Germany’s Pegida leader steps down over Adolf Hitler photo

GERMANY - The head of the German anti-Islamisation movement Pegida has stepped down after a picture of him posing as Adolf Hitler went viral. Lutz Bachmann, 41, a butcher’s son from Dresden and co-founder of the organisation, was seen as Pegida’s figurehead and his resignation throws the future of the group into doubt.

Disenchanted militants in South Asia eye Islamic State with envy

AFGHANISTAN - Splits within the Taliban, and doubts over whether its elusive leader is even alive, are driving a growing number of militant commanders in Afghanistan and Pakistan towards Islamic State (IS) for inspiration. Security and intelligence sources believe there are no operational links yet between IS and South Asia, and that the region is not a priority for a group that occupies areas of Syria and Iraq and is focused on the Arab world.

Tallying Boko Haram’s dreadful toll

USA - In last night’s State of the Union address, President Obama spoke out strongly against terrorist attacks in Pakistan and Paris and lauded America’s part in air strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Nigeria and the ruthless militants of Boko Haram, though, earned no mention in the official text version of his speech. In the last four years, Boko Haram’s steady and increasingly bloody attacks have left astounding carnage in their wake. The Islamist group is said to control roughly 11,500 square miles of territory — equal to the size of Belgium — in northeast Nigeria, and in that area 10,000 people died as the result of Boko Haram-related violence in the last year alone, according to figures from the Council on Foreign Relations. Why do all these killings not rate more attention?

Obama’s Climate Agenda A ‘Wealth Redistribution Scheme’

USA - Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhofe criticized President Barack Obama’s doubling down on fighting global warming Tuesday night, arguing that the president’s planned climate regulations were simply “a wealth redistribution scheme.” “Why the pain for no gain?” Inhofe asked in a rebuttal to Obama’s State of the Union speech. “As The Wall Street Journal put it when reporting on just one of the president’s many climate regulations, this is a wealth redistribution scheme being imposed by the president through the EPA.” “This is the real climate agenda the president chose not to address tonight. It is no wonder because it would impose the largest tax increase in the history of America.”

Yemen reaches deal with rebels to end violence

YEMEN - Yemen's embattled US-backed president has reportedly reached an agreement with Shiite rebels to end a violent standoff in the capital, where conflicting reports circulated he was being confined to his home by rebels. Yemen's state news agency, SABA, said the agreement late Wednesday called for the armed Houthi rebels to pull out from around President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi's home and the presidential palace, which they besieged Tuesday. The deal also calls for them to release a top Hadi aide they had taken captive in recent days, the news agency reported.

Year of disasters sinks trust in business and governments

DAVOS, SWITZERLAND - A year of disasters and mismanagement that included mystery air crashes, data hacks, foreign exchange rate rigging and the worst ever Ebola outbreak has torpedoed global trust in public bodies and business, according to a survey on Tuesday. The annual Edelman Trust Barometer, released in Davos, showed a sharp decline in trust across the board with faith in governments, business, media and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) below 50 percent in two-thirds of countries.

Fears of Capital Controls, Savings Confiscation Trigger Bank Runs in Greece

GREECE - On Friday, there came the announcement that two Greek banks filed requests with the Bank of Greece for hard cash through the Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) system. The ECB and associated national banks have so far been cryptic about what ELA truly is. But from what I have been able to piece together, it’s an emergency scheme aimed at obtaining immediate cash reserves. Not credit, but cash.

Central bank prophet: world financial system out of control

EUROPE - Former BIS chief economist warns that QE in Europe is doomed to failure and may draw the region into deeper difficulties. The economic prophet who foresaw the Lehman crisis with uncanny accuracy is even more worried about the world's financial system going into 2015. Beggar-thy-neighbour devaluations are spreading to every region. All the major central banks are stoking asset bubbles deliberately to put off the day of reckoning. This time emerging markets have been drawn into the quagmire as well, corrupted by the leakage from quantitative easing (QE) in the West.

QE is not the long-term cure required for the ailing euro

EUROPE - There is no mess quite so bad that official intervention doesn’t make even worse. As if to prove the point, on Thursday the European Central Bank is expected to unleash a new wave of money-printing worth hundreds of billions of euros in an effort to counter the drift into deflation.

Swiss Shocker Triggers Gigantic Losses

SWITZERLAND - The absolutely stunning decision by the Swiss National Bank to decouple from the euro has triggered billions of dollars worth of losses all over the globe. Citigroup and Deutsche Bank both say that their losses were somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 million dollars, a major hedge fund that had 830 million dollars in assets at the end of December has been forced to shut down, and several major global currency trading firms have announced that they are now insolvent.

Germany continues to repatriate gold: Bundesbank

GERMANY - The German central bank or Bundesbank said Monday that it stepped up the repatriation of its gold reserves from overseas storage last year. "The Bundesbank successfully continued and further stepped up its transfers of gold,'' the central bank said in a statement. "In 2014, 120 tonnes of gold were transferred to Frankfurt from storage locations abroad: 35 tonnes from Paris and 85 tonnes from New York.'' Germany's gold reserves are the second-biggest in the world after those of the United States and totalled 3,384.2 tonnes this month, according to the latest data compiled by the World Gold Council. Surging mistrust of the euro during Europe's debt crisis fed a campaign to bring home Germany's gold reserve from New York and London, with some political parties fueling fears the gold might have been tampered with.

RUSSIA: De-Dollarization Continues - Russia Buys Most Gold In Six Months, Continues Selling US Treasuries

RUSSIA - The rumors of Russia selling its gold reserves, it is now clear, were greatly exaggerated as not only did Putin not sell, Russian gold reserves rose by their largest amount in six months in December to just over $46 billion (near the highest since April 2013). It appears all the "Russia is selling" chatter did was lower prices enabling them to gather non-fiat physical assets at a lower cost. On the other hand, there is another trend that continues for the Russians - that of reducing their exposure to US Treasury debt. For the 20th month in a row, Russia's holdings of US Treasury debt fell year-over-year - selling into the strength. It would appear the greatest rotations that no one is talking about are the fiat to non-fiat and the paper to physical shifts occurring in China and Russia.

Japan Set To Surpass China As America's Largest Creditor

USA - When it comes to America's foreign creditors, only two names matter: Japan and China. And it is in the Treasury buying and selling dynamics of these two entities that we can see how Japan's monetary policy has impacted its holdings of US paper, which just hit a new all time high of $1,242 billion, while on the other hand Beijing's official holdings of Treasurys have remained unchanged since the summer of 2011, and which in July declined yet another month to just $1,250 billion, the lowest since January 2013.

Iran and Hezbollah planning joint invasion of Israel

MIDDLE EAST - Senior Iranian and Hezbollah figures killed in an airstrike in Syria this weekend were likely planning an 'imminent' attack on Israel, security sources have claimed. Six Iranian army chiefs died alongside five Hezbollah militants after an Israeli helicopter fired rockets at a convoy in the Golan Heights region on Sunday. Among those killed was Iranian General Mohammed Allahdadi, as well as commander Abu Ali Tabatabai, who is known to have worked with both Hezbollah and Iran.

Pope Francis: Closer to the people

PHILLIPINES - Pope Francis was elected by 115 cardinals to sit as the absolute spiritual leader of over one billion Roman Catholics worldwide. Only the People’s Republic of China selects the leader of such a large population through such a similarly undemocratic process. And yet, the Pope commands greater love, respect, and obedience from his followers than many democratically elected leaders, including perhaps many of the leaders in whose country he has guested, like the Philippines.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)