40% of Jewish Israelis Want Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

ISRAEL - Almost 40% of the Jewish population in Israel believes in changing government policy surrounding Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount - even at the cost of bloodshed, according to a survey by the "Peace Index" published Monday by the Guttman Center at the Israel Democracy Institute and the Evens Program for Solution Conflict Resolution at Tel Aviv University. Despite this, 56% of respondents still believe in restricting Jews from praying on the Mount to "prevent friction with the Muslim world." The survey follows Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's declaration recently that his intention is to maintain the "status quo" at the site, whereby Jews are forbidden to pray as a response to Muslim pressure - despite round after round of Arab rioting. The PM emphasized that Jews would continue to be allowed to visit, but that a ban on praying would remain.

Islamic Jihad: We will respond 'at any moment' to torching of West Bank mosque

ISRAEL - "Those who encourage and allow attacks on mosques and against Palestinians should expect a response," organization warns. The Islamic Jihad on Wednesday vowed to respond "at any moment" to an arson attack against a mosque in the West Bank earlier in the day that Palestinians blamed on settlers. The organization said in the aftermath of the mosque torching in the village of Al-Maghir, east of Ramallah, that "the terrorism of the settlers and the occupation army will be met with a Palestinian will that doesn't accept submission and surrender." The statement added that "those who encourage and allow attacks on mosques and against Palestinians should expect a response." Residents of the village of Al-Maghir reported that a mosque was set on fire early Wednesday, around 3:30am.

Germany moving toward open denial of Nazi mass crimes

GERMANY - Several citizens' initiatives are unambiguously repudiating the semi-official German "commemorative culture." Particularly the "Train of Commemoration" is raising serious accusations against the German government, on the occasion of the upcoming commemoration of the Nazi November Pogroms. According to the initiative's voluminous publication, Berlin is crossing the line between revisionist theses and open denial of Nazi mass crimes.

Tetanus vaccines found spiked with sterilization chemical

KENYA - Tetanus vaccines given to millions of young women in Kenya have been confirmed by laboratories to contain a sterilization chemical that causes miscarriages, reports the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, a pro-vaccine organization. A whopping 2.3 million young girls and women are in the process of being given the vaccine, pushed by UNICEF and the World Health Organization. "We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen," Dr Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. "They were all laced with HCG." …the very group exposing the sterilization agenda of the tetanus vaccines is in fact a pro-vaccination group. Yet even they have now come to realize the horrifying truth: vaccines are the perfect vector for governments to deviously insert covert chemical or viral agents which are never revealed to the public.

The Truth About the Wars

USA - AS a senior commander in Iraq and Afghanistan, I lost 80 soldiers. Despite their sacrifices, and those of thousands more, all we have to show for it are two failed wars. This fact eats at me every day, and Veterans Day is tougher than most.

Net Neutrality: Can You Hear Us Now?

USA - FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is refusing to participate in any public hearings on net neutrality. On a recent Monday night in Brooklyn, five empty chairs stood on stage — one for each member of the Federal Communications Commission. A crowd had amassed in the room for a public hearing to send this message to the agency: Don’t hurt the open Internet. But the commissioners’ absence sent a stronger message: We’re not listening. In fact, the FCC has gone out of its way to avoid attending public gatherings like the one in Brooklyn. It’s been more than five years since all five FCC commissioners left Washington together to participate in a public hearing where anyone could testify. These kinds of public hearings used to be commonplace for the agency, regardless of which political party was in control of Washington.

Britain will not remain in Europe 'come what may', David Cameron says

UK - Britain is not prepared to remain in Europe "come what may" and Brussels needs to address people's concerns about immigration, David Cameron has said. The Prime Minister said that "proper" controls on immigration are needed including reforms to movement within the European Union. He said that Britain will not be "ordered around" by other European Union countries in the single currency union.

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Twiplets? Two dads and a twio of mums

UK - Today’s edition of Call Me Old-Fashioned comes from Surrey, where a gay couple are expecting three babies by three different surrogate mothers within seven months of each other. I’m sorry, I’ll just read that again. No, I was right first time. Two homosexuals have hired three women they found on the internet to produce three children for them. They have already dubbed the babies: the ‘twiplets’.

Growing calls for Jean Claude Juncker resignation

EUROPE - There were growing calls for Jean-Claude Juncker to resign as President of the European Commission amid allegations that he presided over potentially illegal tax breaks given to multinational companies operating in Luxembourg. Bloomberg, the influential financial newswire, devoted its editorial to a call for Mr Juncker’s resignation over revelations multinational companies were allegedly allowed to create complicated structures to avoid billions of pounds of tax when he was Prime Minister of the country.

EU risks becoming a failed utopian experiment

HUNGARY - At the moment the EU is facing the question whether to become part of the unsuccessful utopias in global history, according to Hungarian President Viktor Orban. This is what an article written by Mr Orban, published on his website, dedicated on the issuance of the book by former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl “With Care for Europe” reads, RIA Novosti reports.

Drought Turns East Bay City Into Wild, Wild West

USA - Seems the drought has made California into the wild, wild west. Clayton in Contra Costa County is a city that remains true to its western roots. There’s even an old-time saloon. In this town, water has become as precious as gold, and thieves are resorting to stealing it. The Contra Costa Water District says fire hydrants are their favorite targets, mainly along Marsh Creek Road. They come in the dark of the night. “It’s not right,” said resident Delores Vargas. Another resident, Marvin Taylor, agreed. “People who aren’t authorized to get into a fire hydrant shouldn’t be doing that.” Unfortunately, they are. The reason is anyone’s guess. It’s clean. They can sell it, or use it for dust abatement.

Militant Group in Egypt Vows Loyalty to ISIS

EGYPT - They have slaughtered hundreds of Egyptian soldiers and police officers, recruited experienced fighters and staged increasingly sophisticated raids from the Western desert to the Sinai Peninsula. They have beheaded informants and killed an American in a carjacking, say Western officials familiar with intelligence reports.

Eugenics making a comeback as a respectable policy

USA - After hibernating for 60 years, eugenics is making a comeback, both in academic and popular spheres. Nazi enthusiasm for eugenics, as well as sterilisation campaigns throughout the Western world in the 1920s and 1930s, gave eugenics a bad name. However, In the Huffington Post recently, Joe Entine of the Genetic Literacy Project made the case for Eugenics 2.0:

Wall Street Banks Have Been Hoarding Billions For One Legal Settlement

USA - Wall Street has been bracing for a billion-dollar currency manipulation investigation that will be over in a few weeks, says The Wall Street Journal. In the past few weeks, it seems banks have been scrambling to prepare for whatever regulators on both sides of the pond may find after a fairly boring earnings season. Performance was average to slightly below, and the total trading rout banks expected didn't turn out to be that bad. But then the disclosures started coming.

Iran Possesses All the Technology for a Nuclear Weapon

IRAN - November 24, 2014, is a looming deadline for Iran, Israel, the United States and the world over its nuclear weapons program. America’s Wendy Sherman, who is leading the negotiations, has described the talks as “a forest of distrust.” At the same time, she declares, “Our bottom line is unambiguous … Iran will not, shall not obtain a nuclear weapon.”

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)