Jerusalem will soon become capital of global caliphate

MIDDLE EAST - Only days after being released from prison, the leader of the Islamic Movement's northern Israel branch returned to the public eye, giving a fiery sermon about conquering Jerusalem and making it the Muslim-only capital of a Sunni Islamic empire. In a video of his November 7 sermon in Nazareth, translated by MEMRI, Sheikh Raed Salah said "Inshallah, Jerusalem will soon become the capital of the global caliphate." On March 4, Salah was sentenced to eight months in prison and three years on probation for inciting to violence in a 2007 speech. In the 2007 speech, Salah urged supporters to start a third intifada in order to “save al-Aksa Mosque, free Jerusalem and end the occupation.”

Hamas: 'Popular army' formed for 'liberation of al-Aksa'

MIDDLE EAST - Hamas has declared the formation of a "popular army" at the Jabaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday, according to a report by the AFP. A spokesman for the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades - Hamas's military branch - said the 2,500 recruits would form "the first section of the popular army for the liberation of al-Aksa and of Palestine," according the AFP report. Mohammed Abu Askar, a Hamas official, said those older than 20 could sign up "to be prepared for any confrontation" with Israel.

California County Quietly Votes For Independence From State and Federal Laws

USA - Mendocino County, in the pristine northern lands of California, where the magnificent ancient coastal Redwood trees meet the inland California Oaks, has voted itself into the constitution writing (righting) business. Yesterday, by a significant margin, they became the first county in California, and only the second county in the country to pass into law a very powerful local ordinance that declares local self-governing rights in their communities over state and federal jurisdiction. Over 67% of the votes cast were in favor of the measure. The ordinance provides for waters free from toxic trespass; pre-emptively bans all fracking activities countywide with heavy fines and penalties for violation of the ordinance; and establishes a Community Bill of Rights to, for, and by the residents of Mendocino County while checking corporate powers as well. In addition, the newly created law gives the Rights of Nature to exist and flourish without toxic trespass whereas previously Nature had no standing in the court of law.

Qataris make move on Canary Wharf's £6 billion estate

UK - Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund is preparing a multi-billion takeover of Canary Wharf, the east London financial district, in a move that would cement the emirate’s position as one of the capital’s biggest property owners. The Qatari Investment Authority has teamed up with Canadian investment group Brookfield to make an approach for Songbird Estates, the property developer that owns a majority stake in the world famous Docklands site. Shares in the property developer rocketed by 20 percent on Thursday as investors salivated over the prospect of one of the largest deals in British real estate history. Songbird was valued at £2.3 billion after the market closed, but the group’s extensive property assets were recently valued at more than £6.28 billion.

Full investigation into the dominance of 'big four' UK banks confirmed

UK - Britain's biggest banks face the prospect of being broken up by the competition regulator, in spite of warnings that this would be hugely expensive and hold back lending to the economy. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has dismissed the concerns of banks, amid warnings that the costs of forced branch sales would vastly outweigh any benefits, and that support for breaking up the banks is based on false pretences.

Internet is becoming a 'dark and ungoverned space', says Met chief

UK - The internet is becoming a “dark and ungoverned” space and technology firms need to do more to help protect against paedophiles, murderers and terrorists, Britain’s most senior police officer has warned. Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe said the level of encryption available to those offenders who operate on or through the web is so sophisticated it is frustrating police investigations and is in danger of making the internet “anarchic”. He called on communication providers and internet companies to do more to protect the public from terrorism and serious crime. Speaking at a law enforcement conference in New York, Sir Bernard said: "We cannot allow parts of the internet - or any communications platform - to become dark and ungoverned space where images of child abuse are exchanged, murders are planned, and terrorist plots are progressed."

Mario Draghi's efforts to save EMU have hit the Berlin Wall

EUROPE - If the ECB tries to press ahead with QE, Germany's central bank chief will resign. If it does not do so, the eurozone will remain stuck in a lowflation trap and Mario Draghi will resign. Mario Draghi has finally overplayed his hand. He tried to bounce the European Central Bank into €1 trillion of stimulus without the acquiescence of Europe's creditor bloc or the political assent of Germany.

