Jim Willie: Source confirms that Germany is ready to leave EU, Euro, and NATO

USA - On July 23, Dr Jim Willie, a well respected statistician and founder of the Hat Trick Newsletter, was a guest on the USA Watchdog weekly podcast. During the 30 minute interview with host Greg Hunter, Dr Willie provided an astonishing announcement from a high level source within the London banking system that Germany was on the cusp of severing its long-standing obligations to the US, and was ready to leave not only the European Union, but also the Euro currency and NATO to then join up with Russia, China, and the BRICS coalition to strengthen the financial and economic power of the emerging global system coming out of Eurasia and the East.

Germany, France and Italy unite to boost EU growth

EUROPE - European Ministers in Germany, France and Italy have joined forces hoping to boost economic growth in the EU, mulling new financing instruments to realise their goals. Germany, France and Italy have agreed on closer cooperation in the areas of energy, transport and digital infrastructure. At a meeting in Berlin on Wednesday (July 30), German Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth, French State Secretary of Europe Harlem Désir and Italian State Secretary of European Affairs, Sandro Gozi agreed on the shared goals. In an explanatory paper, the three European ministers emphasised the importance of bridging investment gaps. "It is necessary that we fully exploit existing instruments like the EU structural funds, loans from the European Investment Bank and project bonds," said Roth. But it is also important to be ready to test new, suitable instruments – regardless whether public or private, he added.

Russian Oligarchs Wave Goodbye To Visa, Switch To Chinese Credit Card

RUSSIA - So much for the "Russia is becoming increasingly isolated" meme that the West would like many to believe. As Russia continues to sign de-dollarization deals and trade agreements with its BRICS allies while pushing ahead with retaliatory actions against the US and Europe, it appears the 'sanctioned' friends of Putin are taking matters into their own hands. Billionaire oligarch Gennady Timchenko, among the first to be hit by travel bans and asset freezes by the US, has decided to tear up his Visa and Mastercard, shifting all his credit cards to China's UnionPay, noting that "in some ways it is more secure than Visa - at least the Americans can't reach it." While Obama hopes that pressure on the oligarchs will create some civil strife for Putin, we worry that it will merely corner him into survival mode with significant repercussions for the west.

Ebola distracts from worsening Cameroon cholera outbreak

CAMEROON, WEST AFRICA - A cholera epidemic in northern Cameroon has killed at least 65 people and probably infected about 1,300 people in two months, as international attention has been diverted to fighting Ebola in West Africa, health experts said on Saturday. They said the insurgency by Islamist sect Boko Haram was also hampering efforts to control the outbreak.

Substituting Debt for Income Is Not Success - It's Failure on an Epic Scale

USA - The Fed's substitution of debt for income has only doomed the nation to a deeper, more painful realignment of real income and expenses. The economic "recovery" has been based on a simple premise: debt can be substituted for income with no ill effects. As real household incomes have declined, the legitimate foundation of additional spending - more income - has eroded for the bottom 90%.

Gaza 72-hour humanitarian truce by Israel and Hamas begins

ISRAEL - Israel and Hamas have begun an unconditional 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. The truce came into effect at 08:00 (05:00 GMT) on Friday. Talks on a more permanent truce are to start in Cairo. Israel says it will continue to destroy tunnels built by Hamas into Israel.

Hamas Breaks Humanitarian Ceasefire

ISRAEL - Hamas has fired yet another salvo of rockets on Israel Friday, as sirens sounded near the Kerem Shalom crossing shortly after 10:00 am. No injuries or damage have yet been reported. The rocket fire surfaces after a ceasefire was announced just over two hours ago. Earlier, Hamas fired a salvo of rockets at the south just before 7:00 am Friday; two rockets hit open areas in S'dot HaNegev and in the Merhavim area. There are no injuries or damage. Additional rockets were fired at Ashkelon and Ashdod, just after 7:30 am. Two rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system over Ashdod; there are no reports of injuries or damage. Yet another salvo was fired, just five minutes before 8:00 am, at Gaza Belt communities. The barrages were fired just minutes before a 72-hour ceasefire was to take effect, in a UN and US-brokered deal slated to begin 8:00 am Friday.

Solidarity with Israel as she faces an onslaught of terrorism

USA/ISRAEL - Day after day, Israel is facing not only an onslaught of terrorism but an evil double-standard. Israeli citizens have absorbed more than 2,800 rocket attacks and numerous terror squads who have come from the Gaza Strip to murder innocent men, women and children. Yet rather than receive encouragement from world democracies who see a fellow democracy under attack, much of the world is turning against Israel. Anti-Semitic attacks are skyrocketing, especially in Europe. Israel is being condemned at the UN, blasted by world leaders, and even pressured by our President [Obama] and Secretary of State [Kerry] to immediately stop defending themselves and accept a premature ceasefire.

