Banks facing £2 billion fine for rate rigging

UK - Six major banks including Royal Bank of Scotland and Barclays face huge fines for rigging the ‘Wild West’ foreign currency market. The lenders held secret talks with the City watchdog this week to try to thrash out a deal. Those also involved in the negotiations are understood to include HSBC, US banks Citigroup and JPMorgan and Swiss lender UBS. The fines are expected to be confirmed simultaneously, with the total bill set to be as high as £2 billion and one bank facing a fine of between £300 million and £400 million.

EU’s Juncker team faces make-or-break hearings

EUROPE - The next 10 days could make or break a plan to reshape the European Union under new management in an attempt to revive the economy and regain trust among its half-billion people. From Monday, members of a European Parliament elected on a wave of anti-Brussels protest will subject nominees for posts on executive European Commission to hearings that could wreck the line-up and a complex new structure proposed by its incoming president, Jean-Claude Juncker.

Chris Grayling: Europe will no longer rule our courts

UK - The European Court of Human Rights will no longer be able to overrule British courts, under Conservative plans to be unveiled within days. Chris Grayling, the Justice Secretary, told The Telegraph that the Tories are ready to change the law to ensure that Britain is no longer “powerless” before the European court. After extensive deliberations, the Conservatives are ready to unveil their plans to scrap the Human Rights Act and ensure that the final decision on controversial legal cases is taken by Britain’s Supreme Court and not judges in Strasbourg, he said. The Tories have a long-standing commitment to check the power of the Strasbourg court, which they have accused of forcing unacceptable decisions on Britain.

Vatican rocked by another paedophilia scandal

VATICAN - Scandal has rocked the Vatican for the second time in a week. On Thursday (September 25), officials confirmed Pope Francis had sacked Bishop Livieres, head of the Paraguayan diocese of Ciudad del Este. Livieres is suspected of protecting a priest believed to have sexually abused young people. His dismissal followed the arrest two days earlier of former archbishop Josef Wesolowski, who is accused of paying for sex with children during his time as papal ambassador in the Dominican Republic. Pope Francis, has vowed to take a zero-tolerance policy on clerics who abuse minors. The pontiff approved Wesolowski’s arrest and earlier this year compared child abuse to a “satanic mass”.

Mammoth earthquake swarm is the largest in nearly a decade

USA - More than 600 small earthquakes have rattled the Mammoth Lakes region in less than 36 hours as ripple effects continued across one of the most seismically active volcanic regions in California, according to the US Geological Survey. The swarm of quakes — ranging from magnitude 1.0 to 3.8 — began just before 5am Thursday, according to the USGS. “This is one of the largest earthquake swarms we’ve seen in the past decade or so,” said David Shelly, a USGS research seismologist who has been studying the volcanic system near Mammoth Lakes. “We’ll be tracking it closely.” Residents reported periodic rattles through the day but said they were used to the shaking given that Mammoth is a seismically active area.

Now Taliban try to seize ISIS crown for brutality

AFGHANISTAN - Taliban fighters have beheaded 15 civilians in battles for control of a key district near Kabul in a chilling echo of the brutality meted out by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The Ghazni provincial government said it has lost contact with police in the province's western district of Ajrestan after hundreds of insurgents stormed several villages in the area. The attack by an estimated 700 Taliban fighters began about five days ago and early reports were that more than 100 people had been killed, provincial deputy governor Ahmadullah Ahmadi said. At least 15 of those were decapitated, he added.

Couple singing Peppa Pig tune to toddler 'forced off bus'

UK - A couple were thrown off a bus and branded racists after singing the Peppa Pig theme tune to their autistic daughter, it has been claimed. Nick Barnfield and Sarah Cleaves were travelling with their daughter Heidi on a bus from Sheffield to Doncaster when the 15-month-old started crying. The couple, who live in Rotherham, started singing the song in an effort to cheer their daughter up, but say they were branded racists by another passenger and told to get off the bus by its driver. The couple claimed the woman, who they say was wearing a hijab, took offence to the snorting sounds in the song and believed they were a reference to how pork is forbidden in Islam though this has not been confirmed. She complained to the bus's driver, who, it is claimed, then told the couple it would be 'easier' for them to get off two miles from their home.

