Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz dies

SAUDI ARABIA - Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has died, royal officials have announced, weeks after he was admitted to hospital. King Abdullah, who was said to be aged about 90, had been suffering from a lung infection. A statement early on Friday said his 79-year-old half brother, Salman, had become king. Abdullah came to the throne in 2005 but had suffered frequent bouts of ill health in recent years. As king he pushed through cautious reforms, including giving women a greater public role, against opposition from religious conservatives. King Salman assumes the throne at a difficult time for Saudi Arabia. Having defeated an Islamist insurgency 10 years ago, the country now finds itself sandwiched between the growing threats from al-Qaeda in Yemen to the south and Islamic State to the north. Both groups have their sympathisers inside Saudi Arabia.

Fox News "Apologizes" To Radical Islam

USA - The disease known as political correctness has infected Fox News. First, anchor Bret Baier withdrew from a Catholic conference under pressure from his management and the homosexual lobby. Now, Fox News has bowed to pressure from the Muslim Brotherhood lobby, issuing an embarrassing “correction” that was not warranted for having reported factually on the existence of Muslim-dominated “no-go zones” in Europe. These zones, which are better understood as Muslim-dominated enclaves or ghettos, were the scene of much-publicized violent riots in France in 2005.

Meet the “Jewish Indiana Jones” Searching for the Lost Ark of the Covenant

ISRAEL - The Ark of the Covenant has inspired a whole sector of humanity to chase after one of the world’s most treasured – and missing – items. In what is known today as the Lost Ark, the search continues for Judaism’s most holy and significant artifact of religious and historical importance. Meet Harry Moskoff, the man who is becoming known as the “Jewish Indiana Jones.” A filmmaker and researcher by hobby and an IT specialist by trade, Moskoff has spent the last 25 years of his life dedicated to uncovering the location of the Lost Ark.

German Israeli Anniversary Year

GERMANY - Germany and Israel established diplomatic relations 50 years ago. Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier launched a year of German Israeli anniversary celebrations with the first in a series of readings and discussions. Steinmeier stressed that the fact that the two states could now look back on 50 years of official relations seemed “for us Germans especially, ...miraculous.” A host of events in Germany and Israel this year will commemorate the history of these relations – and develop new perspectives.

The Lords are wrong

UK - A House of Lords committee has criticised the BBC for having too few female news presenters and reporters. However, argues Neil Lyndon, there are areas of the media where women exert near absolute monopolies. Last week we heard again - for what felt like the hundred millionth time - about the under-representation of women presenters and reporters in coverage of news and current affairs on TV. The House of Lords communications committee chided the BBC, telling it to do better because of its "special status" and its "dominance as a news provider".

Let Greece profit from German history

EUROPE - The overwhelming truth about the Greek debt crisis is that it’s a massive distraction. Greece accounts for a mere 2% of the eurozone economy and the EU population. This doesn’t mean that Greece should be pushed around, still less pushed out of the eurozone. It means the very opposite: the crisis should be resolved, and largely on Greece’s terms. The problem with a currency union is that seeds of doubt can destroy the economic area, if not the common currency. The euro is infected with doubt: will Greece remain?

Boko Haram and the return of German imperialism to Africa

GERMANY - The government plans to expand Germany’s military engagement in Africa. Earlier this week, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced Germany would be supporting the fight against Boko Haram. Germany is prepared to offer financial aid in the struggle against the terrorist militia, Merkel declared following a meeting with the Ghanaian president John Dramani Mahama on Monday in Berlin.

Hamas Forms

MIDDLE EAST - Buoyed by the recent decision of the EU's top court to remove Hamas from the EU's list of terror groups, the Palestinian Islamist movement in the Gaza Strip has intensified its efforts to achieve the destruction of Israel. Hamas has further been emboldened by the International Criminal Court's [ICC] latest decision to launch a preliminary examination into alleged Israeli "war crimes" in the Palestinian territories.

Mario Draghi announces €1.1 trillion quantitative easing programme

EUROPE - European Central Bank (ECB) president Mario Draghi unveiled bigger-than-expected quantitative easing measures on Thursday but still faced a fierce fight from Germany over any policy that could mutualise debt in the eurozone. "The combined monthly purchases of public and private sector securities will amount to €60 billion euros,” said Mr Draghi at a press conference following a meeting of the ECB’s governing council.

The truth about Islam our elites willfully ignore

USA - To many in the Muslim world, the United States is “the great Satan.” Nevertheless, there is no place safer and more prosperous in the world for a Muslim to live than right here. Why is that? It’s because there is something fundamental about Islam we have chosen to ignore due to political correctness. This truth is so self-evident, I find myself nodding my head in agreement with Bill Maher — someone whose worldview is the polar opposite of mine — whenever he speaks on the subject of the West and Islam.

State of the Union: Russia attacks Barack Obama

RUSSIA - Russia hit back on Wednesday at US President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech, saying it showed the United States believes it is "number one" and seeks world domination. Obama said his country was upholding "the principle that bigger nations can't bully the small" by opposing what he called Russian aggression and supporting democracy in Ukraine. Russia, he said, was isolated and its economy was in tatters.

Greece's sovereignty violated

GREECE - Berlin and the EU are massively violating Greece's sovereignty to secure their political domination over Southeastern Europe. As was revealed by documents from the Athens-based Troika, with two German functionaries in the leadership, the government in Athens has received instructions on how to bypass the Greek Parliament.

Muslim preacher indicted for Temple Mount speech

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - The Jerusalem District Attorney’s Office on Wednesday filed an indictment with the magistrate’s court against preacher Omar Abu Saara for incitement to violence in a Temple Mount speech. During his speech he said, “I say to the Jews explicitly, the time has come to slaughter you.”

Families' fury at Iraq War 'cover-up disgrace'

UK - Army families and MPs last night condemned ‘disgraceful incompetence’ and Establishment meddling for holding up the Iraq war inquiry. John Chilcot yesterday told David Cameron it will be ‘some further months’ before he can publish his report. Launched six years ago, Sir John’s inquiry is expected to criticise dozens of senior figures. The delay means voters will go to the polls in May without knowing the official verdict on one of Britain’s most disastrous military ventures. John Miller, whose 21-year-old son Simon died in a massacre near Basra in 2003, said the delay was disgraceful. ‘It is becoming the biggest cover-up of our generation,’ he said. ‘We simply can’t understand it.’ Tim Farron, a senior Lib Dem, said: ‘It’s about the Establishment protecting themselves.’

Boehner invites Netanyahu to address Congress on Iran

USA - House Speaker John Boehner announced Wednesday he is inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress next month about the threat from Iran, in a sharp rebuke to President Obama. Such invitations typically are coordinated with the White House and State Department, but this one was not.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)