Labor MK proposes permitting Jewish prayer on Temple Mount

TEMPLE MOUNT, ISRAEL - The Jewish people will be allowed to pray freely at their holiest site, Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, according to a controversial bill proposed by Labor MK and former Jerusalem city councilman Hilik Bar. Bar, who sponsored the bill together with Likud MK Miri Regev, wants prayer for Jews to be legalized and set in a way that would not harm the Muslim religious Wakf and would be sensitive to Islam.

Economist Ken Rogoff calls for European Union army

EUROPE - The European Union must pull closer collectively and establish a powerful military presence, so it can act as a ​"​moral anchor​"​ to the United States, the economist Kenneth Rogoff has warned. Speaking ahead of next week​'​s European elections, Mr Rogoff, a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, stated the EU really should strive to grow to be additional ​"​like a single country​"​.

EU leaders are allowing Europe to 'sleepwalk into new conflict just like First World War'

GERMANY - Helmut Schmidt, 95, claimed the crisis in Ukraine is "increasingly comparable" to the period leading up to the 1914-1918 Great War. And he blamed the European Commission and NATO for seriously misreading the worst East-West tension since the end of the Cold War. "I think very little of talking up the threat of World War III, and especially of demands for more money to arm NATO," he told German newspaper Bild. "But the danger that the situation gets ever more tense, as it did in August 1914, is growing day by day."

Germany's Kohl says Europe 'a question of war and peace'

GERMANY - Former German chancellor Helmut Kohl, deemed the father of national reunification, on Thursday urged closer EU integration and warned that "Europe remains a question of war and peace". In a rare interview ahead of May 22-25 European parliamentary elections Kohl, one of the key architects of the continent's push toward unity, also said Europe must be "a matter of the heart" for its people.

Atheist TV: Coming soon to a television near you

USA - Speaking at a gathering of local atheists, humanists, freethinkers and other nontheists in a chemistry lecture hall at Stanford University, David Silverman, president of American Atheists, a national advocacy group for nontheists, announced Tuesday (May 6) that his New Jersey-based organization would launch the first television channel dedicated to atheism in July. “Why are we going to television?” he asked the audience, a mix of about 100 students and people from the local community. “It’s part of our strategy of going where we are not.” Silverman, 49, said the television channel, which will be available via Roku, an Internet streaming player that attaches to televisions like a cable box, will run atheist content seven days a week, 24 hours a day. He estimated it will reach 7 million households and will be free, at least initially.

The United States of Europe: EU's answer to Russia?

UK - Only a strong single European state would be able to fend off the threat from Russia and solve the euro crisis, a prominent supporter of a federal Europe tells Channel 4 News.

EU elections 2014: Does Germany rule your world?

GERMANY - Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, has been portrayed as Hitler’s daughter. And her country has been painted as “an imperial power that will not be loved or admired by the rest, but hated and resisted”, in a warning by George Soros, the financier, “because it will be perceived as an oppressive power”. His is not a lone voice of complaint. Indeed from Rome to Dublin, from Athens to Madrid, there has been a mounting chorus of disapproval directed at Germany over the terms it imposed - as the biggest lender - when helping out stricken European economies, especially Greece, Spain and Cyprus.

A Fresh Perspective: Let my people pray on the Temple Mount

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - One of the greatest infringements on civil rights in the Western democratic world has yet to gain the much deserved attention of human rights groups. It is time to let Jews pray on the Temple Mount. One need not agree or identify with Feiglin or Glick in order to accept that they have a basic right to freedom of religion. In fact, the infringement on human rights here is so clear that one must wonder why human rights organizations are not lining up to condemn the Wakf for stopping Jewish prayers on the Temple Mount.

Ukraine 'as close to a civil war as you can get', says Sergei Lavrov

RUSSIA - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday that Ukraine is on the brink of civil war, making it difficult to hold free and fair elections later this month. "When Ukrainians kill Ukrainians I believe this is as close to a civil war as you can get," Lavrov said in an interview with Bloomberg television. Lavrov added that "in east and south of Ukraine there is a war, a real war, with heavy weaponry used. And if this is conducive to free and fair elections then I don't recognise what free and fair is." Ukraine is due to hold crunch presidential elections on May 25.

