A superbug resistant to “last-resort” antibiotics has made its way into the food supply

USA - A dangerous “superbug” has made its way into the North American food supply for the first time, Canadian researchers announced Wednesday. Routine testing of raw squid, imported from South Korea, revealed a strain of bacteria resistant to carbapenems, a class of antibiotics used to treat life-threatening infections. This is concerning because carbapenems are a “last resort” antibiotic, one doctors turn to when common antibiotics fail. Health officials have been watching them closely; in April, the World Health Organization warned that antibiotic resistance had become a serious, global threat to public health, listing the spread of carbapanem resistance as a main reason for that.

Health watchdog weighs up sugar tax and reduction targets

UK - A tax on fizzy drinks, government targets to reduce sugar and advertising restrictions on processed foods are among a series of measures being suggested by the public health watchdog to help tackle rising levels of sugar consumption. The Telegraph has seen a document commissioned by Public Health England that contains several possible actions to reduce sugar in food and drink. The paper, which was discussed at a meeting between the quango and industry representatives this month, warns that coronary heart disease, strokes and cancer are the UK’s “leading killers”, partly driven by high blood pressure and excess weight — both of which have been linked to high sugar consumption. However, the food and drink industry is alarmed by the severity of some of the options in the document. It insists the causes of obesity are “far wider” than sugar and warns that a tax would hit the poorest families hardest.

Pope Francis claims global economy is close to collapse

VATICAN - Pope Francis has launched a scathing attack on the global economic system, warning it is near collapse because of a 'throwaway culture' of greed and the 'atrocity' of youth unemployment. The Roman Catholic leader openly blasted the 'idolatrous' economy for disregarding the young, which he says has led to shocking levels of youth unemployment and will lead to a lost generation. The 77-year-old also criticised the economy - which he said had 'fallen into a sin of idolatry, the idolatry of money' - for surviving on the profits of war.

Will Right Wing European Union Parliament Victories Predict EU Disintegration?

EUROPE - With the increasing economic failures of Europe’s 38 member union, suffering from a combination of failed austerity, record low interest rates, mixed with debt-incurring government spending, political murmurs are rife with its eventual impact on the life of the European Union itself.

Iran Deploys Military To Fight Sunni ISIL Insurgents in Iraq

IRAQ - Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces helped Iraqi troops regain control over most of Tikrit, according to Iranian security sources. Confronted by the threat of Sunni Muslim forces overtaking Shiite-dominated Iraq, Iran responded to aid its Arab ally and sent Revolutionary Guard fighters to Iraq, according to Iranian security sources. At least three battalions of the Quds Forces, the elite overseas branch of the Guards, were deployed to support the fight against ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, an offshoot of al Qaeda that is swiftly conquering territory across Iraq, they said. One Guards unit that was already in Iraq fought alongside the Iraqi army, offering guerrilla warfare advice and tactics that helped reclaim most of the city of Tikrit on Thursday. The advances of an al Qaeda-affiliated group gaining support, supplies and territory presents Iran with its biggest security and strategic threat since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Iraq’s civil war threatens structure of global energy supply for years

IRAQ - Spectacular advances by Jihadi forces across northern Iraq have raised the spectre of a Sunni-Shia conflagration in the heart of the Middle East, triggering a surge in oil prices and throwing into doubt the structure of global energy supply for the next decade. Brent crude jumped above $113 a barrel as the self-described Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) raced down the Tigris Valley towards Baghdad with sophisticated weaponry, seizing on its momentum after the historic capture of Mosul. Oil prices are approaching levels last seen during the Arab Spring.

Iraq crisis: Baghdad prepares for the worst

IRAQ - Iraq is breaking up. The Kurds have taken the northern oil city of Kirkuk that they have long claimed as their capital. Sunni fundamentalist fighters vow to capture Baghdad and the Shia holy cities further south. Government rule over the Sunni Arab heartlands of north and central Iraq is evaporating as its 900,000-strong army disintegrates. Government aircraft have fired missiles at insurgent targets in Mosul, captured by Isis on Monday, but the Iraqi army has otherwise shown no sign of launching a counter-attack. The nine-year Shia dominance over Iraq, established after the US, Britain and other allies overthrew Saddam Hussein, may be coming to an end. The Shia may continue to hold the capital and the Shia-majority provinces further south, but they will have great difficulty in re-establishing their authority over Sunni provinces from which their army has fled.

