Church Groups Ship Illegals Deeper Into US

USA - South Texas church groups are working around the clock to shuttle what appears to be hundreds of illegal immigrants to housing facilities, benefiting the Obama administration in its deliberate plan to flood America with illegal aliens for political purposes. Infowars reporters are on the ground in the Rio Grande Valley, the continental United States’ southernmost region, where children and parents from Central America are pouring by the thousands past the US-Mexico border with hopes the US will soon grant them amnesty, which the Obama administration has practically done through selective enforcement of immigration laws.

Swarm of earthquakes in Alaska puzzles scientists

USA - A moderate earthquake shook northwest Alaska on Monday, the fifth temblor of the same magnitude since April in an area with otherwise little activity, seismologists said. The magnitude 5.7 quake struck at 4:01 am Monday northeast of the village of Noatak, the Alaska Earthquake Center reported. As with other temblors in the earthquake swarm, the quake was felt in Noatak, an Inupiat Eskimo community of 560 people.

Before the swarm that began April 18, the last known quake of similar size in the area was a magnitude 5.5 quake that occurred in 1981, earthquake center seismologist Natasha Ruppert said. The swarm of magnitude 5.7 quakes is connected to more than 300 smaller aftershocks, some with magnitudes in the high 3s, Ruppert said.

MKs Slam Zoabi as 'Terrorist' after Interview

ISRAEL - Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) slammed MK Hanin Zoabi in a Facebook post Tuesday, after the Israeli Arab MK justified the kidnapping of three yeshiva students by Hamas terrorists. "Not only are the kidnappers terrorists; Hanin Zoabi is a terrorist," Liberman said. He called for harsh judgement to be meted upon the MK. "The fate of the kidnappers and the fate of Zoabi, an inciter, should be the same." Earlier Tuesday, Zoabi stated to a shocked interviewer on Radio Tel Aviv that the "kidnappers are not terrorists" and that the kidnapping is a "last resort" for Palestinian Arabs frustrated by their lives. "They are not terrorists, I do not agree with you!" Zoabi fired. "They have seen no other way to change their reality and they have to resort to these measures until Israel sobers up a bit and feels the suffering of others."

Total US debt soars to nearly $60 trillion, foreshadows new recession

USA - America, its government, businesses, and people - are nearly $60 trillion in debt, according to the latest economic data from the St Louis Federal Reserve. And private debt - not government borrowing - is the biggest reason for the huge deficit. Total US debt at the end of the first quarter of 2014, on March 31 totalled almost $59.4 trillion - up nearly $500 billion from the end of the fourth quarter of 2013, according to the data. Total debt (the combination of government, business, mortgage, and consumer debt) was $2.2 trillion 40 years ago.

Iraq crisis: Anger at Tony Blair over Middle East conflict Blame Game

UK - Tony Blair has been criticised over his claim that the current generation of political leaders is to blame for the violence engulfing Iraq. He said that the refusal last year to intervene in Syria’s civil war had created the conditions for the al-Qaeda aligned ISIS movement to flourish in that country before advancing into Iraq’s major cities.

ISIS' half-a-billion-dollar bank heist makes it world's richest terror group

IRAQ - Having already cemented its status as the Middle East's most feared Islamist militant organisation, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) appear well-equipped to claim another distinction: the world's wealthiest terror group. With this week's capture of Mosul, the al-Qaeda splinter grouping is believed to have come into undreamed of new wealth after making off with 500 billion dinars - £256 million - from the northern Iraqi city's central bank. The radical group is also said to have made off with a large amount of gold bullion from the bank, which was left unguarded in the chaos accompanying the militants' takeover of the city, which is one of Iraq's main oil centres. Atheel al-Nujaifi, the governor of Nineveh province, said ISIS members had also seized many more millions from banks across the region. The newly-acquired booty has elevated it to the world's best-resourced terror organisation, according to the International Business Times.

Blair’s Iraq invasion was a tragic error, and he’s mad to deny it

UK - I have come to the conclusion that Tony Blair has finally gone mad. He wrote an essay on his website on Sunday (reproduced in the Telegraph) that struck me as unhinged in its refusal to face facts. In discussing the disaster of modern Iraq he made assertions that are so jaw-droppingly and breathtakingly at variance with reality that he surely needs professional psychiatric help.

Trojan Horse plot driven by same 'warped' Islamic extremism as Boko Haram, says Tony Blair

UK - The alleged Islamic extremism seen in the 'Trojan Horse' scandal in schools in Birmingham is the same as that practised by Boko Haram, the Nigerian terrorist network, Tony Blair has said. The Trojan Horse 'plot' to bring hardline practices into Birmingham classrooms is part of a global extremist movement stretching from Britain to Africa to the Far East, the former Prime Minister claimed.

