Terrorist armies fight smarter and deadlier than ever

USA - Military transformations can be hard to detect. They generally occur over decades, sometimes over generations. Soldiers are usually the first to recognize them, but for the perceptive, the signs of a sea change developing on today’s battlefields are there. Look carefully at media images of ground fighting across the Middle East, and you will notice that the bad guys are fighting differently than they have in the past. In the immediate aftermath of the attacks of September 11, 2001, the West confronted terrorists who acted like, well, terrorists. In Iraq and Afghanistan, al-Qaeda and other militant groups relied on ambushes, roadside bombings, sniper fire and the occasional “fire and run” mortar or rocket attack to inflict casualties on US forces.

Robots Could Be More Dangerous Than Nukes

USA - Elon Musk, the Tesla and Space-X founder who is occasionally compared to comic book hero Tony Stark, is worried about a new villain that could threaten humanity — specifically the potential creation of an artificial intelligence that is radically smarter than humans, with catastrophic results:

Hungarian mayor hosts event burning effigies of Israeli leaders

HUNGARY - The mayor of a town in eastern Hungary has held an event hanging effigies of the prime minister and former president of Israel to protest the war in Gaza. Mihaly Zoltan Orosz, who has been mayor of Erpatak since 2005, told The Associated Press Monday that the "Jewish terror state" is trying to obliterate the Palestinians and said he opposed "the efforts of Freemason Jews to rule the world." Hungary's foreign ministry condemned the mayor's actions, saying he was using innocent victims of the war "to spread hate-inducing propaganda."

It’s nearly impossible to get Ebola in New York. So why is everyone freaking out?

USA - A man recently returned from West Africa is in the isolation unit at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, after heading to the hospital with possible symptoms of the Ebola virus, the disease that has killed nearly 900 people in West Africa. Though hospital officials now say that it’s unlikely the man has Ebola, they haven’t yet confirmed his diagnosis.

Hacker says to show passenger jets at risk of cyber attack

USA - Cyber security researcher Ruben Santamarta says he has figured out how to hack the satellite communications equipment on passenger jets through their WiFi and inflight entertainment systems - a claim that, if confirmed, could prompt a review of aircraft security.

Is global chaos the new normal?

USA - It's a chaotic world out there. But we'd better get used to it; this may be the new normal. The Middle East is in flames, not only Gaza but Syria, Iraq and Libya as well. Russia is massing troops on the border of Ukraine. Central Africa is a mess, as are Afghanistan and Pakistan. Parts of Mexico and Central America are ruled by criminal gangs and drug cartels. And those are merely the crises big enough to command front-page attention.

NHS to fund sperm bank for lesbians

UK - Britain is to get its first NHS-funded national sperm bank to make it easier for lesbian couples and single women to have children. For as little as £300 – less than half the cost of the service at a private clinic – they will be able to search an online database and choose an anonymous donor on the basis of his ethnicity, height, profession and even hobbies. The bank, which is due to open in October, will then send out that donor’s sperm to a clinic of the client’s choice for use in trying for a baby. Heterosexual couples will also be able to benefit, but the move – funded by the Department of Health – is largely designed to meet the increasing demand from thousands of women who want to start a family without having a relationship with a man. Critics last night called it a ‘dangerous social experiment’ that could result in hundreds of fatherless ‘designer families’.

Portugal unveils bank rescue plan

PORTUGAL - Portugal's central bank has announced a plan to rescue the troubled lender Banco Espirito Santo (BES). The group will be split into two - a "good bank" with the healthy assets and a "bad bank" with the riskier ones. The "good bank", which will be called Novo Banco, will be loaned 4.9 billion euros ($6.6 billion; £3.9 billion) from what is left of Portugal's bailout fund. The move had been expected after BES on Friday reported a record loss of 3.6 billion euros for the first half of the year. Since June, when concerns about the financial health of the company first came to light, its shares have plunged 89%. The company, which is Portugal's largest listed lender, will be delisted from the stock market on Monday, with shareholders set to lose almost all their investment, says the BBC's Alison Roberts.

