German Jews are ‘miracle’ and ‘special gift’ says Angela Merkel

GERMANY - At Berlin’s Brandenburg gate on September 14, Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, gave one of the most intensely personal speeches of her political career. The occasion was a rally of political, religious and civic leaders against anti-Semitism. It followed a flurry of anti-Jewish incidents in German and other European cities.

Anthropogenic Global Warming vs Volcanic Global Cooling?

ICELAND - A report by the (UK) Express speculated that a major Bardarbunga eruption could bring on a mini ice age. “Icelandic volcano could trigger Britain's coldest winter EVER this year,” ran the Express headline, while the subtitle warned: “BRITAIN could freeze in YEARS of super-cold winters and miserable summers if the Bardarbunga volcano erupts, experts have warned.”

Iceland’s Volcanic Pollution Dwarfs All of Europe’s Human Emissions

ICELAND - “The sulfur dioxide (SO2) emitted from the Holuhraun eruption has reached up to 60,000 tons per day and averaged close to 20,000 tons since it began,” notes Pall Stefanson, in a September 25 report for Iceland Review Online. “For comparison, all the SO2 pollution in Europe, from industries, energy production, traffic and house heating, etc, amounts to 14,000 tons per day.” A September 12 report for Iceland Review Online noted that SO2 from the eruption was four times the previous record and that residents were complaining of sore throats, stinging eyes, and headaches from the sulfur pollution. reported that sulfur fumes from the Icelandic volcanoes are even bothering people on Norway’s coast 800 miles away.

How Monsanto is Turning an Island Paradise Into a GMO Wasteland

HAWAII - Monsanto is conquering one of the world’s most stunning utopias – and it’s happening right under our noses. The company is turning the picturesque island of Molokai into a GMO laboratory, and it’s treating the island’s inhabitants as lab rats. The biotech behemoth arrived on Molokai with big promises of delivering jobs, however local islanders have been exposed to a constant dosing of harmful toxins in the air and groundwater, with no end in sight.

The US Is Now 50% More Unequal Than Ancient Rome

USA - As we previously noted, only the highest income earners have seen any gains in compensation since the crisis began around 2007 to the current 'recovery' tops. It is perhaps not entirely surprising then that, the total income controlled by the Top 1% is drastically above that of the slave-included times of Ancient Rome.

Islamic State fight seen costing US $2.4 billion or more annually

USA - US military efforts against Islamic State have cost nearly $1 billion so far and are likely to run between $2.4 billion and $3.8 billion per year if air and ground operations continue at the current pace, according to a think tank analysis. But a ramp-up, including more air strikes and a significant boost in ground forces, could send costs soaring to between $13 billion and $22 billion annually, said the analysis released on Monday by the nonpartisan Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. "Future costs depend, to a great extent, on how long operations continue, the steady-state level of air operations, and whether additional ground forces are deployed beyond what is already planned," said the report by Todd Harrison and other analysts.

The Lie That Will Start a World War

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - The Muslim claim on the Temple Mount is the biggest fraud in history. No one dares say it, but unless someone does, another world war will erupt. Right now, even as we speak, frum (pious) Jews are trying to gain access to pray on the Temple Mount. These Jews were forbidden by Israeli courts to pray on the Temple Mount. In the last year, they have started defying those courts and asserting a right to their patrimony.

Temple Institute Raises $100,000 for Third Temple Plans

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - The Temple Institute’s crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for the modern architectural plans for the Third Holy Temple in Jerusalem came to a close on Rosh Hashanah after surpassing its $100,000 goal in 60 days. The initiative began on the first day of the month of Av, when Jews commemorate the destruction of the ancient Holy Temples. Almost 900 pledges have come in from more than 30 countries worldwide. Jews have prayed to rebuild the Temple, three times daily since its destruction by Roman Legions in 70 CE. The Temple Institute's project to draw up architectural plans began three years ago with the Chamber of Hewn Stone.

California harvest much smaller than normal across crops

USA - It’s harvest time in much of California, and the signs of drought are almost as abundant as the fruits and nuts and vegetables. One commodity after another is feeling the impact of the state’s epic water shortage. The great Sacramento Valley rice crop, served in sushi restaurants nationwide and exported to Asia, will be smaller than usual. Fewer grapes will be available to produce California’s world-class wines, and the citrus groves of the San Joaquin Valley are producing fewer oranges. There is less hay and corn for the state’s dairy cows, and the pistachio harvest is expected to shrink.

Daily water allocation could be the next California drought strategy

USA - You probably know your Social Security number, your driver’s license number and perhaps the latest wrinkle in mattress marketing, your sleep number. But do you know your drought number? The latter represents the amount of water you are allowed to use per day. If you don’t know it, you probably should. Not knowing could cost you money. As California’s severe drought moves into a fourth year, state and local water agencies are working on something called “allocation-based rate structures,” a kind of precursor to water rationing that’s all the rage in Sacramento and in some areas such as Santa Cruz, Irvine and Santa Monica. Making water hogs pay a top-tier rate is another trend gaining popularity among water agencies.

Russia at UN accuses US, allies of bossing world around

RUSSIA - Russia used its annual appearance at the UN General Assembly on Saturday to accuse the United States and its Western allies of bossing the world around, complaining they were attempting to dictate to everyone "what is good and evil." The speech by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to the 193-nation assembly was the latest example of the deteriorating relations between Moscow and Western powers, which have imposed sanctions on Russia over the conflict in neighboring Ukraine.

Geneva Report warns record debt and slow growth point to crisis

SWITZERLAND - A “poisonous combination” of record debt and slowing growth suggest the global economy could be heading for another crisis, a hard-hitting report will warn on Monday. The 16th annual Geneva Report, commissioned by the International Centre for Monetary and Banking Studies and written by a panel of senior economists including three former senior central bankers, predicts interest rates across the world will have to stay low for a “very, very long” time to enable households, companies and governments to service their debts and avoid another crash.

China increasingly producing "tools of torture" for export – Amnesty

CHINA - More than 130 companies are involved in producing or trading the equipment, typically marketed to law enforcement agencies, up from about 28 companies a decade ago, Amnesty said. The equipment fuels human rights abuses by law enforcement authorities in African and Southeast Asian states, the group said in a report. One company, China Xining Import/Export Corporation, which advertises thumb cuffs, restraint chairs and electric stun guns, said in 2012 it had ties to more than 40 African countries, according to Amnesty. The firm could not be reached for comment. The rights group worked with the British-based Omega Research Foundation, which researches the trade and the use of military, security and police equipment. China's Foreign Ministry could not be immediately reached for comment.

Ecumenism is taking its time

JORDAN - Dialogue between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches is showing no signs of progress. The latest plenary session of the mixed Commission [was] created to deal with the theological obstacles that stand in the way of full communion between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.

5 US Banks Each Have More Than 40 Trillion Dollars In Exposure To Derivatives

USA - When is the US banking system going to crash? I can sum it up in three words. Watch the derivatives. It used to be only four, but now there are five "too big to fail" banks in the United States that each have more than 40 trillion dollars in exposure to derivatives. Today, the US national debt is sitting at a grand total of about 17.7 trillion dollars, so when we are talking about 40 trillion dollars we are talking about an amount of money that is almost unimaginable.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)