The United States' Farm-Grown Terrorism

USA - Back on September 11th, nearly 3,000 people lost their lives in the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Since 9/11, our government has spent over $7.6 trillion on military and homeland security operations in response to the deaths of those roughly 3,000 souls.

'Hand of God' prevents rocket from striking its target

ISRAEL - An Israeli Iron Dome operator is claiming that he witnessed 'the hand of God' diverting an incoming Hamas rocket into the sea. The commander claims that the divine intervention stopped the death of hundreds of Israeli citizens. Israel's Iron Dome system allows it to shoot down incoming rockets or mortars headed toward major population centres in Israel. The commander recalled: 'A missile was fired from Gaza. Iron Dome precisely calculated [its trajectory]. We know where these missiles are going to land down to a radius of 200 meters. This particular missile was going to hit either the Azrieli Towers, the Kirya (Israel's equivalent of the Pentagon) or [a central Tel Aviv railway station]. Hundreds could have died.'

1,000-member secretive progressive journalist group uncovered

USA - A prominent CNN commentator, the top two political reporters for The Huffington Post, a Reuters reporter, the editor of The Nation magazine, a producer for Al Jazeera America television, a US News & World Report columnist, and approximately two dozen Huffington Post contributors are among the more than 1,000 members of Gamechanger Salon.

Militant Spanish mayor plans invasion of Gibraltar in anti-British protest

SPAIN - Communist Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo made headlines two years ago after organising Robin Hood-style raids on supermarkets and handouts of the stolen food to poor families. Now the left-wing union he leads is preparing for a mass invasion of the Rock on August 29. Gordillo, mayor of the town of Marinaleda near Seville as well as head of the Andalucian Workers Union, has claimed they will cross the border peacefully. But he has insisted on keeping secret the details on how he and his supporters will get into Gibraltar, hinting union members could cross by foot and car as well as arriving by plane and boat before staging their headline-grabbing protest.

The British police on armed routine patrol

UK - In a little-noticed move, a small number of police officers are now routinely carrying sidearms while on patrol in parts of the mainland UK. How did this come about, and does it alter the relationship between the constabulary and the public?

Federal Reserve tells banks: you're not prepared and you could cause another crisis

USA - US central bank tells lenders, including Barclays, that they risk plunging the world into a fresh financial crisis. US regulators have warned 11 giant banks which submitted unrealistic contingency plans in the event of bankruptcy that unprepared lenders could plunge the world into a new financial crisis. The Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) said the 11 titans, which include Barclays, must make better plans to restructure their firms in the event of failure.

Captured Hamas Urban Warfare Manual Encourages Human Shields

ISRAEL - The IDF has published excerpts from a captured Hamas combat manual on "Urban Warfare", showing how the Islamist terrorist group exploits civilian casualties - and the knowledge that the IDF will seek to avoid them - to its advantage. The IDF says the manual was captured in Shujaiya suburb of Gaza City, which was the scene of particularly heavy fighting between Israeli forces and Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists.

French TV Shows More Evidence of Hamas Hiding Behind Civilians

MIDDLE EAST - As the dust settles amid a 72-hour ceasefire between Israel and terrorist groups in Gaza, more and more reports are emerging from Gaza backing the Israeli government's claims that Hamas is deliberately carrying out attacks from within densely-populated civilian areas. Earlier Tuesday an Indian TV report exposed terrorists setting up and launching a rocket just meters away from a hotel where members of the international media were staying, in the middle of a crowded residential area.

If California’s Drought Weren’t Scary Enough, Now It May Trigger Earthquakes

USA - California’s drought has reached epic proportions. Nearly 60 percent of the state is in exceptional drought — the most severe category — and farmers are depleting groundwater reserves at record rates as wildfires break out north and south. Now there’s something else to worry about: drought-triggered earthquakes.