Obama 'urgently' considering air assault on targets in Syria and Iraq

USA - The Obama administration is urgently considering an air assault on Islamic extremists that officials told the Guardian could be directed at targets in Syria as well as Iraq. President Obama announced on Friday that in the "days ahead" he will decide on a package of military and diplomatic options to halt the rapid advance of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis), as the jihadist army's march from Syria through Sunni Iraq has upended Obama's achievement of extricating the US military from the Iraq conflict. Obama has ruled out sending US soldiers and marines back to the Iraqi streets they patrolled from 2003 to 2011, but signalled a new, reluctant openness to returning the US to war in Iraq.

Abbas's Palestinian Authority, Fatah Celebrate Abduction

MIDDLE EAST - More cartoons in official PA paper, Fatah Facebook page, rejoice over kidnapping of three teenagers. In an odious distortion of the World Cup 2014 logo, the official Palestinian Authority daily printed Sunday a cartoon celebrating the kidnapping of three Israeli youths on Thursday night. Instead of the famous logo of the World Cup 2014, in which three victorious hands hold the globe, together creating the prestigious trophy, the PA cartoon shows a "trophy" of three hands holding three people with their hands up in surrender. Instead of the text "Brasil" below the "trophy," the word "Khalil" is written – Arabic for Hevron, a city near where the Israeli youths were kidnapped. The sickening cartoon illustrates the mixed messages sent by the PA; on the one hand, Abbas promised to help Israel find the abducted teens – even as a senior PA official denied his administration would take any responsibility for the kidnappings.

Russia threatens to cut off Ukraine's gas after talks fail

RUSSIA - Russia threatened to cut off Ukraine's gas later on Monday after the two sides failed to strike a deal that would have saved Europe from supply disruptions, stoking the worst East-West crisis since the Cold War. Ukraine hosted the last-gasp talks hoping to avoid an energy crisis compounding the new pro-Western leaders' problems as they confront a two-month separatist insurgency threatening the very survival of their ex-Soviet state. But a top official from Russia's state gas firm Gazprom said that the EU-brokered talks that stretched through the night had failed to bridge the two sides' acrimonious disagreement over price and how much debt Kiev exactly owed Moscow. "If we receive no pre-payment by 10:00 am (0600GMT), then we obviously will deliver no gas."

Dozens killed after Islamists strike Kenya town close to tourist resort of Lamu

KENYA - Gunmen flying the flag of Somalia’s al-Qaeda affiliate roared into a Kenyan coastal town and opened fire indiscriminately on pedestrians, shop-owners and people watching the World Cup, leaving at least 48 people dead. Two banks, government buildings and a dozen vehicles were set alight as the Islamist attackers worked their way through the town of Mpeketoni, close to Lamu island, until Kenyan forces repelled them hours later. It was the boldest raid inside Kenya blamed on al-Shabaab since the terror strike against the Westgate Shopping Centre in the capital, Nairobi, last September, when more than 70 people died. Britain has advised tourists to avoid areas of Kenya's coast south of where the attack took place, including Mombasa island.

Hospitals buy special fridges to store overweight bodies as obesity crisis escalates

UK - Britain’s obesity crisis is so serious that hospitals are buying specialist equipment to keep bodies cool because they are too large to fit into mortuary fridges. Hospitals are also having to widen corridors, buy reinforced beds and lifting equipment in order to cope with the growing numbers of obese patients coming though their doors. Figures obtained by The Telegraph show that hospitals have spent at least £5.5 million over the past three years on adaptations to allow them to treat larger patients. Experts now warn the cost of treating overweight and obese patients could rise to at least £10 million a year as the nation's waistlines continue expanding. A quarter of adults in the UK are estimated to be obese and the number is expected to grow to account for more than half of the population in the next 30 years.

EU needs European army that EXCLUDES UK claims former defence minister

FRANCE - The EU should adopt a single foreign policy and back it up with a pan-European army that excludes the UK, France's former defence minister said last night. Charles Millon, who served under Prime Minster Alain Juppe, urged Brussels to abandon Nato and appease Russian premier Vladimir Putin instead. In a scathing attack on the transatlantic alliance, Mr Millon poured scorn on Washington's influence over Europe, claiming that abandoning Nato would prevent the EU from "bowing to US policy" which does not necessarily line up with its interests.

Receptive Ecumenism Conference ends with signing of covenant

USA - An international conference of ecumenists concluded at Fairfield University in the US on Thursday with the signing of a covenant committing participants to the continued search for unity and reconciliation between all the Christian churches. Philippa Hitchen was at the conference and sent this report: This third Receptive Ecumenism conference was billed as a kind of ‘coming of age’ party for a movement born almost a decade ago at Durham’s Centre for Catholic Studies in the north of England. Based on the premise that partners in dialogues should discover what gifts they could receive from the other’s way of being and doing church, the idea was eagerly picked up by ecumenists struggling to recapture the energy and vision of the post Vatican II period.

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Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)