ISIS on the Temple Mount

TEMPLE MOUNT, ISRAEL - While Jews can’t pray on our holiest site, and police make sure no Israeli flags are taken up, Muslims have no problem bringing in and waving an ISIS flag on the Temple Mount.

Maybe we’ll allow them to run executions there too, while we’re at it.

Pro-Hamas Hackers Trying to Cripple Israel in Secret Cyber War

MIDDLE EAST - Israeli cyber security forces foiled a major cyber attack by pro-Hamas hackers during Operation Protective Edge, but hackers remain determined to harm essential Israeli infrastructure. While the Iron Dome system intercepted missiles and IDF robots destroyed terror tunnels, the IDF and the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) foiled an attack against Israel websites over the Internet. Hackers from around the world planned the attack with the help of Iran on Al-Quds Day, an annual event organized by Iranian leaders against Zionism.

Meet the Woman Who Wants to Reduce the Male Population by 90%

USA - Meet a 22-year-old, southern criminology student with a three-year-old child. She calls herself the Femitheist and has a blog, YouTube channel, and is writing a book all about the “importance” of reducing the male population to roughly 1-10% in order to achieve world peace and “true equality.”

Half the world’s population lives in 6 countries!

USA - China remains the world's most populous nation at 1.4 billion people, followed by India with 1.3 billion, according to UN figures. The United States, Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan combined all have just under 1 billion people. Here is an updated list of the world's most populated cities, according to the UN:

1. Tokyo, Japan (38 million)

2. Delhi, India (25 million)

3. Mexico City, Mumbai and Sao Paulo (21 million)

4. Osaka, Japan (20 million)

5. Beijing, China (just under 20 million)

6. New York-Newark area and Cairo, Egypt (18.5 million)

France will not be 'be pushed around' by Germany

FRANCE - French Economy Minister Arnaud Montebourg on Saturday criticised German austerity measures and warned France would no longer "be pushed around" by the EU's economic powerhouse. "You have to raise your voice. Germany is trapped in an austerity policy that it imposed across Europe," the socialist minister said in an interview with Le Monde newspaper. Montebourg's comments follow Germany's snubbing of a request from French President Francois Hollande earlier this month for an EU-wide shift of economic policy in order to encourage growth. They put Montebourg at loggerheads with Hollande, who said this week he did not want to see France go "head to head" with Berlin. France is mired in a stubbornly slow economic recovery and the central bank warned this month that Hollande had no hope of reaching his target of 1.0-percent growth for 2014.

Global warming pause 'may last for another decade', scientists suggest

USA - The “pause” in global warming may last another decade before surface temperatures start rising again, according to scientists who say heat is being stored in the depths of the Atlantic and Southern Oceans. Global average surface temperatures rose rapidly from the 1970s but have been relatively stable since the late 1990s, in a trend that has been seized upon by climate sceptics who question the science of man-made warming. Climate change scientists have proposed more than a dozen theories to explain the "hiatus", which they say is a "distraction" from the widespread consensus on global warming.

Largest earthquake in 25 YEARS rocks San Francisco Bay

USA - An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.0 struck California's northern San Francisco Bay area early Sunday, damaging buildings, starting fires and leaving thousands without power. The 30-second earthquake struck just before 3:30 am about 10 miles northwest of American Canyon, which is about 6 miles southwest of Napa, in California wine country, Leslie Gordon of the US Geological Survey said. It's the largest earthquake to shake the Bay Area since the 6.9 magnitude Loma Prieta quake in 1989, the USGS said.

US Sends Second Carrier to Asia Amid Tensions with China

USA - The Navy is sending a second aircraft carrier strike group to the Asia Pacific region amid new tensions with China over a dangerous aerial encounter between a Chinese interceptor and Navy P-8 surveillance craft.

The strike group led by the USS Carl Vinson departed San Diego for the Pacific on Friday, the Navy said in an announcement of what it terms a “planned” deployment. China’s military on Saturday, meanwhile, demanded an end to all US monitoring flights and called US criticism of dangerous Chinese jet maneuvers false. Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said in a statement that a Chinese fighter jet made a “regular identification and verification” of the Navy P-8 anti-submarine warfare jet during an encounter in an area 135 miles east of Hainan Island.

The dollar's 70-year dominance is coming to an end

USA - In early July 1944, delegates from 44 countries gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. A three-week summit took place, at which a new system was agreed to regulate the international monetary and financial order after the Second World War.

Hamas shoots 18 Israeli 'informants' after leaders killed in airstrikes

MIDDLE EAST - Hamas shot dead 18 suspected collaborators on Friday in a public killing spree triggered by successful Israeli assassination strikes against its most senior military commanders. Seven people were shot dead outside the Omari mosque in central Gaza City's landmark Palestine Square in a display apparently designed as a deterrent message to other would-be informants. Masked militants clad in black gunned down the victims, whose faces were covered and hands tied behind their backs, as worshippers emerged from Friday prayers, witnesses said. "This is the final moment of the Zionist enemy collaborators," one of the masked militants announced, before firing.

Has Yellen opened door to rise in interest rates?

USA - Janet Yellen, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, appeared to open the door to an early rise in interest rates on Friday, as she warned that it was almost impossible to determine whether the labour market would ever bounce back to its state before the economic crisis. In a speech at the annual economic conference at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, she said that the Fed has used monetary policy in order to get as many people back to work as possible, but it is becoming hard to tell how long it might take to reach the central bank’s targets. “A key challenge is to assess just how far the economy now stands from the attainment of its maximum employment goal,” she said.

Iran: Dried out

IRAN - Farmers who worked the fertile lands around Isfahan have had to find a new way to make a living since the river at the heart of this Iranian city ran dry. Instead of raising and selling crops irrigated by the Zayandeh Roud, they are now paid to keep its parched riverbed clean and litter-free.

Whisked Away by the Vatican

VATICAN – He was a familiar figure to the skinny shoeshine boys who work along the oceanfront promenade here. Wearing black track pants and a baseball cap pulled low over his balding head, they say, he would stroll along in the late afternoon and bring one of them down to the rocky shoreline or to a deserted monument for a local Catholic hero. The boys say he gave them money to perform sexual acts.

Why Did YouTube Publish Video of Terrorists Beheading James Foley?

USA - After a video surfaced on YouTube Tuesday of Islamic terrorist group ISIS beheading American journalist James Foley, some people asked how this could happen. A spokesperson for YouTube provided the following statement to Mediaite:

“YouTube has clear policies that prohibit content like gratuitous violence, hate speech and incitement to commit violent acts, and we remove videos violating these policies when flagged by our users. We also terminate any account registered by a member of a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization and used in an official capacity to further its interests.”

Cash raised for Missouri cop surpasses Brown donations

USA - Online fundraisers for Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson surpassed the amount of money raised for Michael Brown's family as Wilson supporters gathered in an afternoon rally. Supporters of Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, gathered Saturday at Barney's Sports Pub in south St Louis.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)