Greece's leaders stun Europe with escalating defiance

GREECE - Greece’s finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has spelled out the negotiating strategy of the Syriza government with crystal clarity. “Exit from the euro does not even enter into our plans, quite simply because the euro is fragile. It is like a house of cards. If you pull away the Greek card, they all come down,” he said.

Russian Army Set to Agree Deal to Use Cyprus Ports and Airstrips

CYPRUS - The president of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, has said he is in talks with the Russian government to let its military use the island nation’s sea and airports. He made the announcement in an interview with Russia’s state owned news agency Itar-Tass today, having previously denied earlier reports that Cyprus had agreed a deal to lease its facilities with the Russian armed forces. According to Tass, the island nation has agreed to increase the two countries’ cooperation in the “area of defence” and Anastasiades is preparing to visit Moscow later this month to sign off around 10 joint undertakings between the two countries.

Merkel, Obama to Meet During Trying Times for US-German Relations

GERMANY - Polarizing divisions will color President Barack Obama’s discussions with German Chancellor Angela Merkel when the supposedly staunch allies meet at the White House on Monday for talks expected to primarily address the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The meeting comes after a year of lingering tensions in a relationship that, at least publicly, was tested by reports of CIA spying and National Security Agency surveillance of the phone calls of Merkel and other European leaders.

War by Other Means

GERMANY - German Chancellor Angela Merkel is convinced that the West will be "victorious" in the power struggle with Moscow. Merkel told the Munich Security Conference on the weekend that the Ukraine conflict "cannot be won" with military means. That is why "a new way must be found." Comparing the current power struggle to the Cold War, she reaffirmed, "I am a hundred percent convinced that, with our principles, we will win." Earlier, Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Security Conference, had expressed a similar view proposing that a "double strategy" be applied in the West's power struggle with Russia. According to the journal of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), the power struggle, which currently cannot be won with military means, should be returned "from the military to the economic level." To this effect, Berlin has launched a diplomatic offensive that should lead to talks in Minsk on Wednesday.

EU delays fresh Russia sanctions ahead of Ukraine talks

EUROPE - France's foreign minister says sanctions demanded by Britain to maintain pressure on Russia put on hold pending peace negotiations in Minsk. The EU will hold off on expanding sanctions against Russia and the separatists it backs in Ukraine and await developments from ongoing peace negotiations, France's foreign minister has said. According to EU diplomats, the foreign ministers have agreed the sanctions but postponed the date they are due enter in to force until next Monday in order to give negotiations a chance. "The principle of these sanctions remains but the implementation will depend on results on the ground," said Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister. "We will see by Monday and see how the meeting in Minsk went."

A Day Of Reckoning For The Euro Has Arrived

EUROPE - This is the month when the future of the eurozone will be decided. This week, Greek leaders will meet with European officials to discuss what comes next for Greece. The new prime minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras, has already stated that he will not accept an extension of the current bailout. Officials from other eurozone countries have already said that they expect Greece to fully honor the terms of the current agreement. So basically we are watching a giant game of financial “chicken” play out over in Europe, and a showdown is looming.

Moscow & Cairo to drop USD

RUSSIA - Russia and Egypt might soon exclude the US dollar and use their national currencies in the settlement of accounts in bilateral trade, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview to Egyptian media ahead of his Monday visit to the country. The issue of abandoning the dollar in trade is “being actively discussed,” Putin told Al-Ahram daily newspaper ahead of his two-day trip to Egypt.

Iran moves away from US dollar in foreign trade

IRAN - Iran is stopping mutual settlements in dollars with foreign countries and agreements on bilateral swaps in new currencies will be signed in the near future, the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) has said. “In trade exchanges with foreign countries, Iran uses other currencies, including Chinese yuan, euro, Turkish lira, Russian ruble and South Korean won,” Gholamali Kamyab, CBI deputy head, told the Tasnim state news agency. He added that Iran is considering the possibility of signing bilateral monetary agreements with several countries on the use of other currencies. Iran is not the first country to move away from the US dollar. In 2014, Russia and China agreed on swaps and forwards in foreign currencies, a move aimed at reducing the influence of the US dollar and foreign exchange risks.

Muslims protesting AGAINST freedom of speech

UK - Hardline Muslims protesting against the depiction of the Prophet Mohammed in cartoons swarmed around a statue of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery yesterday. The show of disrespect to one of Britain’s greatest heroes in the war against Nazi suppression of freedom came as more than 1,000 Muslims demonstrated in London against ‘offensive’ caricatures of the prophet.

US invasion of Iraq helped create ISIS - former UN chief

MIDDLE EAST - Kofi Annan, the former UN secretary general, said the US-led invasion of Iraq was a mistake and helped to create the Islamist State militant group. He also blamed regional powers for making the conflict worse. “I was against this invasion and my fears have been founded. The break-up of the Iraqi forces poured hundreds if not thousands of disgruntled soldiers and police officers onto the streets,” Kofi Annan told the Munich Security Conference on Sunday. He added that some of these former security force members went on to join the Islamic State. “The aim of creating democracy without the existing institutions ushered in corrupt sectarian governments,” Annan said. He added that the country has been unstable ever since and this has proved the perfect breeding ground for Sunni radical Muslims, who have become affiliated with the Islamic State.

Pepper-Spray and Arrest ‘Unruly’ Students For ‘Misbehaving’

USA - Either accounts were recently presented to US District Judge Abdul Kallon in a lawsuit whose outcome is expected in a decision Monday. However the judge rules, it may end up determining whether police that work within schools as “School Resource Officers” are allowed to pepper-spray students for being “unruly.” The suit explains that schools should “have the tools to help calm down a conflict,” but that should “not involve spraying chemicals in kids’ faces.” According to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) there were nearly 12,000 school cops or “SROs” (School Resource Officers) in 1997, but by 2003, that number had jumped to nearly 20,000.

Butter ISN'T bad for you after all

UK - Guidelines that told millions of people to avoid butter and full-fat milk should never have been introduced, say experts. The startling assertion challenges advice that has been followed by the medical profession for 30 years. The experts say the advice from 1983, aimed at reducing deaths from heart disease, lacked any solid trial evidence to back it up.

You STILL can't trust what's in a lamb takeaway

UK - One in five lamb take-aways contains other types of meat – and some have no lamb at all. The disturbing findings come a year after two investigations raised concerns about the ingredients in many curries and kebabs. Many dishes also contain undeclared allergens and some have high levels of artificial colourings known to adversely affect health. Of the 307 tested, 65 – just over one in five – failed food legislation rules because of the presence of other types of meat that were not declared on the label.

Greece's departure from Eurozone is 'inevitable', Alan Greenspan says

GREECE - Greece will be forced to leave the Eurozone because the rest of Europe will be unwilling to put up more loans to bolster its struggling economy, the former head of the US Federal Reserve has warned. Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve between 1987 and 2006, said that it is "just a matter of time" before "everyone" recognises that it is time for Greece to leave the Eurozone.

Greece Exposes The Global Economy’s Achilles Heel

GREECE - The new Greek political party, known as Syriza, the Coalition of the Radical Left, has done the unthinkable: they’ve dared to speak the truth. In this case, the truth is perfectly captured by the blunt assessment by the new Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, who recently declared, “I’m the finance minister of a bankrupt country.”

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)