Defiance of Greek PM who won't take orders from the Germans

EUROPE - For all the tears of joy, not least among Syriza’s sympathisers in London’s liberal circles, the party’s victory has left Europe in an awful position. Greece’s new Prime Minister, hard-left firebrand Alexis Tsipras — a former member of the Young Communists — won victory by pledging to rip up his country’s austerity agreements with the EU and International Monetary Fund. That has put him on a collision course with Europe’s most powerful politician and austerity’s most committed champion, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. It is no exaggeration to say that Mrs Merkel now faces a historic choice.

GREECE: The other side to the story

GREECE - Although it is tempting to feel sympathy for the Greeks, it is not Mrs Merkel’s fault they are in this mess. It is their own. Reading the tear-stained paeans to Syriza’s victory in yesterday’s Guardian, I was amused to see that not one of them mentioned the reason the Greeks are in this predicament — their own shameful profligacy, corruption and mismanagement.

Greeks put the euro’s fate in Merkel’s hands

GREECE - This weekend, Greek voters delivered an understandable howl of rage against the austerity imposed on them by the guardians of the euro, which has left most of their young people without jobs. True, few who backed the victorious far-Left Syriza party can seriously believe that its bonkers promises of a massive public spending binge will solve any of the bankrupt country’s problems. But the result (and how the EU’s elite winces at democracy!) has smashed the euro ball back into Germany’s court.

Terminate Wakf authority over the Temple MountComment

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Along with canceling a tax fund transfer, Israel is working on an appropriate set of responses to the Palestinian Authority joining the International Criminal Court and laying the foundation for war crimes charges against Israel. A thoroughly appropriate response would be revoking the PA’s Wakf authority over the Temple Mount. The idea of allowing exclusive Muslim control over Judaism’s holiest site is, to say the least, problematic. PA President Mahmoud Abbas controls the grand muftiship of Jerusalem; the grand mufti controls the Wakf and the Wakf controls the Temple Mount. The idea of giving the PA authority over Israel’s most important national and historical treasure is ludicrous.

Israeli Elections: Temple Mount Focal Point

ISRAEL - After weeks of tension and public calls for former MK Dr Michael Ben-Ari's Otzma Yehudit and MK Eli Yishai's Yachad - Ha'am Itanu to run on a technical bloc joint list, negotiations have fallen through after Yishai's party made surprising last minute demands on Ben-Ari. Yishai and his associates MK Yoni Chetboun and Rabbi Moshe Hager demanded that Otzma Yehudit members obligate themselves, and announce to the media, that they will permanently not ascend to the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. Ben-Ari has made clear that he would not join any coalition unless firm ideological red lines were set, such as not releasing terrorists, not freezing construction, not holding negotiations with the Palestinian Authority (PA), and not letting Hamas survive another operation - all of which the outgoing coalition did.

Jewish visits to Temple Mount increase by 92% since 2009

ISRAEL - Recently released police statistics show that Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, have increased by 92 percent since 2009. The trend is driven by several activist groups who encourage Jewish Israelis and tourists to visit the Temple Mount, saying they wish to re-assert the Jewish connection to the site, a connection which they feel has waned due to tight restrictions on non-Muslim visitation and a total ban on non-Muslim prayer. The increasing number of visitors, which have included high profile politicians such as outgoing Likud MK Moshe Feiglin, has led to demands for increased access and a reduction in the restrictions imposed on Jews and other non-Muslims at the site.

Iran sends warning to Israel via US officials

IRAN - Iran's official IRNA news agency is reporting the country has sent a warning to Israel through the United States over the recent killing of an Iranian general in an alleged Israeli airstrike. The Tuesday report quotes Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian as saying, "We told the Americans that the leaders of the Zionist regime should await the consequences of their act." He added, "The Zionist regime has crossed our red lines." Iranian General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi was killed along with six Lebanese Hezbollah fighters in a January 18 airstrike in the Syrian-controlled part of the disputed Golan Heights. Both Iran and Hezbollah blamed Israel for the strike; the Israeli government refused to comment.

