Oil can recover to $200 if supply dries up – OPEC head

MIDDLE EAST - World oil prices have reached the bottom and will soon bounce back, said OPEC Secretary General Abdullah el-Badri, adding that they can go as high as $200 a barrel if lower investment erodes supply. "Now the prices are around $45-$55 and I think maybe they reached the bottom and will see some rebound very soon," Badri is quoted by Reuters.

Army looking to store tanks, equipment in eastern Europe

US - US Army Europe will soon dispatch a survey team to eastern Europe to scout locations for tanks and other military hardware as part of a broader effort to bolster the US military presence in a region rattled by Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, the Army’s top commander in Europe said Friday.

“We are doing surveys here in the next few weeks up in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria to see if there is a place where perhaps some of that equipment could be stored there,” USAREUR chief Lieutenant General Ben Hodges said during an interview with Stars and Stripes. “Maybe it’s a company, maybe it’s a whole battalion, we don’t know yet until we do the survey.”

Kiev introduces state of emergency in Donbass, high alert across Ukraine

UKRAINE - The Ukrainian government has introduced the state of emergency in the war-torn south-eastern Donetsk and Lugansk Regions, and put all other territories on high alert, Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk announced. "In accordance with the Ukrainian Code of Civil Protection, the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a decision to recognize an emergency situation at a state level. The Ukrainian government has decided to impose the state of emergency in the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions," Yatsenyuk is cited as saying by Interfax-Ukraine. According to the PM, the move is aimed at providing the most efficient coordination of all government agencies in order to ensure civil protection and the safety of the population.

10-year-old girls given contraceptive implants by NHS

UK - Girls aged just 10 have been given the contraceptive implant by the NHS, new figures show. Charities raised concern that the practice is putting vulnerable girls at increased risk of abuse, while doctors said they were fearful about the long-term effects of the powerful hormones on pre-teen girls. NHS trusts said the decision had been taken in “exceptional circumstances” and in order to safeguard a child, or for health reasons. Two girls of 10 are among thousands of NHS cases in which the long-acting contraceptive devices have been implanted in those below the age of 16. Freedom of Information disclosures show that in the last 5 years, almost 10,000 slow-acting implants have been placed in girls below the age of consent.

NYC grocery stores cleaned out

USA - Grocery stores in New York City and around the Northeast are being overrun and cleaned out as customers brace for a "potentially historic" snow storm set to bury the region.

'Life-threatening' blizzard shuts down much of US Northeast

USA - A life-threatening blizzard barreled into the US Northeast, affecting up to 20 percent of Americans as it kept workers and students housebound, halted thousands of flights and prompted New York to ban cars from roads and shut down subway trains. With memories still fresh of Sandy, a superstorm that ravaged the East Coast in 2012, the governors of six East Coast states declared emergencies. The storm could affect up to 60 million people in nearly a dozen states.

Britain braced for floods as 'supertide' strikes

UK - A rare astronomical alignment means Britain could face a year of extreme tides and potential flooding along vast swathes of coastline, scientists have warned. An unusual positioning of the sun, moon and earth has resulted in the gravitational pull on oceans being greater than normal at various points through 2015, creating exceptionally high tides known as “supertides”. This planetary phenomenon will combine with the moon reaching a particular point in the eighteen-and-a-half-year cycle of its elliptical orbit, meaning its gravitational pull will increase as it swings in towards the Earth, also producing higher tides.

Syriza triumph in Greece leaves markets set for turmoil

GREECE - Global markets are braced for an extended bout of extreme volatility after radical Left-wing party Syriza stormed to victory in the Greek elections on Sunday night, intensifying fears that the financially ruined country could default on its debts and be forced to abandon the euro. The historic triumph is likely to trigger serious fears about the future of the European Union after Syriza swept to power to become Europe’s first anti-austerity party, almost certainly putting Greece on a collision course with international creditors.

Greek vote could be only the beginning

GREECE - Some 10 million Greek voters went to the polls yesterday, in an election with big implications for the future of monetary union. Even if Greece stays in the single currency, after choosing a party determined to defy the European Central Bank, negotiations over bond repayments between Athens and Frankfurt will be extremely hard-fought.

GREECE: Health crisis looms after five years of unrelenting austerity

GREECE - On a dusty street corner in a grimy port on the outskirts of Athens, a public health crisis that has no precedent in Europe is unfolding. After five years of unrelenting austerity, doctors working in a charity-run clinic are witnessing on a daily basis what they never expected to see in Greece - children and adults suffering from malnutrition.

Mark Carney warns of liquidity storm as global currency system turns upside down

UK - The Governor of the Bank of England has warned markets to brace for possible trouble in 2015 as the US Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy and liquidity evaporates, fearing that the new financial order has yet to face its first real test. Mark Carney said diverging monetary policies in the US, Britain, Europe, and Japan may set off further currency turbulence and "test capital flows across the global economy, including to emerging markets."

IDF on Highest Alert in N. Israel Since Second Lebanon War

ISRAEL - It was a tense weekend along Israel’s northern border as the IDF continues fortifying with additional soldiers, tanks and armored vehicles. The level of heightened alert is reportedly the highest since the Second Lebanon War in 2006. IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz canceled a planned visit to Europe to travel north on Friday and Shabbos to personally oversee the situation along the border.

Iran vows to attack Israel from West Bank

IRAN - Deputy head of Revolutionary Guards says Tehran to ‘open new fronts’ in response to strike that killed Iranian general. Iran has threatened to attack Israel from the West Bank, in retaliation for an alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria on Sunday that left 12 Iranian and Hezbollah operatives dead. The airstrike has been attributed to Israel and though Jerusalem has not officially confirmed it, anonymous government sources have admitted as much.

The Enemy of My Enemy

MIDDLE EAST - The conflict in Syria may have begun as a civil war between the Alawite Assad government and Sunni rebel groups, but it rapidly assumed international proportions. At the heart of the issue was the fact that the conflict quickly became a proxy for a larger Shia-Sunni conflict that pitted Iran and its Shia allies against Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and their Sunni supporters.

Germany to stop arms exports to Saudi Arabia

GERMANY - Germany has decided to stop arms exports to Saudi Arabia because of “instability in the region,” German daily Bild reported Sunday. Weapons orders from Saudi Arabia have either been “rejected, pure and simple,” or deferred for further consideration, the newspaper said, adding that the information has not been officially confirmed.

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)