Hezbollah's firepower of 150,000 projectiles exceeds all European armies combined

ISRAEL - Looking ahead to 2015, Israel faces threats posed mainly by non-state entities motivated by Islamic ideology. Former national security adviser Major General (reserve) Yaakov Amidror wrote, “The strongest of them is Hezbollah, which was formed with a dual purpose in mind: It represents Iran’s long reach in the area and against Israel, while at the same time it aims to control Lebanon, where the Shi’ites are the largest ethnic group”. Hezbollah most closely resembles an army, and its arsenal totals some 150,000 missiles and rockets, several thousand of which can target any area in Israel.

Hezbollah reserves right to retaliate against Israeli attacks on Syria

MIDDLE EAST - Israeli hostilities against Syria should be considered an attack on all of Damascus’ allies, said Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, warning that all necessary preparations for a future war with Israel have been made. "The repeated bombings that struck several targets in Syria are a major violation, and we consider that any strike against Syria is a strike against the whole of the resistance axis, not just against Syria," Nasrallah told Al-Mayadeen television in Beirut.

Admin's Refusal to Say 'Radical Islam' Is 'Insulting & Childish'

USA - Fox News polls released tonight show that Americans are increasingly worried about Islamic terrorism.The polls found that 64 percent of Americans believe that the threat from Islamic terrorism is increasing, but 53 percent say they disapprove of Obama on terrorism. About half of respondents say that the Obama administration has mostly failed to make the country safer.

Swiss central bank stuns market with policy U-turn

SWITZERLAND - The Swiss National Bank shocked financial markets on Thursday by scrapping a three-year-old cap on the franc, sending the currency soaring against the euro and stocks plunging on fears for the export-reliant Swiss economy.

Merkel joins Muslim rally for tolerance Comment

GERMANY - German Chancellor Angela Merkel has joined a Muslim community rally to promote tolerance, condemn the attacks in Paris and rebuke a growing anti-Islam movement. Speaking at the gathering in Berlin on Tuesday, she urged Germans not to marginalise Muslims or other minorities, saying: "Excluding population groups due to their faith or their origin is beneath the dignity of our liberal state. Hatred of foreigners, racism and extremism have no place in this country."

Germany closer to confiscating Islamist IDs

GERMANY - Answering questions on the cabinet meeting in the Bundestag on Wednesday, Germany's Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said that while the plan wouldn't put a complete stop to travels by German Islamists, it would certainly lower the number of departures by making it more difficult to leave the country. "In the situation we're in right now, effective measures that reduce the problem and not completely solve it are still sorely needed," de Maiziere emphasized. Without a regular ID, extremists cannot leave the country to fight alongside “Islamic State” (IS) militants in Syria or Iraq. When they return, trained in war and terrorism, these fighters pose a great potential threat to Germany.

China Bails Out Latin America for Oil

CHINA - The world’s number one energy consumer, China is enjoying the low prices while they last. Never one to settle however, China is finding still more ways to take advantage of the dire straits gripping several oil producers.

Italy PM calls for EU intelligence agency after Paris attacks

ITALY - He said there were no signs to indicate that Italy is under threat of a specific attack, but the country's security agencies were "acting as if there were", he said. Security in Rome and around the Vatican was stepped up in September after a phone-tapped conversation suggested Islamist radicals were planning to attack the capital and the heart of the Roman Catholic Church. Renzi was speaking just hours after a crisis that began with the massacre of 12 people at satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo reached a dramatic climax, with French police storming two hostage sites.

Oxford University Press bans use of pig, sausage or pork-related words

UK - The Oxford University Press has warned its writers not to mention pigs, sausages or pork-related words in children's books, in an apparent bid to avoid offending Jews and Muslims. The existence of the publisher's guidelines emerged after a radio discussion on free speech in the wake of the Paris attacks.

ECJ opinion validates ECB bond buying

EUROPE - The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has this morning released a crucial Advocate General opinion on the legality of the ECB’s Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) – its bond buying programme. The Court found the programme in line with EU law but flagged up certain conditions for its use. Open Europe’s Raoul Ruparel explains what all this means and why it could put the German Constitutional Court in a tricky situation.

U.S. Consolidates Forces in Europe to Save Money

USA - The Defense Department is consolidating American forces in Europe to save what Pentagon officials say will be about $500 million a year while not reducing the number of American military personnel — some 67,000 — who are currently there. Defense officials said they are ending longstanding operations at Royal Air Force Base Mildenhall, a British air base northeast of London in Suffolk where spy planes and other aircraft have been based.

Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting

USA - In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.” Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.

BMW sounds alarm over tech companies seeking connected car data

USA - Technology companies and advertisers are putting pressure on carmakers to pass on data collected by connected cars, BMW has warned, highlighting the concerns the automotive industry faces as it treads a fine line between performance and privacy. Ian Robertson, the German manufacturer’s board member for sales and marketing, said that every car rolling off its production lines had a wireless network that could yield information about location, speed, acceleration and even the occupants of the car.

Democrat-Turned-Independent Wins Election from Jail

USA - A jailed Virginia lawmaker who resigned amid a sex scandal with his 17-year-old secretary has won his seat back in a special election. In unofficial returns, Morrissey defeated Democrat Kevin J. Sullivan and Republican Matt D. Walton by a comfortable margin. Morrissey won 42 percent of the vote, compared to 33 percent for Sullivan and 24 percent for Walton. Morrissey's victory was not unprecedented: Through four previous elections, most voters overlooked or even embraced the lawmaker's flamboyant history of fistfights, contempt-of-court citations and disbarment. The 57-year-old bachelor, who fathered three children out of wedlock with three different women, repeatedly won at least 70 percent of the vote as a Democrat. Morrissey said in a telephone interview that the results show people aren't interested in the drama that landed him in jail.

‘Act of war’: New Charlie Hebdo edition triggers Muslims’ anger, threats

FRANCE - A record 3 million copies of the new edition of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have appeared on French newsstands, with new caricatures triggering outrage among Muslims all over the world, and threats from radical Islamists. British radical preacher Anjem Choudary, who is allegedly connected with armed militant groups, decried the new edition as an "act of war" and a "blatant provocation."

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)