Iraq crisis: Sunni caliphate has been bankrolled by Saudi Arabia

MIDDLE EAST - So after the grotesquerie of the Taliban and Osama bin Laden and 15 of the 19 suicide killers of 9/11, meet Saudi Arabia’s latest monstrous contribution to world history: the Islamist Sunni caliphate of Iraq and the Levant, conquerors of Mosul and Tikrit – and Raqqa in Syria – and possibly Baghdad, and the ultimate humiliators of Bush and Obama. From Aleppo in northern Syria almost to the Iraqi-Iranian border, the jihadists of Isis and sundry other groupuscules paid by the Saudi Wahhabis – and by Kuwaiti oligarchs – now rule thousands of square miles.

Pope voices fears over Scottish independence

VATICAN - The Pope today appeared to raise concerns about Scottish independence for the first time in a surprise intervention that could exert a major influence on the votes of the country’s 840,000 Catholics. Speaking in an interview with a Spanish newspaper about Catalonia's conflict with Spain, the Pontiff said "all division" worried him and cited Scotland as another example of an independence movement. Pope Francis suggested the break-up of Yugoslavia was justifiable because the cultures that made up that country were so diverse they "couldn’t even be stuck together with glue". But he told the Barcelona-based La Vanguardia newspaper that in other cases, such as Scotland and Catalonia: "I ask myself if it is so clear". The Union between England and Scotland is 307 years old.

UK interest rates to rise this year and could peak at 5 percent

UK - UK interest rates will start to rise this year and peak at 5 per cent, far higher than the Bank of England expects, according to Gerard Lyons, Chief Economic Advisor to London Mayor Boris Johnson. Speaking after last night’s warning from Mark Carney, in which the Bank of England Governor indicated rates could go up “sooner than the markets expect”, Mr Lyons’ words will further fuel speculation the first rate increase since July 2007 will happen later this year.

EU ruling paves the way for GM farming in England

UK - Genetically modified crops could be planted in the UK as soon as next year after the Government backed an EU ruling allowing their introduction to English farming. Two strains of maize resistant to weedkiller were given the go ahead after the EU decided individual member states should be given the power to opt out of using the GM crop. A vote by agricultural ministers in Luxembourg gave de facto approval to the mutated crops but delayed giving the green light to all commercial GM growing for 10 years as it needed all member states to agree.

Pentagon studying protesters to prep for ‘mass civil breakdown’

USA – The Department of Defense has disbursed some funds to universities so that scientists might study the dynamics of civil unrest — and how the US military might best respond. It’s called the “Minerva Research Initiative,” and it’s a program that was kicked off in 2008 to “improve DoD’s basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the US,” The Guardian reported.

Why is Richard Dawkins scaring kids out of reading fairy tales?

UK - How dull our lives would be without Richard Dawkins! Like grit in an oyster, the author of The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion and Britain’s foremost militant atheist keeps producing one pearler after another. After writing, haranguing, and tweeting for years against the villainy of God and religion, he is now taking the battle to the last bastion of “supernaturalism”: fairy tales. Speaking at the Cheltenham Science Festival in England last week, Dawkins said, “Is it a good thing to go along with the fantasies of childhood, magical as they are?”

America’s “moderates” are wild, crazy — and more extreme than any “extremist”

USA - Every second of every stupid day in this brain-dead nation, the insipid overlords of America’s inane corporate news media puts out the same message: extremism is extremely bad. 9/11? Carried out by Muslim extremists. The couple who murdered two police officers in Las Vegas this week? Right-wing, anti-government extremists. Washington gridlock? A Republican Party taken over by intransigent extremists (the Tea Party).

Iraq conflict: ISIS militants seize new towns

IRAQ - Islamist militants in Iraq have seized two new towns, widening their control after threatening to move on Baghdad. The Sunni-led Islamists advanced into Saadiya and Jalawla in Diyala province and surrounding areas as security forces abandoned their posts. The US says it is looking at "all options", including military action, to help Iraq fight the insurgency. The pledge came after the cities of Mosul and Tikrit fell to the militants, but the advance has slowed down. Led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), the insurgents have threatened to push to the capital, Baghdad and regions further south dominated by Iraq's Shia Muslim majority, whom they regard as "infidels".

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)