Tesco in fresh embarrassment

UK - Tesco faced fresh embarrassment last night after it emerged its cold pork sausages were contaminated with chicken and turkey and its venison burgers contained lamb. The beleaguered supermarket giant admitted its DNA testing had found undeclared meat in five products on its shelves. The discovery comes just days after it emerged that Tesco had inflated its profit by at least £250 million – amid claims it did so to cover up a slump in profits.

RUSSIA: The highest court backs ban on ‘gay propaganda to minors’

RUSSIA - The Constitutional Court of Russia has acknowledged the ban of homosexual propaganda among the under age as lawful and dismissed a complaint by well-known LGBT activists. The ruling was made in response to a complaint lodged by activists Nikolay Alekseev, Yaroslav Evtushenko and Dmitry Isakov. They tried to dispute the law section of Russia’s administrative code that describes how the law defines “propaganda of non-conventional sexual relationships to minors.”

Japan volcano: 31 hikers feared dead on Mount Ontake

JAPAN - At least 31 hikers have been found lifeless near the peak of Mount Ontake after Saturday's volcanic eruption. The hikers were not breathing and their hearts had stopped, reports said, but there will be no confirmation of death until after a medical assessment.

BREAKING NEWS: Britain goes to war on ISIS in Iraq

UK - Britain is to join air strikes against ISIS militants in Iraq after MPs voted overwhelmingly by 524 to 43 to back military action. Six RAF Tornados are expected to join war planes from the US, France and Arab nations after Parliament staged a six-hour emergency debate on UK intervention. David Cameron insisted Britain cannot 'walk on by' in the face of the threat posed by 'psychopathic terrorists'.

US Aggression Drags World into Age of Global Anarchy

USA – Allied with barbaric regional regimes who gestated "Islamic State," Washington's attack on Syria sets dangerous new precedent. Without a UN mandate or even a cohesive narrative, the United States and its regional allies have begun unilaterally bombing targets in Syria. Together with Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar - the very sponsors of extremist groups fighting inside of Syria, including the Islamic State, its offshoot al Nusra, and other Al Qaeda aligned factions - the US has opened a new chapter on global anarchy.

Just how big is Britain's debt mountain?

UK - In total, the government owes its creditors £1.4 trillion as of this year. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has changed the way it measures our public finances, throwing fresh light on the precise state of the nation's coffers. The latest revisions help bring the UK in line with European accounting standards, but they don't make great reading for the Chancellor. According to the figures, Britain's debt mountain is £127 billion bigger that we first thought. In total, the government owes its creditors £1.4 trillion as of this year.

Why I Hope to Die at 75

USA - Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel, says that society would be far better off if people quit trying to live past age 75. His new article entitled “Why I Hope To Die At 75” has the following very creepy subtitle: “An argument that society and families — and you — will be better off if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly”. In the article, Emanuel forcefully argues that the quality of life for most people is significantly diminished past the age of 75 and that once we get to that age we should refuse any more medical care that will extend our lifespans. This is quite chilling to read, considering the fact that this is coming from one of the key architects of Obamacare.

Europe’s Anti-Semitism Comes Out of the Shadows

EUROPE - From the immigrant enclaves of the Parisian suburbs to the drizzly bureaucratic city of Brussels to the industrial heartland of Germany, Europe’s old demon returned this summer. “Death to the Jews!” shouted protesters at pro-Palestinian rallies in Belgium and France. “Gas the Jews!” yelled marchers at a similar protest in Germany. The ugly threats were surpassed by uglier violence. Four people were fatally shot in May at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. A Jewish-owned pharmacy in a Paris suburb was destroyed in July by youths protesting Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. A synagogue in Wuppertal, Germany, was attacked with firebombs. A Swedish Jew was beaten with iron pipes. The list goes on. The scattered attacks have raised alarm about how Europe is changing and whether it remains a safe place for Jews.

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Just what is an Apostle?

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)