Islamist Temple Mount Rally to Rid Site of ‘Jewish Filth’Comment

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Incitement that heats up the atmosphere among Muslim worshipers at the Temple Mount is a regular offering at the Al Aqsa Mosque — but the Israeli government has yet to do anything concrete to stop it. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has translated video footage of a rally held just last week at the mosque by a radical Islamist group, the Hizb ut-Tahrir Islamic Liberation Party.

Police Withdraw Temple Mount Ban on Jewish Activist

TEMPLE MOUNT, ISRAEL - The police informed the Supreme Court, Thursday, that it was withdrawing its ban on Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick going up to the holy site. The announcement came just before the tribunal was to hear a petition by Rabbi Glick against the four-month ban, which was imposed two months ago. The police also promised not to distance Glick in the future without a hearing. He wrote on his Facebook page, "It's a pity that it takes a hunger strike and a petition to the Supreme Court to receive the obvious thing."

The Pope, the Mufti, and Other Great Men of Peace

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman join the entire nation of Israel in celebrating the joyous holiday of Jerusalem Day, marking the 47th anniversary of the holy city's liberation and reunification. The holiness and eternity of Jerusalem emanates from the Temple Mount, its very heart. This week, Pope Francis visited Israel and stopped off at the Temple Mount, where he embraced the Mufti of Jerusalem, the very same Mufti who has repeatedly called for the annihilation of the Jews.

Israeli and Palestinian Presidents to Meet at Vatican on June 8Comment

VATICAN - Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will meet at the Vatican and pray for peace together at an unprecedented gathering on June 8, the Vatican said on Thursday.

In one of his boldest political gestures since his election in March 2013, Pope Francis during his trip to the Holy Land last week invited the two leaders to come to the Vatican and hold a joint prayer meeting with him. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said the two had accepted that the meeting would take place on a Sunday afternoon. That morning the pope will be presiding at a Pentecost Sunday service in St Peter's Square. It was not clear, however, how the unusual prayer encounter could break decades of mutual mistrust. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the key Israeli decision-maker, will not be at the prayer meeting. Furthermore, Peres is due to leave office in July.

How the pope triumphed over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

ISRAEL - The strange, lukewarm visit of Pope Francis to the Holy Land is now a couple of days past. The rhetoric and imagery produced by the visit have been assessed and reassessed from every imaginable perspective, and something close to a consensus has developed: the Pope didn’t make any mistakes. It is hard to convey, perhaps, the scale of this achievement, but it must be attempted because it reveals much about the conflict, and about the Pope.

Reflection: Pope and Patriarch: The Ecumenism of Suffering!

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - The meeting between Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Sunday May 25th was yet another milestone on the way towards full Eucharistic unity between Catholics and Orthodox. Pope Francis highlighted that ecumenism especially in the Middle East today was a way of suffering and blood, pointing out that when Christians are persecuted or killed, nobody asks them whether they are Catholic or Orthodox. As they met to pray in that ancient church complex where Christ was crucified and laid to rest in the garden tomb, both church leaders looked forward in hope.

Analysis: Jerusalem Is Israel's Heart, but Airspace Is Its Lungs

ISRAEL - In the wake of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's statement that Jerusalem is “Israel’s Heart,” Mark Langfan, Arutz Sheva security analyst, notes that the airspace of Judea and Samaria is “Israel’s lungs,” and just as irreplaceable. Langfan states, “Without Israeli absolute and total control of the ‘lungs,’ the airspace of Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”), Tel Aviv, and Israel’s coastal plain that holds 70% of Israel’s Jewish population would be indefensible.”