Jerusalem Imam to Muslims: Invade Israel!

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - An imam at the Al Aqsa Mosque atop Jerusalem’s Temple Mount has publicly urged the armies of the Arab world to invade Israel thus fulfilling the great Muslim longing of destroying the hated “Zionist entity.” In a televised sermon from Milan, Italy that was broadcast by Al Jazeera, Imam Raed Al-Daan said that Muslims everywhere are beginning to realize that “the Jewish state will vanish, and that the morning sun will rise on Palestine.” Al-Daan went on to state that he and the other clerics who serve on the Temple Mount as part of the Palestinian Authority-appointed Islamic Trust (Waqf) “await the legions of the conquerors. We await the armies from Tunisia, from Jordan, from Egypt, from Iraq, from the Maghreb (Morocco and Algeria), and from the Hijaz (Saudi Arabia).” To clarify that he was not speaking of a Palestinian state confined to the so-called “West Bank,” Al-Daan repeatedly referred to Muslims shouting victory cries from Israeli cities such as Jaffa, Haifa, Beit Shean, Lod and Ramle.

Thousands flee California 'fire in the sky'

LOS ANGELES, USA - Thousands of people fled raging wildfires in southern California which destroyed homes and triggered evacuations at a nuclear power plant, a military base and a Legoland amusement park. The blazes, which also closed a major north-south highway, come amid record temperatures in the western US state, where the annual wildfire season typically starts much later in the year. California and other western US states are routinely hit with wildfires during the summer and fall, but blazes have occurred earlier in the year in recent times. Southern California including Los Angeles has been bracing for record temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) this week…

Back to the Israelite Kingdom

ISRAEL - Western states aspire to be liberal and open, while Israel is withdrawing into itself. Why a president? Actually, why not a king? King of Israel. As Israel gallops toward its past, basing its existence and character on what was here (or not) thousands of years ago, we cannot rule out reinstating the monarchy: the United Monarchy and the kings. Why not a king? There’s no lack of candidates, it’s a relatively simple procedure.

FCC approves plan to consider paid priority on Internet

USA - The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted in favor of advancing a proposal that could dramatically reshape the way consumers experience the Internet, opening the possibility of Internet service providers charging websites for higher-quality delivery of their content to American consumers. The plan, approved in a three-to-two vote along party lines, could unleash a new economy on the Web where an Internet service provider such as Verizon would charge a website such as Netflix for faster video streaming. The proposal is not a final rule, but the vote on Thursday is a significant step forward on a controversial idea that has invited fierce opposition from consumer advocates, Silicon Valley heavyweights, and Democratic lawmakers. The FCC will now open the proposal to a total 120 days of public comment.

Ohio College Considering Mandatory Transgender Sensitivity Training

USA - Oberlin College is considering a set of rules in the athletics department which would include mandatory transgender sensitivity training for all of its staff and coaches. The “Guidelines for Inclusion and Respectful Treatment of Intercollegiate Transgender Student Athletes” was developed for the college by the school’s Transgender Participation Advisory Committee, Campus Reform reported. “It is basically intended to sort of be a 101,” Emily Clarke, a junior and member of the committee, told Campus Reform. “We also talk about choice, privilege and agency in presentation of gender and pronouns and ends with trans-allyship dos and don’ts. It’s basically like, don’t question people about their transitioning processes, respect pronouns and names, don’t use ‘ladies’ or ‘gentlemen’ when addressing a group of people.” The new guidelines would replace pronouns “he/him/his/she/her/hers” with “they/them/theirs.”

Japan PM Abe calls for new defence law interpretation

JAPAN - Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has called for a new interpretation of the constitution, which could pave the way for the military to fight overseas. His call came hours after a panel of advisers - picked by Mr Abe - released a report recommending changes to defence laws. Japan's constitution bans acts of war and "the threat or use of force" to settle international disputes. China has criticised the move, accusing Japan of taking "negative actions". Under Article 9 of its post-war pacifist constitution, Japan is blocked from the use of force to resolve conflicts except in the case of self-defence.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)