US and China square off at Asia security forum

SINGAPORE - The United States and China squared off at an Asian security forum on Saturday, with the US defense secretary accusing Beijing of destabilizing the region and a top Chinese general retorting that his comments were "threat and intimidation".

Rickards predicts collapse of global monetary system

USA - The collapse of the monetary system awaits the world in the near future, says financial expert James Rickards. Russia and China's desire to rid the US dollar of its global reserve currency status is an early sign of the “increasingly inevitable” crisis. “China has three trillion dollars, but they are buying gold as fast as they can. China worries that the US is going to devalue the dollar through inflation so they want to have a hedge if the dollar goes down, so the price of gold will go up,” Rickards told RT.

Abbas: Israel is Threatening Us, but We'll RespondComment

MIDDLE EAST - Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said Saturday that Israel had threatened to cut ties with the PA if the PLO and Hamas formed a government of national unity, but added that he was prepared to respond to the threats. According to the Bethlehem-based Ma’an news agency, Abbas made the statements during a visit of French solidarity activists in Ramallah. He reportedly said that the unity government should be formed by Monday, and would be "composed of independents and experts, not members of Fatah or Hamas or any other organization."

Unresolved differences may delay announcement of Palestinian unity government

MIDDLE EAST - Hamas announced on Sunday that differences with Fatah over the formation of a unity government have still not been resolved. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said that his party was not consulted about the intention to announce the unity government on Monday.

Iranian commander says collapse of US empire is near

IRAN - The deputy commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, Brigadier General Hossein Salami said that the US’s status in the world has deteriorated and that its collapse is near. “Today nowhere in the Muslim world” does anyone pull out “a red carpet for American officials and that’s why [US President Barack] Obama secretly” showed up at Bagram military base in Afghanistan without first letting President Hamid Karzai know, said Salami according to a report by Iran’s Fars news agency. “And this shows that the US empire is coming to an end,” he said.

Iran Threatens to Annihilate Israel if US Attacks

IRAN - A senior Iranian commander threatened on Friday that any American attack on Iran will result in “the annihilation of the Israeli regime”. “They know that aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran would mean annihilation of Tel Aviv and spread of war into the United States,” the commander, Massoud Jazayeri, was quoted by the Fars news agency as having said.

Drugs and prostitution add £10 billion a year to UK economy

UK - Prostitution and illegal drugs are contributing around £10 billion a year to the British economy, according to official data. More than half of that - £5.3 billion - is attributable to prostitution, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said on Thursday, while illegal drugs are worth £4.4 billion. Together, these shadowy activities are likely to increase the level of GDP in 2009 - the most recent year which the ONS has calculated the data for - by around £10 billion. Other illegal activities, such as the smuggling of alcohol and tobacco, are already included in GDP and make up some £300 million. The inclusion of illegal drugs and prostitution is part of radical changes being made to European Union regulations on calculating GDP.

When the Partner Stages a Putsch

THAILAND - With a degree of apprehension, Berlin is watching developments in Thailand following last Thursday's putsch. Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier immediately and strongly condemned the coup and demanded that "new elections be soon" held. Observers warn that otherwise the situation could escalate and lead to uncontrollable controversies, which, strategically, would be a blow to Berlin, since the German Foreign Ministry considers Thailand to be "one of its most important political partners" in Southeast Asia.

Global Policy OrientationComment

GERMANY - In the debate over a possible expansion of EU sanctions against Russia, the German chancellor is suggesting a possible continuation of cooperation with Moscow. "In the intermediate and long term," Merkel explained, "the close partnership with Russia should be continued." She sees "no necessity" in a policy of "isolating" Russia, patterned on the cold war's "containment" policy. Merkel was reacting to the persisting anxiety in leading German business circles, that sanctions against Russia could seriously dampen their expansion opportunities.

Author Says Earthquakes Are Predictable

USA - Mainstream science says that earthquakes cannot be predicted, but David Nabhan author of “Earthquake Prediction: Answers in Plain Slight” says otherwise. Nabhan is a former teacher in California and now lives in Pittsburgh. He became interested in earthquakes while he was the earthquake preparedness coordinator for the school he worked at. He says he noticed every earthquake happened at dusk or dawn.

Massive Indonesian volcano eruption grounds flights

INDONESIA - A huge volcanic eruption in Indonesia has covered the region in a vast cloud of ash, grounding flights in Australia and south east Asia. Sangeang Api, a volcano off the Indonesian island of Sumbawa, which lies in one of the most active areas of the Pacific ‘ring of fire’, has erupted at least three times since Friday. Dramatic images show smoke, ash and debris shooting into the sky, while a flying saucer shaped current of gas wraps around the plumes. The ash cloud from the first eruption is around 20,000 and 50,000 feet high and around 15 km wide, according to reports. It is moving south-easterly over Australia.

Pope Francis lauds fraternal dialogue with Muslims, Jews

TEMPLE MOUNT, ISRAEL - Pope Francis spent a large part of the third day of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land meeting with Muslim and Jewish leaders, praising the shared commitment to dialogue. “We are experiencing a fraternal dialogue and exchange which is able to restore us and offer us new strength to confront the common challenges before us,” the Pope told Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem on May 26… The Pontiff took the opportunity to reflect on the figure of Abraham, “who lived as a pilgrim in these lands,” and serves as an important figure to the three major religions.

What The Pope Heard on the Temple Mount

TEMPLE MOUNT, ISRAEL - [Here is a] translation from the Arabic of the words spoken to the Pope at his reception by Muslims during his visit to the Temple Mount on May 26, 2014. The first speaker is Sheikh Abdul Azim Salhab, president of the Council of the Islamic Waqf in Jerusalem and the second is the Mufti of Jerusalem and preacher of the Al Aqsa Mosque, Mohammed Hussein.

Palestinians riot on Temple Mount as Jews gather at Wall for Jerusalem Day

TEMPLE MOUNT, ISRAEL - Less than 48 hours after Pope Francis beseeched Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti to condemn violence on the Temple Mount, rioting ensued there Wednesday morning as thousands of Jews gathered nearby at the Western Wall in observance of Jerusalem Day.

'Islamic Movement in Israel serving as front for Hamas activities at Temple Mount'

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - The Shin Bet (Israeli Security Agency) announced Thursday that a senior Hamas operative, who was arrested at the Allenby Bridge last month, revealed during his interrogation that Hamas uses the Islamic Movement in Israel as a front to advance its activities and goals in Jerusalem. The operative, Mahmoud Toama, is a member of Hamas's General Shura Council, headed by Khaled Mashaal, which is the body responsible for making all of the organization's policy decisions in all fields, including military decisions, according to the Shin Bet.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)