The New Face of Punishment in the Public Schools

USA - US Senator Tom Harkin: In many parts of the country, teachers are viewed as beyond reproach, much like doctors, police officers, or clergy … and, therefore, are rarely challenged about their classroom conduct. In some cases, this means that actions that would be considered criminal if committed by a parent remain unchallenged by law enforcement if they occur in a school setting. Roughly 1500 kids are tied up or locked down every day by school officials in the United States. At least 500 students are locked up in some form of solitary confinement every day, whether it be a padded room, a closet or a duffel bag. In many cases, parents are rarely notified when such methods are used.

First official act by Greece's new prime minister

GREECE - The new Prime Minister of Greece has nodded to his Communist influences - and his country's fraught history within Europe - by laying flowers for resistance fighters killed by the Nazis. Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the triumphant anti-bailout party Syriza, visited the National Resistance Memorial in Athens as his first official act after being sworn as the country's leader today. The act was seen as highly symbolic, given Syriza's policies have put it in conflict with other countries across Europe and particularly Germany.

Greece: Germany warns over debt commitments

GERMANY - Germany has warned the new Greek government that it must live up to its commitments to its creditors. German government spokesman Steffan Seibert said it was important for Greece to "take measures so that the economic recovery continues". His comments were echoed by the head of the eurozone finance ministers' group. The far-left Syriza party, which won Sunday's poll, wants to scrap austerity measures demanded by international lenders, and renegotiate debt payments. In a volatile start to the week the euro briefly touched an 11-year low against the dollar, before recovering to trade almost 0.7% higher against the US currency. In Athens the stock market closed 3.2% lower, with particularly heavy losses for Piraeus Bank which fell 17.6% and Alpha Bank which fell 11.6%.

Vicar tries to stop Rev Libby Lane being consecrated

UK - A protesting vicar has interrupted the service to consecrate the Church of England's first woman bishop. The Rev Paul Williamson, who previously protested the marriage of the Prince of Wales, stepped forward during the ordination at York Minster of Rev Libby Lane as the eighth Bishop of Stockport.

Head of BBC Arabic: Don’t call Charlie Hebdo killers “terrorists”

UK - How about “Islamic jihadists”? Not on your life — not on the BBC or anywhere else in the mainstream media, which is indefatigably dedicated to keeping people ignorant and complacent about the jihad threat. “Paris attacks: Do not call Charlie Hebdo killers ‘terrorists’, says head of BBC Arabic Tarik Kafala,” by Adam Sherwin, the Independent, January 25, 2015: The Islamists who committed the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris should be not be described as “terrorists” by the BBC, a senior executive at the corporation has said.

Christians are persecuted and killed because they are Christians

VATICAN - The martyrs of today are persecuted because they are Christians, "many Christians are persecuted and killed without distinction of confession". This is the "ecumenism of blood" evoked today by Pope Francis in the Basilica of St Paul outside the walls, during the second Vespers of the Conversion of St Paul, to terminate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

What the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You to Know

LEIPZIG, GERMANY – Wednesday night saw a flare of violence and an accompanying police operation on a scale without precedent in recent German history. A group opposing militant Islam in Europe has called a demonstration, the city is deafened by political slogans played over loudspeakers, property is vandalised, and explosives are thrown at police in colossal running battles that involve thousands of people.

In the Mideast, Chaos and Questions

MIDDLE EAST - The leadership crisis in Yemen and the death of Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has raised alarms all over Middle Eastern capitals concerning the Gulf Cooperation Council's (GCC's) security setting. In the hours following the two events, defense experts are unclear of the GCC's next moves, but acknowledge the complex linkages between the "coup" in Yemen and the new Saudi leadership's concern over its neighbors to the south.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)