Vladimir Putin signs historic $20 billion oil deal with Iran to bypass Western sanctions

RUSSIA - Vladimir Putin has attempted to sidestep Western sanctions on Russia’s energy sector by signing a $20 billion trade deal that could see his country become the largest importer of oil from Iran. The five-year accord will see Russia help Iran organise oil sales as well as “cooperate in the oil-gas industry, construction of power plants, grids, supply of machinery, consumer goods and agriculture products”, according to a statement by the Energy Ministry in Moscow. The deal could see Russia buying 500,000 barrels of Iranian oil a day, the Moscow-based Kommersant newspaper has previously reported. That would be about a fifth of Iran’s output in June and half its exports. The move is a win-win for both nations after they were hit with Western sanctions aimed at limiting their energy sectors.

Shadowy Terror Group ‘White Shroud’ Hits Back at ISIS

MIDDLE EAST - “The Islamist terror group ISIS’s big advantage is that it doesn’t fight conventionally. It’s held off the regular army of Bashar al-Assad and routed thousands of Iraqi troops. But now a group has emerged that turns ISIS’s tactics back against them. The group is called White Shroud. There’s very little known about the group, but Syrian citizen journalism website Tahrir Souri reported on the group’s existence on July 24. According to the report, White Shroud is based in Abu Kamal near the border with Iraq, and the organization is associated with Syria’s melange of rebel forces, not the Assad regime. It’s tactics include “secret assassinations, raids and surveillance” of ISIS targets, according to the report. The group uses improvised explosive devices, and stages attacks on ISIS gatherings at a distance with silenced sniper weapons. It also engages in kidnapping. Notably, these tactics are not dissimilar from those used by ISIS.”

Boko Haram crisis: Nigeria's female bombers strike

NIGERIA - Nigeria's militant Islamist group Boko Haram is accused of unleashing a new weapon of war - the female suicide bomber, fuelling concern that its insurgency has entered a more ruthless phase. Four of them - all teenage girls - carried out attacks in the biggest northern city, Kano, last week, leading to social media sites going viral with speculation - dismissed as unfounded by the government - that Boko Haram had turned some of the more than 200 schoolgirls abducted in April into human bombs. At the same time, government spokesman Mike Omeri said the security forces had arrested three people in neighbouring Katsina state - including two girls aged 10 and 18 - with explosive belts strapped around them.

Shock as Italy stumbles into fourth recession

ITALY - The Italian economy is now officially in recession for a fourth time in six years, with GDP falling by 0.2 percent in the second quarter of this year. The fall has taken analysts by surprise, as a poll of economists had predicted that we would see Italian growth statistics show an increase of 0.1 percent in the second quarter. The second quarter decline is an acceleration from a 0.1 percent drop in GDP seen during the first three months of the year. Today’s data serves to “underscore the fragile and sluggish nature of Italy’s recovery,” said RBC Capital Markets’ Timo del Carpio. Six years after the financial crisis, Italian real GDP is still 9.1 percent short of its pre-crisis peak.

Russia 'considers banning BBC website'

RUSSIA - Russian regulators have threatened to close down the BBC's local website over its refusal to take down an interview with an activist who the government considers to be "extremist". According to a report in the Izvestia newspaper, telecommunications authority Roskomnadzor has instructed the BBC Russian Service to remove a piece featuring artist Artem Loskutov, who wants Siberia to separate from Russia. The regulator has ordered the BBC to remove the article because it “appeals to riots, extremist activities or participation in mass public activities conducted in violation of the legal order”. “We can fully block the BBC Russian service website on the territory of our country," a source told Izvestia. "In fact, not only we can, but we have to do it, because the Prosecutor General’s Office has assigned Roskomnadzor to block the access to the sites and resources publishing information of that kind."

We’re Ready to Rebuild the Temple

ISRAEL - Despite the tragic war Israel is currently entangled in, our generation has been blessed with the fulfillment of numerous Biblical promises. We have seen the rebirth of the State of Israel and continue to witness the Ingathering of the Exiles from the four corners of the world. For the first time in centuries Jerusalem is in Jewish hands, yet once a year, on the 9th day of the Hebrew month of Av, Jews fast, cry and mourn for the destruction of our Holy Temple. How can we ignore all these great blessings and why do we mourn for a building that was destroyed 2,000 years ago?

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)