De-Dollarization: Russia Is On The Verge Of Dealing A Massive Blow To The Petrodollar

USA - Is the petrodollar monopoly about to be shattered? When US politicians started slapping economic sanctions on Russia, they probably never even imagined that there might be serious consequences for the United States. But now the Russian media is reporting that the Russian Ministry of Finance is getting ready to pull the trigger on a "de-dollarization" plan. The fact that the Russian government has held a meeting to discuss "getting rid of the US dollar in Russian export operations" should be front page news on every mainstream news website in the United States. That is how big this is. But instead, we have heard nothing from the big mainstream news networks about this so far. If Russia starts asking for payment in currencies other than the US dollar, that will essentially end the monopoly of the petrodollar.

Taser Tots: Indiana Police Taser Ten Year Old Boy At Day Care

USA - We have previously discussed the increasing use of tasers by police in circumstances where other avenues were available, including cases involving young children. Now we have a case where two Indiana police officers tasered a 10-year-old, 94-pound boy at the Tender Teddies Day Care in Martinsville. The officers from the Martinsville Police Department responded to a report of an unruly child at a home day care location. Such calls are not uncommon, particularly with so many children with emotional or developmental problems. However, after the police arrived, they introduced tasers at Tender Teddies Day Care as witnesses watched in horror. Even the Martinsville Police Chief Jon Davis has acknowledged that his officers could have avoided using a stun gun on a child and has put the two officers on administrative leave pending investigation.

The Tiger and the Bear: China-Russia Alliance Shrouded in Mystery

RUSSIA - A meeting this month could offer a peek behind the curtain at the countries' powerful partnership. The progression of the countries' relationship remains as steady as it is mysterious. China and Russia have learned to lean on one another, sometimes strategically, and sometimes because they require each other to keep the lights on. As Russia continues to meddle in eastern Ukraine, China has been reticent to respond despite its highly publicized interest in investment there last year. The situation is yet another telltale sign that much of this powerful alliance has been forged and maintained deep behind closed doors. The latest incarnation of Russian and Chinese leadership will meet again this month to potentially finalize details of a critical energy alliance. Such an accord will offer new clues into Russia’s apparent neo-Soviet designs and China’s desires to become a legitimate 21st-century superpower.

President-Sanctioned Prison Break

USA - Texas Republican Representative Lamar Smith reacted harshly to a new report detailing the crimes committed by 36,007 criminal immigrants that Immigration and Customs Enforcement released last year. “This would be considered the worst prison break in American history, except it was sanctioned by the President and perpetrated by our own immigration officials.” An internal Department of Homeland Security document revealed that last year ICE released 36,007 criminal immigrants who had nearly 88,000 convictions. The document further broke down the crimes and number of convictions – including 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, and 1,075 aggravated assault convictions.

Europe’s Red Rottweiler: Martin Schulz

EUROPE - The saddest moment of Martin Schulz’s life came at the age of 24. He was an unemployed drunk with no girlfriend and no high school degree. He contemplated suicide. Now he is Europe’s No. 1 socialist reaching for the top job — as president of the European Commission in Brussels. Schulz is leading Europe’s center-left parties into parliamentary elections on May 25 and his agenda is bold: Curb the power of banks, institute higher taxes on the rich and create a more centralized government system for Europe with a common fiscal policy.

A 'nightmare becoming reality'? Iran unveils American drone replica

TEHRAN, IRAN - Iran has unveiled its own copy of an American stealth drone it captured in late 2011, claiming to have cracked the “secrets” of the bat-wing craft and added weapons capabilities. Today, Fars News Agency reported that while Iran’s duplicate of the US RQ-170 Sentinel drone was smaller, it also had a “bombing capability to attack the US warships in any possible battle.” The story in Persian was headlined: “America’s nightmare has become reality.” State television showed footage on Sunday it said was of a US aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf filmed by an Iranian drone. The drone replica was unveiled at an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) exhibition on Sunday, where Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was briefed on how the drone, its systems, and structure had been reverse-engineered. He called it a “sweet day.”

DHS Emails Reveal US May Have Terrorist “Hands Off” List

USA - The Obama administration appears to have a terrorist “hands off” list that permits individuals with extremist ties to enter the country, according to internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents obtained by a United States Senator. It’s unimaginable that any government would do this, but it seems like the Obama administration is constantly breaking new ground.

Google must delete your data if you ask, EU rules

EUROPE - The European Union’s top court has ruled that data about individuals held by Google must be deleted on request. Judges in the European Court of Justice ruled that Google cannot link to personal information about an individual, although the ruling only compels Google to remove the link rather than the removal of the information from the web itself. This means users of Facebook, Twitter and other social media can still share personal information about others so long as it remains online. The European Court of Justice said an individual has the right "to be forgotten" when such personal data "appear to be inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant, or excessive in relation to the purpose for which they were processed and in the light of the time that has elapsed."

