CDC lies: Measles outbreaks confirmed among children already vaccinated

USA - Official reports are claiming that unvaccinated children are to blame because some of those who contracted the measles hadn't been vaccinated. Some of them had been vaccinated, of course, and the original source of the disease has yet to be determined. But like always, it is automatically those pesky individuals who choose not to inject their bodies with a vaccine linked to brain damage and autism - and that's been shown to spread the measles - that must have triggered the outbreak.

Some Doctors Won't See Patients with Anti-Vaccine Views

USA - With California gripped by a measles outbreak, Dr Charles Goodman posted a clear notice in his waiting room and on Facebook: His practice will no longer see children whose parents won't get them vaccinated. "Parents who choose not to give measles shots, they're not just putting their kids at risk, but they're also putting other kids at risk - especially kids in my waiting room," the Los Angeles pediatrician said. It's a sentiment echoed by a small number of doctors who in recent years have "fired" patients who continue to believe debunked research linking vaccines to autism. They hope the strategy will lead parents to change their minds; if that fails, they hope it will at least reduce the risk to other children in the office.

Nobel winner: Germany's the problem, not Greece

USA - Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz told CNBC on Monday that the euro zone should stay together but if it breaks apart, it would be better for Germany to leave than for Greece. "While it was an experiment to bring them together, nothing has divided Europe as much as the euro," Stiglitz said in a "Squawk Box" interview. The risk of a sovereign default in Greece has increased after the anti-austerity party Syriza won Sunday's snap elections, raising concerns over the possibility of a Greek exit from the euro zone.

Germany's top institutes push 'Grexit' plans as showdown escalates

GERMANY - Germany’s Wolfgang Schäuble is 'relaxed' about Greek exit from the euro. A top German body has called for a clear mechanism to force Greece out of the euro if the left-wing Syriza government repudiates the terms of the country’s €245 billion rescue. “Financial support must be cut off if Greece does not comply with its reform commitments,” said the Institute of German Economic Research (IW). "If Greece is going to take a tough line, then Europe will take a tough line as well."

Greek coalition braces for debt showdown as Germany rattles sabre

GREECE - Markets have yet to grasp that the rift between EU creditors and Greece's firebrand premier Alexis Tspiras is 'so large as to be unbridgeable', warns Nomura. The new Greece of Alexis Tsipras will run out of money by early March. It will then face a series of escalating crunch points that will end in default and a return to the drachma unless it can reach a deal with EU creditors.

Greek banks lose €8 billion in three days since Syriza victory as liquidity crisis feared

GREECE - Third consecutive double-digit share price slump on Wednesday as depositors pull billions out of accounts and support from ECB is questioned. Greece’s banks have lost almost 40 percent of their value in the three days since Syriza ascended to power in Sunday's election as the dual threats of a bank run and the loss of support from the European Central Bank threaten a liquidity squeeze. The FTSE/Athex Bank Index, a weighted index of Greek bank shares, fell to a new all-time low on Wednesday. They have now lost more than half their value since early December, when a general election was triggered.

Things could get ugly if Greece's never-never actually means never

GREECE - Debts that have to be repaid tomorrow are far more burdensome than debts that don’t need to be repaid for years. Saying you won’t reduce Greece’s debts but are prepared to increase the repayment period is sophistry; they’re the same thing. If you extend the loan period then you are reducing Greece’s debts. (The rates of interest paid by Greece complicates the picture but they are now so low that the principle still holds.)

Saudi Arabia increases oil output to crush US shale frackers

SAUDI ARABIA - Saudi Aramco chief says the kingdom is now pumping 9.8 million barrels per day in a bid to win an oil price war with US shale frackers. Saudi Arabia has secretly increased its oil production to 9.8 million barrels per day (bpd), its highest level of output since last October, in a push to win back market share in its oil price war with US shale drillers.

Israel & Hezbollah's new battle ground: The Golan Heights

ISRAEL - The Katyusha rockets that were fired at the Golan Heights from Syria on Tuesday apparently weren’t stray fire from a battle between the Assad regime and its opponents, but rather were launched deliberately, Israeli defense officials believe. According to defense establishment assessments, the rockets were a sign that Hezbollah, along with Iran and Syria, hasn’t forgotten the January 18 assassination of an Iranian general and six Hezbollah operatives, which the organization attributes to Israel.

Lack of US Forces in Baltics Could Mean ‘End of NATO’

USA - Failing to implement a stronger US-NATO force presence in the Baltic States could ultimately result in the collapse of the collective security alliance, US Senator John McCain told Sputnik on Wednesday. “If they [the Russians] move into the Baltics… and there is no tripwire there, I doubt if there would be a reaction. And it would be the end of NATO,” the Senate Armed Services Chairman told Sputnik, following a hearing on US national security challenges.

Who is funding the Afghan Taliban? You don’t want to know

AFGHANISTAN - It is the open secret no one wants to talk about, the unwelcome truth that most prefer to hide. In Afghanistan, one of the richest sources of Taliban funding is the foreign assistance coming into the country. Virtually every major project includes a healthy cut for the insurgents. Call it protection money, call it extortion, or, as the Taliban themselves prefer to term it, “spoils of war,” the fact remains that international donors, primarily the United States, are to a large extent financing their own enemy.

“Israel exploiting elections to Judaise al Aqsa mosque”

ISRAEL - Israel is exploiting its upcoming elections in order to Judaise Jerusalem's al Aqsa mosque, said the Islamic-Christian Commission in Support of Jerusalem and the Holy Sites. Dr Hanna Issa, secretary-general of the Commission, issued a statement noting that all Israeli Zionist parties, even those of the so-called left, support attacks against al Aqsa mosque and a change of the status quo.

US could 'light fuse' on rate rise sooner than expected

USA - The world's biggest central bank could raise interest rates sooner than anticipated as steady job growth and improved inflation expectations could lead to a tightening of monetary policy by the middle of the year. In its latest statement, the Federal Open Markets Committee said the US economy was growing at a "solid pace" with the latest data suggesting "strong job gains and a lower unemployment rate".

The lesson from Greece: A 1930s-style depression creates 1930s-style politicsComment

GREECE - It's never good when neo-Nazis who can't even campaign because their leaders are in jail for murdering a political opponent still manage to come in third in your elections. That's what happened in Greece, though, after its mainstream parties discredited themselves by presiding over so much austerity that voters are willing to turn to quite literally anyone who promises to end it.

Europe’s inner turmoil

EUROPE - Last year, a “political earthquake’’ in the European Parliament elections ended with extremist parties triumphant in Germany, Denmark, France and the United Kingdom. On Sunday, Syriza, a far-left party won elections in Greece, becoming the first anti-austerity party to take power in a eurozone country. And it might not be the last. Podemos, another new, anti-establishment and left-wing party is ahead in the polls to win Spanish elections this year. Is this the start of the fragmentation of Europe and the rise of national assertiveness that some analysts fear? Given Europe’s history, this is troubling.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)