Police Gear Up for Temple Mount Riots

ISRAEL - Israeli police decided to limit entrance to Muslim visitors going to pray at the mosques on the Temple Mount on Friday, following intelligence that was received indicating there are plans to riot at the holy site. On Jerusalem Day this Wednesday, masked Arab youths threw stones at Israeli police on the Temple Mount, leaving at least one officer lightly wounded. Rabbi Chaim Richman, International Director of the Temple Institute, told Arutz Sheva after the tour “if we stand up for our rights, G-d will do His part as well… the Muslims understand this, which is why they violently oppose us. Seeing the opposition makes us laugh, because it is clear that they see that the Jewish people are returning to the Temple Mount and that makes them afraid. They know that it is only a matter of time until we rebuild the Holy Temple.”

Rabbi Rabinowitz to Pope: ‘The People of Israel Live On, in the Land of Israel’

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - After a visit to the Dome of the Rock and after descending from the Temple Mount Pope Francis visited the Western Wall (Kottel) today (May 26), where he prayed and placed a note among the Kotel’s stones. Before approaching the Holy site the Pope received a briefing on the history of the Temple Mount by a guide using a three dimensional map. The Pope heard of the two Jewish Temples, their destruction, and the evolving architecture of the Temple Mount.

Claim: Vatican Hoarding Second Temple Vessels

ISRAEL - Rabbi claims that Pope Francis knows full well where Jewish religious objects are being kept, is hiding them to avoid legal consequences. The Vatican is evading questions on whether or not it is holding religious artifacts from the Second Temple, Rabbi Yonatan Shtenzel told Arutz Sheva correspondents Wednesday, in what he calls "diplomatic evasion." Talmudic sources, including passages from Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Yossi, note that several of the holy vessels from the Second Temple ended up in the Vatican's hands, Rabbi Shtenzel said.

Netanyahu Promises 'Jerusalem Will Never Be Divided'

ISRAEL - Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat spoke at the special Jerusalem Day ceremony Wednesday, honoring 47 years since the reunification of the Holy City. "Jerusalem was unified 47 years ago and it will never be redivided," Netanyahu said. "Since that day, Jerusalem has developed; it is prosperous and flourishing." Netanyahu committed, in his remarks, to keep focused on Jerusalem's future - despite international and leftist pressure to undermine its importance.

David Cameron wins first skirmish in battle over EU top job

EUROPE - Europe's leaders back away from appointing a federalist Jean-Claude Juncker to the European Union's most senior job in a victory for David Cameron. As European leaders dined on salmon carpaccio, roast beef and artichokes on Tuesday night, the Prime Minister warned them not to "shrug off" last weekend's popular Europe-wide election backlash with business as usual for an EU that was "too big and too bossy".

Will Europe wake up?

EUROPE - Commenting on the results of the European Parliament elections in the Guardian on May 26, British historian Timothy Garton Ash concluded by declaring: “I have a dreadful feeling in my bones that future historians may write of the May 2014 elections: ‘This was the wake-up call from which Europe failed to wake up’.” Whether Europe wakes up or not, however, the nightmare appears set to continue. Europe is on a downward spiral, having lost its sense of collective destiny, and its parts are working like cancer cells to eat at the whole. The anti-EU right-wing continues to gain, though not enough perhaps to tip the balance yet, but the real tragedy today are the “indifferents,” in other words the Europeans who did not come out to vote for the EU in order to oppose those who are against it.

The far-Right is back – has the EU incubated fascism?

EUROPE - While Britain was cheering the defeat of Nick Griffin, Europe was embracing the far-Right. In France, Austria, Greece, Dennmark and elsewhere, nationalists benefited from the collapse of the centre and the humiliation of the establishment. The whole point of the EU was surely to put the ghosts of fascism to rest. Yet they stalk the land once more. Are we seeing a failure to confront the continent's dark history, a brief blip in progress – or a reversion to the instinctive politics of fear?

Is it the Bilderberg conference – or conspiracy?

DENMARK - Conspiracy theorists may chuckle when they learn a debate entitled “Does Privacy Exist?” is to feature at this year’s Bilderberg conference, the notoriously secretive gathering of the world’s most powerful bankers, politicians and business people.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)