5 Facts That Explain the Threat From Nigeria’s Boko Haram

NIGERIA - As the world responded to the Charlie Hebdo attack with a 3.7 million person march and the most tweeted hashtag in history, a surge in insurgent savagery in northeast Nigeria drew much less international attention — but was far bloodier. “Je Suis Charlie” has been the theme of the week, but we could just as easily say “Je Suis Nigeria.” Boko Haram, an Islamist terrorist group, wants to establish a caliphate of its own, and a weak Nigerian government is struggling to respond. Here are five facts that put the group’s atrocities in context — and show why we’re likely to see more violence ahead of Nigeria’s February 14 elections.

New ISIS executions show the medieval brutality jihadists would bring to the West

MIDDLE EAST - Two men were hurled from the top of a tower block, two more were crucified in front of a baying crowd and a woman was stoned to death in the latest series of horrific executions by ISIS. The men were thrown from the roof down to the crowd below in the brutal punishment for being gay.

Churches set on fire as protests against Charlie Hebdo cartoon turn violent

NIGER - At least nine churches have been set on fire or looted as protests against the Charlie Hebdo cartoons took a violent turn in a former French colony today. Stone-throwing demonstrators angry at the depiction of the Prophet Mohammad torched Christian buildings and police cars in Niger's capital Niamey.

Embarrassment for EU chief Juncker

LUXEMBOURG - Amazon could be forced to hand over billions in unpaid taxes after the deal it struck with Luxembourg in 2003 was deemed illegal. The European Commission has ruled the company paid tiny rates of tax in comparison to other organisations in the country, in a way that technically 'constitutes state aid'. It's particularly embarrassing for the Commission's president, Jean-Claude Juncker, who was Prime Minister of Luxembourg when the deal was agreed.

Mother and daughter refuse to diet

UK - A mother and daughter who get £34,000 a year in handouts because they are too fat to work say they'd rather be happy and on benefits than depressed and thin. Janice and Amber Manzur weigh a total of 43 stone (6021bs/ 275Kg approx) and are so overweight they have to use mobility scooters to get around. But both women refuse to diet and mother-of-two Ms Manzur, 44, insists: "I'd rather my daughter live life on benefits being fat and happy than depressed and thin."

USA: No Inflation – Unless…

USA - No Inflation – unless… you eat food, use water, live in a house or apartment, heat your home, get sick, travel, pay car insurance, go to school, mail letters, or do your taxes. Government data reports are so funny. The blaring headlines today tell us that prices dropped in December. We are all saving billions from the drop in oil and gas. These reports and their distribution to the sheep are designed to keep you sedated and calm. Facts are not necessary. How this data pertains to your everyday life is not important to the .1% who control the flow of information.

These are the four biggest threats to the world right now

SWITZERLAND - Ahead of its annual meeting at Davos next week, the World Economic Forum has released its annual assessment of the biggest dangers facing the world over the next decade. In previous years, the WEF's Global Risk Report has concentrated on things like ballooning debt levels and fiscal crises as the downside threats to the global economy. This year however has seen international conflict and environmental concerns jump up the list of 28 risks highlighted by the forum's 900 experts. Here's a breakdown of what we should be most fearing over the next decade.

GCRI at 2nd International Germany Forum

GERMANY - With the International Germany Forum, the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr Angela Merkel, has created a new forum for interdisciplinary exchange on internationally relevant issues for the future. The International Germany Forum offers a platform for experts from politics, business, science, and civil society to discuss ways of shaping economic and ecological, social and political transformation processes and elaborate concrete plans of action. The aim of the International Germany Forum is for participants to learn from one another through interaction and to establish a network for long-term global learning. The idea for the International Germany Forum arose from the Federal Chancellor’s "Dialogue on Germany’s Future" conducted in 2011 and 2012, in which she discussed the question "How do we want to live in the future?" with citizens and experts.

Switzerland Ambushes the Global Economy

SWITZERLAND - The Swiss National Bank's shock move today to stop intervening in the foreign exchange market all but guarantees the European Central Bank will finally introduce quantitative easing when it meets January 22. Switzerland is surrendering before a wave of post-QE money fleeing the euro threatens to make a mockery of its currency policy. It's also capitulating as slumping oil brings global deflation ever closer. It's an astonishing U-turn. Just two days ago SNB Vice President Jean-Pierre Danthine told Swiss broadcaster RTS that “we’re convinced that the cap on the franc must remain the pillar of our monetary policy.” He added, though, that it was "very possible" that QE would make defending the threshold more difficult. It seems highly probable that the ECB has winked about its policy intentions to its Swiss counterparts.

World deflationary forces have swept away Switzerland's defences

SWITZERLAND - A month ago the Swiss authorities were still claiming that their currency floor was crucial to prevent a deflation trap. They were right. The Swiss National Bank has lost control. It is the latest in a list of venerable central banks to be overwhelmed by deflationary forces and global economic disorder.

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 38 Straight Months

USA - Government claims recovery as Americans fall deeper into debt black hole. In October 2014, the latest month reported, there were 46,674,364 Americans on food stamps. Food stamp recipients have exceeded 46 million since September 2011. The 46,674,364 on food stamps in October was an increase of 214,434 from the 46,459,930 on food stamps in September. As of July, the national population was 318,857,056, the Census Bureau estimates. Thus, the 46,674,364 on food stamps equaled 14.6 percent of the population.

Pope says: 'limits to freedom of speech'

VATICAN - The Pope says people 'cannot insult the faith of others', adding that he would punch someone if they offended his mother, as he debated freedom of speech in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack. The Pontiff said there were limits to freedom of expression and that 'provocateurs' should not purposely anger religious people.

'Cyber attack war games' to be staged by UK and US

UK - The UK and US are to carry out "war game" cyber attacks on each other as part of a new joint defence against online criminals. The first exercise, a staged attack on the financial sector, will take place later this year, Downing Street said. The "unprecedented" arrangement between the two countries was announced as Prime Minister David Cameron held talks with US President Barack Obama.

IMF Chief Says Global Economy Faces ‘Very Strong’ Headwinds

USA - Strong headwinds from weak investment, substantial debt burdens and high unemployment are preventing a pickup in global economic growth despite a strengthening US recovery and tumbling oil prices, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said.

A healthier US and cheaper energy “won't suffice to actually accelerate the growth or the potential for growth in the rest of the world,” the head of the emergency lender to nations said in a speech Thursday at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington.

Obama Won't Acknowledge 'Religious-Driven War'

USA - Senator Lindsey Graham (Republican for South Carolina) went “On The Record” this evening where he suggested that President Barack Obama won’t acknowledge that the US is in a religious war. “We are in a religious war with radical Islamists who have embraced a religious doctrine that requires them – compelled by God – to purify their religion, to kill all moderate Muslims or people who don’t agree with them within the faith, to destroy every other religion,” Graham said.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)