Finance experts call for a new global financial order at Beijing conference

CHINA - On November 5, top financial experts concluded a conference held in Beijing, China to discuss economic reforms and how the current global financial system could be adapted or changed to function in a rapidly evolving monetary environment. Members of a Chinese think tank, along with the former President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, and former Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd were all in attendance at the event, and agreed that the current system of international finance was quickly becoming outdated in its ability to deal with events emerging in a new global paradigm.

'Trojan Horse' Bug Lurking in Vital US Computers Since 2011

USA - A destructive “Trojan Horse” malware program has penetrated the software that runs much of the nation’s critical infrastructure and is poised to cause an economic catastrophe, according to the Department of Homeland Security. National Security sources told ABC News there is evidence that the malware was inserted by hackers believed to be sponsored by the Russian government, and is a very serious threat.

The Dickens Dossier: Secret file on establishment paedophiles may be opened

UK - A secret file which is said to contain the names of paedophiles with links to the British establishment and which is rumoured to be locked away in archives at the University of Oxford’s Bodleian Library, could be made public as part of the Government’s child abuse inquiry. Inquiry panel members Barbara Hearn and Sharon Evans, along with Ben Emmerson QC, counsel to the inquiry, assured campaigners at their meeting last week – shortly before Fiona Woolf announced she would be the second person to resign as chair – that they would have top-level security clearance and access to restricted or closed files. The Independent on Sunday revealed at the weekend that the inquiry panel will have “developed vetting” – top-level clearance allowing them access to intelligence files and information.

Prison threat for 90-year old who fed Florida homeless

USA - Two pastors and a 90-year old man have been arrested for feeding the homeless in public. The pastors, Dwayne Black and Mark Sims along with Arnold Abbott, an advocate for the homeless, face a 60-day jail term and a $500 fine for breaking a new law passed by the city. "One of the police officers came over and said ‘Drop that plate right now,’ as if I was carrying a weapon,” Mr Abbott said. "These are the poorest of the poor, they have nothing, they don't have a roof over their heads. How do you turn them away?” It is estimated that there are 10,000 homeless people in Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding area. The prosecutions reflect a hardening of US attitudes towards the homeless across the country with Fort Lauderdale becoming the 13th city to impose restrictions on feeding the homeless.

Pope Francis: 'Pagan' Christians 'In Name Only' Are 'Enemies of The Cross'

VATICAN - Not all those who claim to be Christians really are, said Pope Francis Friday morning. Some are Christians “in name only,” he said. “They bear the name of Christians but live a life of pagans.” In his homily at Mass, the Pope said that there have always been two types of Christian, those who truly followed Christ and those who only pretended to. At the time of Saint Paul, there were “worldly Christians, Christians in name only, with two or three Christian features, but nothing more.” The Pope called this sort of people “Pagan Christians,” whom St Paul called “enemies of the cross of Christ.”

Swarm of earthquakes in Nevada desert is intensifying

USA - A swarm of hundreds of earthquakes that has been striking a corner of the Nevada desert near the Oregon border for months has intensified in recent days, prompting new warnings from seismologists. About 750 earthquakes, mostly magnitude 2.0 to 3.0, have struck the area about 50 miles southeast of Lakeview, Oregon, since the swarm started in July, said Ian Madin, chief scientist for Oregon's Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. The temblors have been growing steadily stronger with time. Six earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater have struck the area since Tuesday and about 40 have struck in the last 24 hours, Madin said. "This week it has just gone crazy," Madin said.

Ferguson mayor sees possible protests in region when grand jury decides

USA - Tensions in Ferguson, Missouri, have simmered since black teen Michael Brown was shot and killed by a white police officer in August. And with a grand jury expected to soon deliver its decision on whether to indict the officer, a group that represents protesters says it wants 48-hours notice before the decision is announced so it can help prevent the St Louis suburb from once again boiling over with anger, violence and confusion.

Chaos breaks out in London

UK - Russell Brand and Vivienne Westwood joined thousands of masked anti-capitalist demonstrators who descended on Westminster for a Bonfire Night protest, bringing chaos to the capital. Scores of riot police were on stand-by amid threats from campaign group Anonymous that the demonstration would create a blockade throughout London. Officers were forced to draw their batons as missiles, plastic cones and road signs were launched along the Mall, while fireworks were let off in Trafalgar Square.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)