Israel to deploy nuclear-armed submarines off Iran coastComment

ISRAEL - Israel is to deploy three submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles in the Persian Gulf, the Sunday Times reported. According to the Times report, one submarine had been sent over Israeli fears that ballistic missiles developed by Iran, and in the possession of Syria and Hezbollah, could be used to hit strategic sites within Israel, such as air bases and missile launchers.

Cameron accused of 'blackmail' over 'threat to leave EU'

EUROPE - Italy has backed the Prime Minister's opposition to installing a federalist in the EU's top job amid a row over who takes the post after the European elections. Jean-Claude Juncker has described David Cameron's campaign to block him from taking the European Union's top job in Brussels as "blackmail". The Prime Minister has led opposition to plans to install Jean-Claude Juncker, one of the last supporters of a United States of Europe, as president of the European Commission.

World expects more of German foreign policy

GERMANY - Aside from the ubiquitous references to German excellence in cars and beer, readers largely say they wanted to see the country play a bigger role on the world stage. "Germany can't always hide behind the wall that was created because of WWII. It has to come out, be a proper citizen of the world," Peter Hannemann writes. Azam Ali Soomro echoes that view: "Germany has to play an independent role in the regional and world affairs."

IDS: BBC is 'downgrading' Cameron's referendum pledge

UK - The BBC is failing to provide viewers and listeners with a genuine public service because of its coverage of politics, and has left voters ignorant of Tory policy on Europe, Iain Duncan Smith tells The Telegraph. The BBC is systematically “downgrading” David Cameron’s pledge to hold a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union, leaving most voters ignorant of the Prime Minister’s radical plans, Iain Duncan Smith has said.

Was the Iranian threat fabricated by Israel and the US?

USA - A narrative is a story that we tell ourselves, and not necessarily what happened in reality. For example, the “Iranian threat” narrative, which has become the common wisdom in Israeli public discourse. A new book by Gareth Porter, an American historian and researcher specializing in US national security, shows how the actual state of the Iranian nuclear program does not match the Iranian threat narrative. The book’s title, “Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Nuclear Scare” (Just World Books), already tells us that it is going against the current. Porter appears to be the only researcher who has read with an unprejudiced eye all the reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency from the past decade.

'Raising driven yet amoral children?'

UK - Richard Walden, chairman of the Independent Schools Association, recently claimed that results-obsessed state schools are churning out pupils who are less moral than their public school counterparts. But is this really true? After all, don’t we all want a more moral society; raising our kids to be well-rounded human beings who are not only caring of others, but who embrace and live by cultural and ethical values and who are motivated by more than achievement, status and money? In a world where people are judged by wealth, power, status and fame, youngsters might well ask why they should aspire to be good or to feed their soul, when they can be rich or famous.

State schools in Birmingham are imposing Islamic practices

UK - Teachers are to be sent on training programmes to help them stop extremism entering the classroom, as damning reports show that some state schools have been imposing Islamic practices and attitudes. The reports are due to be published by the education watchdog Ofsted next week, after inspectors carried out emergency checks in 21 schools in Birmingham following complaints of homophobia, the segregation of boys and girls in some lessons, refusal to teach sex education, bullying and invitations to extremists to speak at assemblies.

Administration Defends Swap With Taliban to Free US Soldier

WASHINGTON, USA - Top Obama administration officials pushed back on Sunday against Republican criticism that a deal freeing the last American held prisoner in Afghanistan could allow dangerous Taliban leaders to return to the fight, might encourage terrorist groups to seize American hostages and possibly violated a law requiring notification of Congress.

Drought Declared in the Negev

ISRAEL - Finance Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) signed the recommendations of a Joint Committee on Droughts - headed by the Finance Ministry, the Tax Authority, and the Ministry of Agriculture - to declare an official drought in the Negev Sunday, as well as some isolated areas in the North. The edict will go into effect late Sunday, after the official announcement is released. The Joint Committee made the decision after checking the most affected agricultural regions in the country, officials said. The Committee measured the quantity and quality of crops and estimated losses incurred by farmers.

Hedge funds: the mysterious power pulling strings on Wall Street

UK - Hedge funds operate with nearly free rein and on murky ethical ground, bullying banks and recruiting the best – all too questionable results. When I was a trader at a big bank, several years ago, I learned about that power of hedge funds. In a moment of luck, I made $1 million in 10 seconds trading with a large hedge fund. They made a bad bet – buying bonds from me that dropped in price seconds later. I was up a cool $1 million and they were down $1 million.

Five Belgians Euthanased every day in 2013

BELGIUM - The number of cases of euthanasia in Belgium in 2013 rose by 26.8% over the previous year. Five people died of euthanasia every day. There were 1,816 cases, compared to 1,432 the previous year. These figures, however, only include the cases which were reported to the government monitoring commission. A good number – no one knows how many – are not officially reported. Of the 1,816 case, 51.7% were male, and 48.3% female. Dutch-speakers represented 80% of the patients, even though they represent 60% of the population. The age distribution was: over 90 (7%); 70-90 years (53.5%); 60-70 years (21%), and under 60 (15%).

Quebec on verge of legalising euthanasia

CANADA - Quebec is on the verge of legalising euthanasia. Despite the crushing defeat of the Parti Quebecois in the recent election, the governing Liberal Party and the other three major parties have taken the unusual step of backing a quick vote on the bill in the new parliamentary term. The new Premier, Philippe Couillard, who is also a neurosurgeon, says that a vote on it will be the first order of business, probably in early June. All parties have allowed their members a free (or conscience) vote on the controversial issue. If the bill passes, it will almost certainly be challenged in the courts. "In all of the three countries where euthanasia has been legalized they didn't do so by modifying the health laws, but by modifying the criminal law," said Dr Catherine Ferrier, president of the Physicians' Alliance Against Euthanasia. "In Quebec, they are trying to get around the fact that it's not under their jurisdiction. They are trying to make an end run around federal law."

Milk-whitening nanotechnology enters the US food supply without FDA oversight

USA - The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN) revealed earlier this week that there are over 1,600 nanotechnology-based products on the market today — and that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lacks the authority to regulate them. As Mother Jones reported, some of these nanotechnological innovations — which refer to particles less than 100 nanometers wide, or approximately 1/800th the diameter of a strand of human hair — are likely harmless, such as embedded silver particles in athletic socks and underwear. According to SmartSilver Anti-Odor Nanotechnology Underwear, the microscopic silver particles are “strongly antibacterial to a wide range of pathogens, absorb sweat, and by killing bacteria help eliminate unpleasant foot odor.”

In the US: 4 Major News Networks, Zero Bilderberg 2014 Coverage

USA - With the exception of 24-hour cable news providers, Americans rely on 4 major television networks to deliver them information regarding important world events: ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox. It is with predictable disappointment to announce all four networks failed to inform the public of a secretive and extremely exclusive meeting of central bankers, CEOs, public officials and world dignitaries taking place this weekend.

UK 'threatens to quit EU over presidency' - Der SpiegelComment

GERMANY - German magazine Der Spiegel says British PM David Cameron warned that the UK could leave the EU if Luxembourg ex-PM Jean-Claude Juncker became president of the European Commission. It reported Mr Cameron as saying that the appointment could destabilise his government, which may bring forward referendum plans on EU membership. Downing Street has not yet commented.

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Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)