Israel surprised by Hamas tunnel network

ISRAEL - Israeli military intelligence is facing criticism for failing to comprehend the network of tunnels and other underground facilities built by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Dan Pollak, co-director of government relations for the Zionist Organization of America, said early estimates of Israel’s operation to root out Hamas rockets has diminished the terrorist group’s arsenal. Hamas‘ 10,000-rocket arsenal is now believed to be half that number. “We’ll see when the war was over,” Mr Pollak said in an interview, “but it is clear that the underground tunnel complex was far more extensive than Israeli military intelligence understood.”

Qatari tech helps Hamas in tunnels, rockets

ISRAEL - Though many Israelis underestimate its capabilities, Hamas actually has sophisticated computer and networking resources in terror tunnels to detect the presence of IDF troops and to automatically fire rockets and missiles at Israeli targets — and a rich sponsor is helping them. It’s Gulf oil powerhouse Qatar, says Aviad Dadon of Israeli cyber-security firm AdoreGroup. “The Qataris have invested hundreds of millions in both defensive and offensive cyber capabilities,” said Dadon. “We have sourced 70% of the cyber-attacks on Israeli government sites in recent weeks to IP addresses associated with Qatar.”

Rebuker in chief

ISRAEL - Yedioth Ahronoth’s newspaper, A1, openly wonders if Obama’s call marks the beginning of the end of Operation Protective Edge. The paper calls the phone conversation a “red light from Obama.” But coming on top of Secretary of State John Kerry’s attempt to find a solution to the conflict via Turkey and Qatar, which Israel made plain over the weekend was unacceptable, it may just pour more salt in the festering wound of US-Israeli relations, Nahum Barnea writes. “Obama was not satisfied with rebuking Netanyahu over the offense he showed Kerry. He demanded an immediate ceasefire, without conditions, and made clear that demilitarizing Gaza was not part of the ceasefire. He will wait for a future agreement,” he writes. “Now the Israeli government, which really wants a ceasefire, will be seen as giving in to American demands. This will make it harder to do what it wants. The kerfuffle between the US, Israel, the PA and Egypt is a victory for Hamas and its patrons.”

Anti-Jewish slogans return to the streets in Germany

GERMANY - Before the start of a pro-Palestinian rally — one of the scores being staged almost daily here since Israel launched its offensive in Gaza — an organizer on a bullhorn yelled out the do’s and don’ts as ordered last week by the Berlin police. No burning the Israeli flag. No shouts of “Death to Israel.” And absolutely no repeating the slogan “Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come out and fight alone” — a rhyming chant in German that had become increasingly common at pro-Palestinian rallies here before being nipped in the bud by German authorities.

Severe drought in California spreading at unprecedented rate

USA - The drought in California is getting worse as more than half the state now suffers from the most severe drought conditions possible, according to a new report. The recent study published by the US Drought Monitor noted that 58 percent of California is experiencing “exceptional drought,” which is the most serious category on the agency’s five-level scale. It’s also the highest percentage to be recorded since the federal government started monitoring drought levels in the 1990s. What’s more alarming, however, is the fact that before 2014, no parts of California ever suffered from such severe conditions.

Ebola outbreak may already be uncontrollable

USA - A global outbreak of deadly Ebola is underway and has crossed national borders. One infected victim of the horrifying disease flew on international flights, vomiting on board and exposing hundreds of people to the deadly virus which can be transmitted through airborne particles. Ebola has an 8-10 day incubation period, meaning thousands of people could be carrying it right now and spreading it across the cities of the world without even knowing it. Passengers in Hong Kong and the UK have already shown symptoms of the disease and are being tested, reports USA Today. The Peace Corps has evacuated its volunteers from the region after two were exposed to Ebola.

Top Financial Experts Say World War 3 Is ComingComment

USA - Nouriel Roubini, Kyle Bass, Hugo Salinas Price, Charles Nenner, James Dines, Jim Rogers, David Stockman, Marc Faber, Jim Rickards, Paul Craig Roberts, Martin Armstrong, Larry Edelson, Gerald Celente and Others Warn of Wider War. Paul Craig Roberts – former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan, former editor of the Wall Street Journal, listed by Who’s Who in America as one of the 1,000 most influential political thinkers in the world, PhD economist – wrote an article yesterday about the build up of hostilities between the US and Russia titled, simply: “War Is Coming”.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)