government in Kiev is also facing a dire financial crisis. Forbes contributor Mark Adomanis explained to HuffPost Live on Monday that unless Ukraine receives significantly more aid from either the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the European Union to upkeep its military operations in the East of the country, the government will run out of resources "in the very near future."

Merkel Says Ukraine Conflict Can't Be Solved By Military

GERMANY - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday the conflict between Russia and Ukraine cannot be solved by "military means." Merkel made the remark in a joint news conference with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, just hours after meeting with US President Barak Obama in Washington. Obama has been considering sending anti-tank weapons and other defensive arms to Ukraine, but said no decision has been made.

The “no difference” theory is dead

USA - Fresh research has just tossed a grenade into the incendiary issue of same-sex parenting. Writing in the British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, a peer-reviewed journal, American sociologist Paul Sullins concludes that children’s “Emotional problems [are] over twice as prevalent for children with same-sex parents than for children with opposite-sex parents”. He says confidently: “it is no longer accurate to claim that no study has found children in same-sex families to be disadvantaged relative to those in opposite-sex families.”

An Open Letter from the Child of a Loving Gay Parent

USA - In today's MercatorNet, we present an open letter to a Supreme Court justice from the daughter of a lesbian couple. She loves her mom and her mom's partner, but she says that should would rather have grown up with a mom and a dad.

An Election Postponed in Nigeria

NIGERIA - Nigeria’s electoral commission has delayed the Presidential election, which was to occur this Saturday, by six weeks in order for the military to launch an operation to secure the northeast from Boko Haram and guarantee the safety of voters in the region. President Goodluck Jonathan, whose government is undeniably corrupt and who could well lose the election to his challenger, the former military ruler Muhammadu Buhari, stands to benefit from the postponement.

Bill Exempting Politicians From Arrest And Prosecution For Corruption

USA - Taking payoffs, breaking the law and pushing through unconstitutional legislation as special favors to corporate interests has long been par for the course in politics. But now Representative Kevin Calvey (Republican – Oklahoma City) wants to make it official and make it illegal to arrest any state officials accused of a public offense.

Bibles: 'inappropriate for multicultural environment'

UK - Thousands of bibles could be removed from university accommodation after they were branded 'inappropriate in a multicultural environment'. More than half of students surveyed at Aberystwyth University said they felt the compulsory inclusion of the book from Gideon International was 'uncomfortable' or 'unacceptable'. A proposal to have all bibles withdrawn from university-owned bedrooms will be put forward by the university's Students' Union council at a meeting later this month. It found that around 50 per cent of respondents found the compulsory inclusion of Bibles 'uncomfortable' or 'unacceptable' and only four per cent stated that it was a 'good idea'.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)