Islamic State fighters seize Iraq's biggest dam

MIDDLE EAST - Islamic State fighters seized control of Iraq's biggest dam, an oilfield and three more towns on Sunday after inflicting their first major defeat on Kurdish forces since sweeping through the region in June. Capture of the Mosul Dam after an offensive of barely 24 hours could give the Sunni militants the ability to flood major Iraqi cities, sharply raising the stakes in their bid to topple Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Shi'ite-led government.

Rebel threat to blow up Iraq's biggest dam

IRAQ - Militants could flood some of Iraq's major cities by blowing up the country's biggest dam, it was feared last night. Fighters from the Islamic State jihadist group seized control of the Mosul Dam yesterday after an offensive lasting barely 24 hours. Its capture could prove a turning point in the growing civil war in the country. The flood threat could give the Sunni fighters a key bargaining point in their bid to topple the Shi'ite-led government of prime minister Nuri al-Maliki.

Behind Ohio drinking-water ban, a Lake Erie mystery

USA - For the second consecutive day, residents in an area of north-western Ohio that included the state's fourth-largest city, Toledo, are being told that their tap water is not safe for cooking or drinking. The governor has declared a state of emergency and deployed the National Guard to help get water and food to the region. As of Sunday morning, there were no reports of anyone being sickened by tap water. Toxins in the water have been linked to an algae bloom in Lake Erie, which is a primary source of drinking water for many Ohio communities. In recent decades, Lake Erie has seen large blooms of blue-green algae develop in its western basin. In 2011, the algae covered a record 1,930 square miles of Lake Erie – nearly 20 percent of the entire surface of the lake. The blooms grow from an excess of phosphorus, which is a key ingredient in many fertilizers. Lake Erie is particularly prone to the blooms because rivers carry runoff from farmland into the shallow western basin of the lake.

China quake death toll rises to 367, about 1,900 injured - state media

Over 360 people were killed and 1,900 injured after an earthquake measuring from 6.1 to 6.5, according to different estimates, toppled buildings in Chinese Yunnan province. The majority of the dead were from Ludian county, which Chinese state television said was at the epicenter of the quake. At least 1,300 people also from the county have been injured and 181 remain missing, Yunnan's information bureau reported.

The Balfour Declaration: the Legal Right to a Jewish State

ISRAEL - The government of Great Britain issued the Balfour Declaration 95 years ago. The document in effect served as the birth certificate for a Jewish national home. British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour's declaration was in the form of a letter to a leader of the British Jewish community. It stated: “His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.” The British Army had just captured Be’er Sheva after months of trying to break through the Ottoman army’s Gaza-Be’er Sheva defense line. The British goal was to push north and capture Jerusalem by Christmas. The Mandate also mentioned "the historical connections of the Jewish people with Palestine." It was ratified by 50 nations.

Islamic State captures Iraqi town, oil field: witnesses

MIDDLE EAST - Islamic State Sunni insurgents have captured the northern Iraqi town of Zumar and a nearby oil field after a battle with Kurdish forces who had control of the area, witnesses said on Sunday. Islamic State, which staged a lightning advance through northern Iraq in June, has warned residents of nearby villages along the border with Syria to leave their homes, suggesting it was planning an assault, witnesses said. The militant group, which controls large swathes of northern and western Iraq, has threatened to march on Baghdad but has stalled its campaign just north of the town of Samarra, 100 km (62 miles) north of Baghdad. But it has been trying to consolidate its gains, setting its sights on strategic towns near oilfields, as well as the border with Syria so that its fighters can move easily back and forth and bring in supplies.

Apocalypse NOW: Killer solar superstorm could destroy Earth at ANY MOMENT, scientists warn

UK - It is "only a matter of time" before a catastrophic eruption on the surface of the sun hurtles towards the planet with devastating consequences. The Earth could be the target of an explosion equivalent to "10 billion Hiroshima bombs exploding at the same time". It has emerged crisis meetings have been held to discuss how to limit the damage of solar superstorms which present a "long-lasting" threat to all forms of life.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)