Knesset Temple Mount debate raises hackles in Arab world

ISRAEL - A Knesset debate Tuesday on Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount set off intense criticism in the Arab world, including in countries with which Israel has signed peace treaties. Egypt’s foreign minister, Nabil Fahmy, warned Tuesday in a statement that an Israeli declaration of sovereignty over the contested site could lead to an “explosion’” in the region.

'There is No Temple Mount, Only Al-Aqsa Mosque'

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - Following on the historic Knesset debate over Jewish prayer rights and Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, the Interior Committee chaired by MK Miri Regev (Likud Beytenu) discussed Jewish entry to the site on Wednesday morning. The discussion was punctuated by provocative statements by Arab MKs, foremost among them Taleb Abu Arar (Raam-Taal) who claimed the Jews have no reason to visit the 3,000 year old site of their First and Second Temple, in a fine example of historical revisionism. As the committee meeting showed, the Tuesday discussion on the Temple Mount has sparked an increase in dialogue about the holy site. It also led to hurried talks and "concern" about Jewish demands for rights on their holiest site among senior officials in Egypt, the Arab League, and Jordan, where MPs called to end the peace treaty with Israel.

Why Are China and Japan Inching Toward War Over Five Tiny Islands?

JAPAN - Five tiny uninhabited islands slumber in the Pacific Ocean a short distance from Taiwan, China, and Japan. The Japanese call them the Senkaku Islands. The Chinese call them the Diaoyu Islands. Japan controls the islands, but China wants them. While international law favors Japan, it would be a mistake to think the law will stop China from grabbing them. That means that even though no one uses the islands currently for anything, if World War III takes place anytime soon, this is where it will start — implausible as that may sound.

Germany’s Hypocrisy on NSA Surveillance

GERMANY – Many American allies are still seething over the steady stream of revelations about the depth and breadth of the National Security Agency’s surveillance network. None is more upset than Germany. German outrage was simmering even before reports in late October that the NSA had targeted German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone. After, it boiled over. Merkel called President Obama to confront him over the spying.

Key food crops head to Arctic 'doomsday vault'

NORWAY - More than 20,000 crops from more than 100 nations have arrived at a "Doomsday vault" in the Arctic Circle. The latest delivery coincides with the sixth anniversary of the frozen depository in Svalbard, which now houses more than 800,000 samples.

Iran Has the Bomb

IRAN - A prudent US foreign and defense policy would assume that Iran's nuclear weapons program is probably on a par with North Korea's. For several years now, myself and others have been warning that Iran probably already has the bomb. Contrary to Obama Administration promises that they will know when Iran crosses "the red line" to build the bomb, we have warned that such claims are false. US intelligence is not good enough to so precisely and with such high confidence monitor and verify the status of Iran's nuclear weapons program.

Pope calls for calm in Venezuela as both sides march

VENEZUELA - Pope Francis on Wednesday called for an end to violence in Venezuela that has killed at least 13 people and urged politicians to take the lead in calming the nation's worst unrest for a decade. Both political camps were marching in cities around the country, with the focus being rallies in different parts of the capital Caracas: one by female opposition supporters and another by agricultural workers who support the socialist government. Students and other opponents of President Nicolas Maduro are demanding he quit over grievances including high inflation, shocking levels of violent crime, shortages of basic foodstuffs, and what they say is his repression of political rivals.

Cattle Rise to Record High, Hogs Gain on Shrinking Meat Supply

USA - Cattle futures rose to a record high as ranchers struggle to boost the US herd from a 63-year low, and hogs climbed to a 34-month high after a virus that kills piglets spread, spurring concerns that meat supplies will shrink. Beef output in the US, the world’s top producer, will fall 5.3 percent this year to 24.35 billion pounds (11.04 million metric tons), the lowest since 1994, the Department of Agriculture has forecast. At the start of this year, the cattle herd fell to 87.7 million head, the lowest since 1951, following drought and high feed costs. Porcine epidemic virus has killed more than 4 million pigs, according to an industry group.

In Mississippi, 72% of the Babies Aborted Are Black

USA - Although whites outnumber blacks in Mississippi by nearly 2-to-1, 71.67% of the babies aborted in Mississippi are black, while 26.6% are white. Based on data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 39,052 black babies were killed by abortions in Mississippi between 1995 and 2010. During that same time period, 14,529 white babies were aborted in the Magnolia State.

Israel Hosts German Cabinet in Jerusalem

ISRAEL - Third-term German Chancellor Angela Merkel and 16 ministers in her new coalition government arrived Monday evening for inter-governmental consultations with Israeli counterparts in Jerusalem. Hosted by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Merkel-led delegation is by far the largest of five Cabinet-level consultations held in the past several years and marks 50 years of bilateral diplomatic ties.

Germany’s Merkel backs main Israeli stances in peace talks

ISRAEL - German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed public support Tuesday for Israel’s security requirements and its demand to be recognized by the Palestinians as a Jewish state, giving a boost to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s flagship positions while also backing ongoing peace talks. Merkel, in the country for an intergovernmental meeting, also reiterated her opposition to Israeli expansion of West Bank settlements, saying they make a positive outcome of the talks less likely. “We in the federal government support a two-state solution – a Palestinian state and a Jewish state of Israel,” the German leader said at a press conference in Jerusalem’s King David Hotel. “We also support Israel’s security requirements to be able to finally live in secure borders.”

Pope Francis: the Vatican shake-up begins

VATICAN - Pope Francis's shake-up of the sclerotic Vatican has begun. Today he appointed the Australian Cardinal George Pell to head a new department: he'll leave Sydney to become Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy “which will have authority over all economic and administrative activities within the Holy See and the Vatican City State”. The new Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, effectively the Vatican's prime minister and foreign secretary, is making very significant cuts to his operations. This is from a priest contact in Rome: “The new secretary of state has written a letter to all offices saying that massive cuts are being imposed on all Vatican offices. All temporary contracts are being eliminated and no new employees are being hired.”

New Video Reveals 'The Truth About the UN'

UNITED NATIONS - Former Deputy Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the US Danny Ayalon has appeared in a new video entitled "The truth about the UN (United Nations)." In the video, Ayalon reveals the structural flaws that have turned the international body into a critic and enemy of the Jewish state.

'Jews Were in Israel Way Before Brits in Britain'

ISRAEL - Economics Minister and Jewish Home Chairman Naftali Bennett recently appeared on the BBC, where he argued the two-state solution has failed, and that Israel needs to reaffirm its Jewish nature.

The EU's Second Ring

GERMANY - In the aftermath of the Western-oriented putsch in Kiev, German politicians are preparing German public opinion for the disastrous deterioration of the Ukraine economic situation. Even though it was most recently suggested that the country could only expect a thriving development by linking up to the EU, it is now - truthfully - being announced that Ukraine is practically bankrupt.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)