If Economic Cycle Theorists Are Correct, 2015 To 2020 Will Be Pure Hell For The United States

USA - Does the economy move in predictable waves, cycles or patterns? There are many economists that believe that it does, and if their projections are correct, the rest of this decade is going to be pure hell for the United States. Many mainstream economists want nothing to do with economic cycle theorists, but it should be noted that economic cycle theories have enabled some analysts to correctly predict the timing of recessions, stock market peaks and crashes over the past couple of decades. Of course none of the theories are perfect, but it is very interesting to note that all of them seem to indicate that the US economy is about to enter a major downturn. So will the period of 2015 to 2020 turn out to be pure hell for the United States? We will just have to wait and see.

Chemicals in soap can cause male infertility, claim scientists

UK - Chemicals in common household products such as toothpaste, soap and plastic toys have a direct impact on human sperm which could help explain rising levels of male infertility, scientists have found. One in three “non-toxic” chemicals used in the manufacture of everyday items significantly affected the potency of sperm cells, which may account for the high incidence of unexplained infertility in the human population, the researchers said. It is the first time that a study has found a direct effect of the many ubiquitous man made chemicals in the environment on a vital function of human sperm. The findings will raise further concerns about the hidden toxicity of chemicals deemed safe by toxicology tests.

Unable to find new location, Harvard club drops satanic black mass

USA - After being unable to find an off-campus location that would host the club's black mass, the Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club announced it would no longer be sponsoring the event, but the New York-based Satanic Temple planned to stage their own black mass at an "undisclosed private location." Earlier Monday, the Harvard University student club hosting a satanic black mass decided to move the event off campus, but was having difficulty finding a location. Just after 5 pm, the Harvard Crimson reported that the event, which is scheduled to take place at 8 pm has been moved off campus due to "grave misinterpretations about the nature of the event."

Stop calling teachers 'Miss' or 'Sir', pupils are told

UK - Traditional teachers’ titles such as “Sir” and “Miss” should be consigned to history because they discriminate against women, according to academics. Pupils should be encouraged to use teachers’ first names to bring schools up-to-date and ensure children are not exposed “to the prejudices of the previous generation”, it was claimed. Experts said the use of "Sir" for men and "Miss" for all female teachers – irrespective of marital status – was old-fashioned and “embodies the massive status disparity and sexism of previous years”. But one school leader defended the terms, insisting they represented a mark of respect.

Surrogate motherhood creates an ethical minefield

CANADA - The announcement by Quebec radio host Joel Legendre that, later this summer, he and his male partner, Junior Bombardier, would become the parents of twin baby girls has received much media attention. It’s reported that the babies were conceived using “an ovum bought from an American [gamete] bank” and are being carried by a Quebec surrogate mother, who became pregnant though in vitro fertilization (IVF) paid for by the Quebec government healthcare fund (RAMQ). What ethical issues does this scenario raise? Quebec’s Civil Code provides that surrogate motherhood contracts are null and void ab initio, that is, cannot be enforced. That reflects the view that surrogacy is contrary to public policy and, therefore, not to be condoned or facilitated. Paid surrogacy degrades and exploits women, especially under-privileged ones who become a “breeder class”, commodifies children, and denigrates human reproduction.

Warren Buffett has given $1.2 billion to abortion groups

USA - May 13, 2014, marks one year since Philadelphia abortion provider Dr Kermit Gosnell was convicted of first-degree murder “in the deaths of three babies who were delivered alive and then killed with scissors at his grimy, ‘house of horrors’ clinic,” according to the Associated Press. Gosnell instantly became the face of abortion in the prolife community. But there’s another, more recognizable face pushing abortion in the US – liberal billionaire Warren Buffett. The so-called “Oracle of Omaha” has donated more than $1.2 billion to abortion organizations from 2001 to 2012. That’s equal to the cost of roughly 2.7 million first-trimester abortions – more than twice the number of abortions that occur in an entire year in the United States. Unlike Gosnell, however, everything Buffett has done has been entirely legal. But Buffett does share something else in common with the abortionist. Both their stories have been largely unreported.

Israeli rabbi and American pastor recruit Pope Francis for Freedom to Pray on the Temple Mount

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Change is coming to the temple mount. As Pope Francis makes his “pilgrimage of prayer” to Jordan and Israel on May 24-26, Israeli Rabbi Yehudah Glick and American Pastor Keith Johnson have rolled out the red carpet of recruitment for Pope Francis to be an ambassador for the Freedom to Pray on the Temple Mount movement.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)